Carl's heart and body are refusal, but Karp doesn't care so much, you don't let me fight, I want to hit you.

In the blink of an eye, the man had come to Carl, and he raised his fist to give Carl another iron fist of love, and Carl closed his eyes in despair.

"Karp is enough, Carl is my grandson".

Crane squeezed Karp's fist, and Yu Bo knocked over the vase on the table.

This vase is seven or eight meters away from him, and it can be blown down, if it wasn't blocked by Granny Crane, wouldn't he be ------ by this punch

Thinking of this, Karl said angrily: "Old man Karp, do you want to kill me?"

This old man, who is not light or heavy, if he really worships him as a teacher, it is estimated that he will really become the shortest-lived traverser.

As Karp said before, in the pirate world, if you don't become a strong man, then one day you will die at the hands of others, especially if you are still a navy, a navy that has the fruits of life.

There is a system in the development of fruits, and I will definitely be able to develop the fruits to the extreme, become the best doctor in the world, and ensure the safety of the navy.

Then at the same time, he will also become a thorn in the side of all pirates, a person who can ensure the combat effectiveness of the navy's top management, can pirates not hate.

So the ability to protect himself is a must, unless he doesn't come out of Marinfando, but maybe.

When you come to the world of pirates, if you don't go to sea, don't go to see the scenery of the sea, don't go to see the domineering of the Four Emperors, don't go to see their beauties, don't go to see the future One Piece, then why come to the world of pirates.

And to do all this, the first thing is strength.

Shengsheng Fruit, there is no ability to directly increase his strength at present, and there may be in the future, but relying on the ability of the fruit to strengthen himself, this Karl feels unrealistic, after all, the Shengsheng Fruit itself does not belong to the fruit of strengthening his own combat power.

Since the fruit ability is unreliable, then you can only rely on yourself, rely on cultivation to strengthen yourself, and become a pure body master like Karp.

If you become a master of physical arts, plus the healing ability of the fruit, and the passive ability to strengthen the body, several times the training effect and will not leave a dark injury, then -----

"Invincible, I'm going to be invincible-----


Karl opened his mouth, his eyes were glazed, and his saliva was about to flow, he had already thought that he would punch the Four Emperors and kick the Seven Martial Seas in the future.

"Silly, sequelae?".

Karp was stunned, could it be that the punch he just made was still effective, and the effect was very great, and everyone was stupid for himself.

"Carl, Carl!!".

Tsuru glared at Karp before shaking Karl's body.

"Ahem---- mother-in-law, I think my head hurts, I guess I was broken by Old Man Karp" Carl, who came back to his senses, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Little ghost, don't talk nonsense, what the hell is old man Karp, can you be respectful of the old man" Karp clenched his fists and looked at Carl with a threatening expression.

This little ghost, at the beginning, called himself Lieutenant General Karp, very polite, but now that he has only said a few words, he has called himself Karp Old Man.

Are you going to call me dead old man later, this sign must be stopped.

"Okay Karp, Karl's matter is put down first, it's not in a hurry now, what are you doing when you come to me this time" Crane looked at Karp and Karl with a little headache, the big one and the smallest, staring at each other.

A child, an old child, if they really become masters and apprentices, then it will be lively.

"I'll come and see you," Karp said dissatisfied.

"Hurry up, or you can leave, I'm going to make dinner for Carl," Tsuru said impatiently.

Carl looked at Karp with disdain, you can't lie, you show it all on your face.

"Little ghost, your eyes make me a little unhappy" Karp felt his fist itch again, and threatened to raise a sandbag-sized fist at Calyang.

"Karp!" said Tsuru heavily.

"Okay, okay, I'll just say it" Karp waved his hand, looking at Tsuru's face seemed to be a little angry, and hurriedly said: "It's about Roger".

Roger, Carl's ears moved, as the One Piece, Roger is now the most famous existence on the sea, and he can beat the other two legendary pirates to become the One Piece, he is definitely the most coquettish man on the sea.

"What's wrong with Roger".

"About Roger's execution?" Karp said.

The two did not shy away from Carl, because everyone on the sea knew that One Piece Roger was about to be executed in half a month later, in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, where he was born.

The Navy wants all pirates to know that there is no amount of pirates in this world that the Navy wants to catch, even if it is One Piece.

To catch One Piece and execute is to give a warning to all pirates, kill tigers and set an example.

"Didn't Marshal Empty leave this matter to you?"

Roger was captured by Karp, and Karp is the highest combat power in the navy, and he served as the escort Roger this time, and no pirates could save Roger from him.

In fact, Roger turned himself in, not caught by Karp, but the Navy would definitely not say this to the outside world, plus Karp forced Roger into danger many times, so he publicized that Karp had captured Roger.

Roger is the One Piece, the existence that all pirates yearn for, and the existence that many pirates want to replace, but the pirates do not allow Roger to die in the hands of the navy, which will be a shame for the pirates, and if One Piece wants to die, he can only die in the hands of the pirates.

"I wonder if we can execute Roger in another place, such as the North Sea, the West Sea, and the East Sea," Karp said.

Karp was certainly not afraid of pirates coming to Roger's rescue, he just didn't want Roger to die in the East China Sea, which was his hometown after all.

The death of One Piece in the East China Sea is both a deterrent and a provocation, which will definitely cause pirates from other seas to come to the East China Sea, and the East China Sea will definitely be turbulent at that time.

Tsuru shook her head, she thought of Karp's concerns: "This is decided by the five old stars, and the marshal of the sky is not qualified to oppose it."

"The land of birth and death, Rogue means a lot to Roger, he has to die in Rogue Town".

Roger, I really want to meet this big man, it's okay to ask for an autograph, this is the signature of One Piece, it is definitely very collectible, but I am a navy, I want the signature of One Piece, and if Granny Crane knows, will she not give me food.

Carl still thinks about it a lot, his eyes roll, he still wants the autograph very much, but he can't let the crane know, and he needs someone who can see Roger, so that he can get the autograph.

"Boy, are you thinking of any bad idea, your eyes are about to turn into a spinning top".

Seeing that the crane said that it couldn't be changed, Karp gave up his previous thoughts, and shifted his eyes to Carl, this bad boy, he must be accepted as a disciple and teach well, it's not okay to be so bad.

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