"Dr. Carr, there's a patient here in the Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Momo asks you to come and have a look."

Carl had just finished a surgical operation and had returned to the office before his butt was hot when a nurse walked in.

"Get it right away"

Putting on his big white coat, Carl came to the side of the internal medicine.

In addition to Dr. Momo, there were two interns, and Dr. Momo nodded at Carl, while the two interns looked at Carl with admiration and restraint.

"Dr. Momo, what's the matter?" asked Carl.

The patient is a middle-aged woman, looking at her clothes and skin, she is supposed to be a wealthy person, and there is a young man next to her, presumably her son.

"It's not certain yet," Dr. Momo shook his head.

"What's the symptom then," Carl smelled.

"Chest tightness, shortness of breath, especially when lying down, it is more serious, sometimes you may not be able to get up on your own when lying down, and it is also accompanied by pain in the back, shoulders, arms, etc."

Dr. Momo recounted all the symptoms that the patient had told him before.

"You're from Marinfando."

"No, we are from the Chambord Islands," the young man shook his head.

"I've seen it at other hospitals before?"


The young man hurriedly took out a file bag, and when he opened it, it was full of various examination results and treatment plans, and under the careful count, there were no less than ten medical records of 557 hospitals.

After weighing these documents, it was estimated that they weighed three or four pounds.

"Why didn't you show me before?"

Doctor Momo looked at the young man with some reproach, this kind of thing should not be shown to the doctor in the first place, and at the same time blamed himself for not asking.

"You didn't ask."

The young man muttered something in a low voice, and was glared at fiercely by Dr. Momo.

Carl was already looking at these cases at this time, and this patient had been examined very comprehensively, including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

Vegapunk is indeed a man with an extremely high IQ, after Carl told him about the role of various medical equipment, the latter came out, and the sea quickly achieved mass production, and now many hospitals have such equipment, so that doctors can understand the disease more clearly.

The diagnosis results of these hospitals can be broadly divided into three categories: one is that there is a heart problem, the second is that it is a cerebrovascular disease, and the third is that it is high blood pressure.

However, the patient's illness is certainly not these, after all, the patient has not been cured until now.

Looking at the test results, Carl found two abnormalities in the results, one was a cardiogram done by the patient, and the patient's (BGBG) blood vessels were slightly narrowed.

The other is cervical spondylosis.

Dr. Momo saw Carl put down the information in his hand and took it and looked at it.

Judging from the patient's medical records and her narrative, she focused on heart disease, taking a lot of drugs to treat heart disease, but neglecting the cervical spine.

After taking cardiac medications, the patient's illness has not slowed down.

"Dr. Karl, what is my mother's disease?" asked the young man.

They came to the naval hospital to see a doctor, mainly for Carl, of course, such a naval hospital, there are thousands of patients every day, Carl will definitely not be able to see it.

Carl is now basically fifty in the morning and has surgery in the afternoon.

Carl's fifty numbers are equivalent to the expert numbers in his previous life, but fortunately, there are no scalpers in the pirate world, otherwise this number would have to be fired to sky-high prices.

It's very simple to get Karl's number, first come, first served.

The young man and his mother arrived at the naval hospital early in the morning, but it was too late for them to think it was "early", and Karl's was already sold out.

So they hung up on Dr. Momo's internal medicine department, and they couldn't come in vain, but Dr. Momo couldn't diagnose the middle-aged woman's illness.

The young man in the back asked if he could ask Dr. Carr to come and see.

For a doctor, it is definitely doubtful for his patient to call another doctor to come and see him, but fortunately, Dr. Momo is a good-natured doctor, and the patient is talking about Carl.

Karl was the best doctor in the Naval Hospital, and now he is known as the world's number one doctor.

Like most doctors, Dr. Momo idolizes Carl, even though he is old enough to be Carl's father.

"What do you think, Doctor Momo?"

Carl didn't answer the young man's words for the first time, after all, this was Dr. Momo's patient, seeing that Dr. Momo had put down the information, Karl asked.

"Maybe it's a disease of the cervical spine"

Dr. Momo shook his head and said a result that he thought was unlikely, and the diagnosis was very likely, but it was all wrong.

Carl nodded: "I agree with Dr. Momo's diagnosis"

"It's really this," Dr. Momo looked at Carl in surprise.

"Check it out and you'll understand"

Carl examined the patient's tongue and eyes, and finally pinched the patient's body a few more times.

"Does it hurt here?"


"What about this?"

"It hurts too"

Pinched a few places, Carl pinched the patient's neck: "What about the neck?"

"It hurts, you pinched it like this, I almost fainted"

Letting go of his hand, Carl said, "It seems to be a problem with the cervical spine."

"Cervical spondylosis, spondylosis can cause this condition in patients?" muttered one of the interns.

But his voice was heard by the others, and then his face turned pale, and he, the intern, dared to doubt Dr. Karl's diagnosis.

"Dr. Carl, I ----"

"It's okay, as a doctor, we should be responsible for the patient, and I can make mistakes, so it's very good for you to ask some questions, which may save a patient's life."

Carl has the rigor of being a healer, and even if he is a pillar of his naval hospital, he will not become arrogant because of this.

"Let me explain why Dr. Momo and I think it is spondylosis, from a medical point of view, when spondylosis is severe, it will compress the sympathetic nerve, and one of the main functions of the sympathetic nerve is to control the expansion and contraction of blood vessels with the parasympathetic nerves, they are mutually restrictive to ensure that the blood vessels exaggerate the blood vessels and increase blood flow when the body needs them."

"If the sympathetic nerve is compressed, the dilation function that controls the blood vessels is also inhibited, resulting in increased control of the blood vessels by the parasympathetic nerves, and the blood vessels are in a state of contraction, resulting in a decrease in the blood supply to the heart----"

As a professional doctor, Dr. Momo nodded his head on the side after listening to Carl's words, he said before that spondylosis was only the most likely disease among the impossible.

Now when I heard Carl say this, I suddenly had a feeling of epiphany, and I was still a little proud in my heart, it seems that the second doctor of the Navy Hospital is very likely to be myself.

The patient and the two interns were confused, and the interns still didn't understand this knowledge.

"That can be cured, Dr. Carr," the patient asked hurriedly.


Now that we know the cause, the treatment is not simple. _

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