The virulent infectious disease incident has been resolved, and the Navy and the CP organization are also making every effort to find the fruit of the disease, which is best never eaten by anyone, and if it is not done, it will be a disaster for the entire human world.

It is rare to come to the East China Sea again, Carl did not choose to return to the Navy Headquarters, there are several people he wants to meet on this side of the East China Sea.

"Old man, take me to meet your grandson, you don't mean that your grandson wants to be a pirate, with me, I promise to bring your grandson back to the right path"

Carl patted his chest and assured ~ Karp.

Ace and Luffy, the son of One Piece, the godson of the Four Emperors Whitebeard, the son of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and the future One Piece, this identity is incredible.

So Carl really wanted to meet the two of them, and by the way, let them taste the iron fist he loved.

In the future, Ace will be called Whitebeard's father, so Karp won't have more Whitebeard's son for nothing, and Ace's real son is Roger, and Roger has also become Karp's son.

Long Pingbai has two more awesome brothers for no reason.

Old man Karp beat himself, he couldn't beat him, so he took his two grandsons out of anger, and when he thought of Ace and Luffy being beaten by himself, squatting on the ground and crying, Carl's heart was extremely smooth.

"Forget it, the grandson of the old man, the old man, I will educate myself"

Looking at Carl's obviously ill-intentioned smile just now, Karp didn't worry about Carl at all, and Ace's identity was more sensitive, although he believed Carl, he didn't want Carl to get involved.

And his two grandsons both want to be pirates, and they want to become One Piece themselves, and if Carl stays with them for a long time, he will not be firm in his naval position.

"No, old man, you must take me there, otherwise I will always follow you"

Carl was anxious, why did this old man do this, he was here to help him, and he didn't even appreciate it.

Just as Carl was about to follow Karp all the time, the next moment, his body was lifted by Karp, this time not by the back of his neck, but by his neckline.

With a swipe, Carl's body was thrown out.

"Poof" he fell into the sea.

Gizono and Gaji, who were on the boat, looked at the car, fluttering their hands and feet, and then slowly sank, and a few bubbles bubbled up.

"Why are you stunned, if you don't fish, this kid will really sink to the bottom of the sea"

Karp took out the senbei and said without guilt, and then went back to the lounge, and when he left, he looked down at Xiong Ba, who was frightened and immediately buried his head in his hind legs.

"Woo woo"

There was also a whining sound in his mouth, and the bear, who was so good, was scared into a dog by Karp.


Karp's kobold ship drove away, and Gizono and Gaji boarded another boat, and on deck, Bear pressed against Carl's abdomen, who spewed a small fountain from his mouth.

After a few clicks, Carl woke up quietly.


Cook, are you okay, that old man I have already helped you run away, and I also saved your life, how can you thank me.

"Carl is alright?"

Giyuan on the side asked with concern.

"Gien Sister"

"Well, you say"

"If I kill Karp, won't Sengoku thank me"

Carl stood up calmly, looked around, and found that he was no longer on Karp's doghead, and the kobold ship was gone.

The old boy of the Warring States has long looked at Karp unpleasantly, and if I get rid of this unpleasant existence for him, the other party should thank me in my heart.

Gizono didn't know how to answer Carl's words for a while.

"Wait, old man, Granny Crane will avenge me," Karl said through gritted teeth.

When he was first thrown into the sea by Karp, he almost thought he was going to die, the Devil Fruit was so weak in the sea that you couldn't even struggle.

This old man Karp has gone too far this time, even if it is Kuzan, he will freeze me into an ice sculpture at most, or knock out a few teeth.

Old man Karp almost killed himself this time.

"There must be a reason why Lieutenant General Karp won't let you go, so let's just go back to the headquarters," Gion said.

"No return," Carl shook his head.

Even if Karp didn't lead the way, he knew that the place where Luffy and Ace were located was not the windmill village of the Goa Kingdom---- no, they should be at the bandit Dadan now.

Forget it, I still don't go, I think that if I really look for it, I will probably be hammered to death by the old man Karp, the hero doesn't suffer the loss in front of him, and he will endure him for a few years.

At the same time, it also shows that Karp really doesn't want Carl to come into contact with Luffy and Ace, at least not now.

"I heard that several members of the Sun Pirates who were imprisoned in Advance City came to the East China Sea from the Great Voyage because of Jinping's relationship, and these fishmen have great resentment towards humans."

······ Asking for flowers...

"The navy on this side of the East China Sea should not be their opponent, let's deal with them, right?"

Carl just wants to go to Cocosia Village to find Nami, if the other party's adoptive mother has been killed by Aaron and them, he will avenge Nami, if not, he will also kill Aaron to prevent the tragedy from happening.

As a traverser, you have to do something to change the plot, otherwise what are you doing when you cross over, do something serious to meet the identity of the traverser.

"How did you know that the fish-men had come to the East China Sea?"

Jia Ji was puzzled, he was also a major general anyway, why didn't he get any news at all.

"You care about me"

Carl replied angrily, he didn't bother to think about the excuse or something, and he wouldn't care about it anyway.

.... ,.............

"The remnants of the Sun Pirates, the navy of the East China Sea branch is really difficult to deal with," Gien said.

The East China Sea has only experienced a virulent infectious disease incident, and most of the navy is relatively scattered, so it is really not enough to see Ah Long and these pirates who have traveled the great voyage.

Cocosia Village, although I don't know where it is, but there is a map of the East China Sea on the ship, and Carl pretends to look at it, because this map is relatively large, and Cocosia Village is just a village.

Carl searched for an hour to find the village.

Then he drew a line on the map and said, "Let's get here from here, with the information I have gotten, this is the way these fishmen should go."

"What kind of information are you, it's unreliable, I always think you're scribbling," Jia Ji muttered on the side.

Carl didn't know the bottom of his heart, he didn't know if Ah Long and they came to the East China Sea, he knew that when Jinping became the Seven Martial Seas, he rescued Ah Long and them from the Advance City, which was also the condition for him to become the Seven Martial Seas.

In other words, if nothing else, Ah Long and they should already be in the East China Sea, they can't stay on the Great Voyage, and they don't want to go back to Fish-Man Island.

"Just go, if you don't want to go, you can go back first, I'll go with Sister Giyuan, anyway, it doesn't matter if you go or not" Karl said.

"Of course, I'll go wherever Giyuan goes," Jia Ji said hurriedly.

So the group set off to Cocosia Village to do such a great thing as changing the plot. _

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