"Master Karl"

Little White Star was very happy to see Carl again, and trotted towards Carl.

Carl was naturally very happy to see the little white star, if it was an ordinary person, when he saw a little girl running towards him, he would definitely do a squat and catch the other party's posture.

But Xiao Baixing, a giant child who is already more than four meters tall, the two Carls together are barely level with each other, and he really can't do this squatting action.

Fortunately, Xiao Shiraxing didn't pounce on Carl, although he could catch it, but the problem of size, even if he caught it, it would definitely not be very beautiful, but a little weird.

"It's been a long time since I've seen the little white star"

Carl looked at the little giant in front of him with a smile, the other party was the only one who made him look up and talk not annoying, but rather a little happy.

"Lord Karl, do you hate Shirahoshi anymore and don't come to see me?"

Saying that, Xiao Baixing still had an aggrieved expression on his face, since Carl and Dupont came to Fish-Man Island last time, they haven't been here for almost half a year.

How do you look at it, your place is so dangerous, 10,000 meters under the sea, and only the kind of people who are really brave enough and have no heart and lungs dare to go down.

I'm still a fruit ability, and I'm not the future sea king like you, although I don't have the determination now, but no sea king in the sea dares to mess with you.

If you think so, of course you can't say that.

"You know I'm a doctor, I see a lot of patients every day, and if I leave for a few days, maybe some of them will die if I'm not there."

The compassion on Carl's face fully expresses the lofty ideological realm of medical workers.

The effect is also very good, ushering in the admiration and admiration of the little white star.

"Master Karl, I knew you must be a very good doctor."

"Of course"

Carl smirked.

Shirahoshi is flanked by Otohime, Faye Wong and Jinping, the Seven Martial Seas.

"Princess Otohime, I thought you would come over a few days ago."

There are only two days left before the start of the World Conference, and Princess Otohime is obviously very concerned about the fish-man coming ashore, but she has come so late.

If you come earlier, you can still have some relationship with the king, so maybe you can get their support.

"Delayed because of something"

Princess Otohime said apologetically.

Although I don't know what it will be, it is estimated that it is quite a big thing to let Princess Otohime delay the fish-man landing in her life, which is the biggest dream of her life.

"King Neptune isn't coming?"

Carl didn't see Neptune, and although the fish-man landing was Princess Otohime's biggest dream in her life, the king of Fish-Man Island was Neptune, not Otohime, after all.

For such a big event as the fish-man going ashore, the king of Neptune did not come, and it seems that it is a little too much to say.

"Neptune still has to manage Fish-Man Island, so he can't come," Princess Otohime explained.

Carl didn't plan to ask any more questions, so he nodded and said, "That's right, you two have to have someone stay on Fish-Man Island."

"Lord Jinping, I want to tell you something"

Carl looked at Jinping, if you want to say who is the most peaceful in the Seven Martial Seas, it must be Jinping.The other party basically stays on Fish-Man Island, or takes the people of the Sun Pirates to the sea to catch slave traders.

The most restless is Brother Ming, some time ago he seemed to be the king, and he is also the king of the world government member countries, but this time he did not come, not even a symbolic representative.

The other Seven Martial Seas are either as erratic as Hawkeye, or like Klockdahl, they are secretly working on his little actions and plots somewhere.

"Dr. Carl, please speak"

Jinpei is still relatively friendly to Carl, and the other party not only saved Princess Otohime, but also saved his captain Tiger before.

"I killed Ah Long, well, it's the guy you rescued from the Advance City after you became the Seven Martial Seas" Carl said, and after saying that, he felt Jinping's aura change.

Jinping stared at Karl tightly, Ah Long was his partner, why did he promise the world government to become the Seven Martial Seas, one of the reasons was that only by becoming the Seven Martial Seas could he rescue Ah Long and the others who were imprisoned in the Advance City.

"Doctor Carl, don't you want to explain?"

Jinping stared at Karl tightly, his tone was not good, and it seemed that he was about to make a move.

Seeing this, Princess Otohime didn't know who Ah Long was, but the two couldn't fight, so she hurriedly said: "Calm down, Dr. Karl will definitely not kill people casually, he must have a reason"

······ Asking for flowers...

"I believe in Karl-sama too" Xiao Shirahoshi nodded vigorously, as if I was supporting Carl.

Karl looked at Jinpei with some eagerness, he really wanted to fight the other party and see what kind of moves Fishman Jiu-Jitsu and Fishman Karate were like.

With your own ingenuity, you can't steal a trick or two.

"Can Dr. Carl explain why?"

calmed down the anger in his heart, Jinping didn't make a move, maybe to save face for Princess Otohime, or maybe because he felt that Carl was not a person who killed indiscriminately.

"He killed people in the East China Sea and occupied the village, I will kill him alone, and the other fishmen should be advancing into the city by now" Carl didn't say much, but said simply.

Jinping was silent, he also knew what kind of fish-man Aaron was, an extreme racist, and humans were creatures that should not exist in this world in his eyes.


And this world is a world dominated by humans, and the huge number of fish people is nothing at all, and the number of strong people is not comparable.

He Jinping is the strongest fishman on Fish-Man Island, maybe he doesn't even have one, but in the face of the three major generals and the four emperors, he is not even Mao.

The key is that there are a total of seven martial seas like him, and you say that you are not angry.

Ah Long died in the end, and Jinping was not surprised, the other party's personality was indeed too easy to attract hatred, but he didn't expect the other party to die in the hands of Carl.

Carl's first blood and second blood are all fish-people, and he feels a little offended by nature.

"Aaron can't blame Dr. Carl for such an end, and I have to thank Dr. Karl's men for their mercy," he said in a deep voice.

Although Carl killed Aaron, he did not kill the other fishmen, but only imprisoned them in Advance City, and also told him the news.

With his identity as the Seven Martial Seas, it is still okay to get a few minions-level fishmen from the city full of heinous crimes, and pay some price.

So in this regard, Jinping accepted Carl's affection again.

Seeing that Jinping's nature was not high, Princess Otohime pulled the topic over and said, "Doctor Karl, where is Lord Dupont?"

"At home"

Princess Otohime "-----"

"Really at home, I'll take you to him to beg now"_

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