"Doctor, doctor, show me too"

A patient saw that Carl had saved two dying patients in a row, and immediately shouted at Carl.

The patient with myocardial infarction has regained his breathing, so there is no danger to his life, and Carl would have had to check it carefully, but there are still many patients around, so he does not have time.

The medical team here in the food city is also here at the moment, and many patients are already being treated, which greatly ~ greatly relieves Carl's pressure.

"What's wrong with you"

Carl walked up to the young patient, there were some scratches on the other party's body, but they were all small injuries, his face was a little defeated, he was probably frightened, his voice was full of anger, and there was nothing - life was in danger.

"I broke a bone"

The young man clutched his thigh, and there was a piece of steel on it, which had always been used to support the glass, but when the glass shattered, the steel bar fell down.

Under the young man's surprised gaze, Karl lifted the steel bar with one hand and carefully examined the other man's thigh, which was indeed fractured.

This time the ability to regenerate fruit can finally be used.

"Bone Healing"

The palm of the hand rested on the fractured part of the other party, shining with a green light.

The young man watched Carl's movements in amazement, he could feel the bones of his thighs tickle, but they were very comfortable.


After a minute or so, Karl stood up.


The young man is blindfolded, this is good, don't think that I haven't broken a bone before, just bully me for being inexperienced, fractures are treated like this, you just touch it, what kind of joke are you playing with me.

Seeing Carl stand up and leave, the young man was anxious, and subconsciously stood up, wanting to stop Carl, but the next moment he was stunned in place.

"Hey, it's really good!!"

The young man stomped his thigh and patted it hard, his thigh was really healed, if he hadn't been sure that he had broken a bone before, he would have wondered if he was dreaming before.

"Suddenly I feel that this doctor is a little familiar, has he seen it somewhere, or when has he seen me" The young man touched his chin and looked at Carl's busy back.

Thanks to the efforts of both the medical teams of Carl and Food City, the seriously injured and the more seriously injured patients have been treated and out of danger.

Luckily, no one died on the spot when the glass collapsed.

"Dr. Carl, thank you so much, if you weren't here, some patients wouldn't have waited for us to arrive" One of the elderly doctors in the medical team held Carl's hand tightly.

As long as he was a doctor, almost no one now knew Carl's name.

"You're so polite, you're all medical workers, how can you stand by and watch this kind of thing," Carl said with a smile.

The onlookers around him, some of whom recognized Carl, a figure who dominated the headlines every day some time ago, couldn't help but shout.

"Yes, yes, that's right, it's Vincent Carr, that great doctor"

The young man who had broken the bone before, when he heard someone shouting Carl's name, finally remembered why he thought Carl's appearance was familiar, and the newspaper he read a while ago was not a photo of Carl.

Someone from the crowd of onlookers squeezed out of it and ran quickly towards the barbecue area.

"Captain, Captain"

The man came to a dark-skinned young man who was drinking wine and eating meat.

"What's the fuss, it can't be that you didn't pay for dinner, you sneaked out and were chased and killed by the boss," the young captain put down his wine glass and said with a smile.

The crew on the side also joked: "You kid won't really eat the overlord meal"

"We Grimace Pirates, we don't need people like you"

"You bastard, why don't you call me when you eat overlord meals"

The man glared fiercely at the bastard around and teased him, and then said eagerly, "Captain, your illness is cured"

The young man who was making the lamb skewer paused slightly, then removed the mutton skewer and drank the wine on the table.

"What you're saying is true, it's no joke"

"To Faure, if you dare to joke with the captain, I'll shove your head down the toilet"

The people around looked at the man named Fore expectantly and angrily.

"Really, how could I make such a joke," Fore said eagerly.

At this time, the young captain had already put down the wine and barbecue in his hand, and said with a smile: "Forget it, no one can cure my illness, and after seeing so many doctors, I can also see it."

The young man behaved very freely, showing some apology and reluctance: "I'm sorry for you, because I made you ---- for my reasons."

······ Asking for flowers0·····

"Captain, we're angry with you like this"

"It's the captain, you're our captain, of course we'll follow you."

The crew showed an indifferent attitude, but the worry in their eyes could not be concealed.

"It's Vincent Carr, Vincent Carr, that world's number one doctor, Navy baby, he's right here, I just saw it"

Faure hurriedly said that now was not the time to show the affection between the captain and the crew.

"Vincent Carr, it's really fake, Fore you saw him," one of the middle-aged crew members said in surprise.

Fore nodded vigorously: "Really, just now, in that place, I watched him save two people who were about to die, and he was still wearing a dog's head hat, it must be him"


Then Fore told him everything he had just seen.

"Vincent Carr, Captain, your illness is cured"

The crew was overjoyed to learn of the accuracy of the information.

"Captain, we'll have him come and heal you now."

Some of the anxious crew members were already preparing to get Carl over.

"Wait a minute, you guys want to enter Push City," the middle-aged crew member said.

"Vincent Carr was an important figure in the Navy, and he was accompanied by Admiral Pheasant almost every time he went out"

Kuzan: Well, it's approved, the name of Lao Tzu's bodyguard has spread.

Hearing the word general, it was like a basin of water in an instant, extinguishing the fire that had just risen in their hearts.

"Forget it, we can't cause our whole ship to be hunted down by the general because of me" Although the young captain was disappointed, he was very broad.

Between life and death, he has long seen it.

"Don't say that, captain, there's still hope," the middle-aged man reassured.

"Faure, you see Vincent Carr, have you seen pheasants, or any other navy?"

The pirate named Fuer looked thoughtful and said with some uncertainty: "I saw his pet bear, and there is a person who is about his age, but I'm not sure if it's with him, Admiral Pheasant didn't see it, and neither did the other navies."

At that time, the situation was a bit chaotic, he really didn't pay attention to this, and after knowing that Carl was here, he hurried over, and didn't pay attention to the situation six behind. _

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