
The sound of footsteps could be heard somewhere in the back garden, far and near, and Carl jerked in the direction where the footsteps came.

"Come, come---- wait, why are there two footsteps, did she bring her little sister over, the girls in the pirate world are so open---- I don't know if I can eat or not in one night----"

Carl was instantly excited again, he didn't expect that the first time he received a girl's small note, he would play with it so big, so big that he couldn't believe it.


Footsteps are getting closer.

"Three, two, one"

Looking at a certain corner, Carl counted silently, and when he counted to one, two figures --- two men walked out of the corner----

Carl wiped his eyes and looked over again, not "Six, Seven, Seven" was wrong, it was not the girl who handed him the small note before, but two men he didn't know.

In an instant, Carl's face turned cold, he thought that he had encountered the sexual encounter in the protagonist of the novel, but now it seems that someone is obviously using this method to lure himself out.

"Dr. Carl"

One of them was the first captain, and the other was the young captain.

"I don't like the trick you're using"

Carl's tone was cold, and his mood was also very bad, he was looking forward to a few hours of sexual encounters, and he didn't have a good dinner party, so he couldn't wait to come here, but these were all under the guise of leading to himself.

The key is that I've really been lured out.,Isn't it that you are completely a creature that thinks in the lower body.。

Even Kidd, the deputy captain who came up with this idea, didn't expect that such an obvious trap Karl would really be fooled, and for a while he felt that this Dr. Karl's brain was a little abnormal, and he was more directly a pervert.

Previously, they planned to use their cook's idea to poison the food of this dinner party to knock Karl unconscious, and then create chaos in the palace and transport Karl out of the fainting room.

However, the latter plan was abandoned, because Carl is a doctor, and who knows if he will taste the medicine when he eats it.

"Doctor Carl, please forgive me, we ----- too"

"Come to me for a doctor, right?"

Before the young captain could finish his sentence, Karl spoke.



Looking at this young captain, his nails had appeared purple, there were purple spots on the back of his hands, and even his lips had turned purple, even if he was standing seven or eight meters away from the other party, Carl could smell a faint fishy smell.

"Yes, Dr. Carl, do you have a way?"

Seeing that Carl could see at a glance that his captain was sick and poisoned, Captain Kidd suddenly became excited, and before he could check it, he could see what the disease was, and whether it could be cured.

"Yes, but why should I treat him"

Karl sneered, he didn't say anything, and wasted the verses he had just meditated on, your sins are too great, you know.

"I'm the navy, you're pirates, I'm not talking about Captain Sanshui of the Ghostface Pirates, and Deputy Captain Kidd"

Carl looked directly at the poisoned young man, who was in his twenties, and there were naturally many people who became the captain of the pirates at this age, but he could become the captain of the pirate group with a bounty of 300 million, and he also managed to escape under the joint capture of several vice admirals in the navy, such a person is only in front of him on the great voyage.

When Karl was usually pastime, he liked to look at the bounty information of the pirates on the Great Voyage, and thought that when the day when Brother Kuzan had time, he would take him out hunting and earn some pocket money.

This ghost-faced pirate group is naturally among these bounty materials, the captain Sanshui in front of him has a bounty of 300 million, the deputy captain Kidd next to him is 200 million, and the whole ship has twelve people, with a total bounty of 700 million.

He is a well-deserved sea thief in the great shipping route, and he is also the main target of the navy.

"It's an honor to be known to Dr. Carl"

Captain Sanshui didn't even have a disappointed expression because Carl refused to show other emotions.

"Let's go, I don't want to bring destruction to this kingdom because of the battle, I will let you go this time, and the next time we meet, I will definitely catch you"

Karl's face remained unchanged, and he said very awesomely, and made his position clear, let you go because I don't want to hurt the innocent.

It's not that I'm afraid that I can't beat them, there's no problem if I do, and if I can't beat myself, I'm going to be kidnapped by the two of them, and then force each other to see a doctor.

Even if it's cowardice, the other party can't see it.......

Carl is still not very confident in his own strength, after all, he has never been beaten, how do you know that you can't beat it, in case you explode halfway.

If there was only Sanshui or Kidd alone, Carl would definitely try to fight, but now it is two people, and the bounty of the two of them adds up to 500 million, and the captain and vice captain are all there, which must mean that his crew is also here, and he is alone here, and the danger is uncertain, Carl feels that he should be cowardly first.

And the Sanshui on the other side is still a superhuman fruit ability, and it is also a human fruit - mythical seed - Shura form, which is the same as the fruit of the old boy of the Warring States, but the Warring States is in the form of a big Buddha.

Anyway, this Shura form is not weaker than the Great Buddha form of the Warring States, and it is even stronger in terms of attack.

"When I bring Brother Kuzan next time, I'll get this field back sooner or later."

Carl was secretly ruthless, feeling a little moldy, why didn't he bring Kuzan with him, he could always encounter these situations, and when he brought Kuzan, he couldn't even meet a pirate of 10 million.

"Dr. Karl, please cure our captain's illness, you can ask for anything," said the deputy captain Kidd very sincerely.

"Impossible, we are on a different position"

Carl's refusal was also very firm, the other party was so sincere, Carl was still a little nervous in his heart, but now this little nervousness is gone.

"Any request is fine?"

"Yes, you can," Kidd said earnestly.

"0.3 Then if I want you to take the initiative to advance into the city, so that I will treat your captain, do you agree?"

Carl's bad taste came up again, and asked them to ask the girl to hand me a note, which made me look forward to it in vain, so that he even thought about the name of the future child, forget it, the name can still be used in the future anyway.

"Dr. Carl"

Sanshui was furious, no matter whether what he said just now was serious or joking, he would not agree: "Kidd, let's go"

He tugged at Kidd, but he didn't move.


Sanshui accentuated his tone.

"Doctor Karl, you're serious, as long as I enter the city, you will see our captain"

Looking at the other party's dead-eyed expression, Carl said that he was very tired, don't you know what a joke is. _

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