After Bucky vented for a while, he exhaled fiercely, and also heard what Shanks had just said, and couldn't help but say: "This little ghost is already very bad at such a young age, and it will definitely be even worse when he grows up."

Said this and started scolding a few words, today he was almost scared by Carl, if you don't scold him a few words, you will definitely have nightmares at night.

"Shanks, where are you going next?"

After a moment, Bucky's expression returned to normal and asked.

Where to go, that's a question, Captain Roger is dead, Deputy Captain Reilly has also retired, and the rest of the crew has their own whereabouts, so where are they going.

Shanks was a little lost for a while, there had always been a captain before, and the place where the captain was going was where he was going, and the captain's goal was the goal of all of them.

And now that the captain is gone, where should he go, will he be an ordinary person, get married and have children from now on, and live his life quietly and plainly.

Shanks had such an idea for a while, but there was a sense of unwillingness in his heart, this kind of ordinary life, how could he, a person who had seen the magnificence of the sea, be unwilling.

"What about you, Bucky".

With no answer in mind, Shanks asked rhetorically.

"Really, I asked you first."

Bucky complained, and then excitedly, excitedly, "I want to form my own pirate group, and I want to gallop on this sea like the captain."

"I'm going to be a sea thief, the biggest one, so that the captain will have a light on his face."

seemed to think of himself becoming the next One Piece in the future, and as soon as he responded, Bucky was stupid for a while, and his saliva was unconsciously drooling.

"If you are a sea thief, you will definitely become the target of the navy's attack, last time the golden lion was caught, the captain died, if you become a sea thief in the future, it is estimated that you will not be able to escape these two possibilities."

Shanks is obviously scaring Bucky, but Bucky is eating this, and the key is that Shanks seems to be right, whether it is the golden lion or his own captain, the ending is not good after becoming a sea thief.

"Hmph, Shanks, you are too annoying about this, I can't see that others are better off than you, I tell you, I will definitely become a sea thief, and even the navy will not dare to catch me."

Fear is fear, but momentum can't be coaxed, especially in front of Shanks, let alone cowardly.

Shanks smiled, "Then your crew has found it."

If you want to become a pirate, you can't do it without an excellent crew, and Roger can become the king of the pirates, but it's not his credit alone.

The crew is the root of a pirate group.

"Why don't you come to my ship, Captain Bucky will give you a co-captain, who will let me take care of you," Bucky smirked.

He has always been unhappy when he looks at this kid Shanks, if he really becomes his own deputy captain, when he is his subordinate, hehe--- then you will pour me foot washing water every day.

Shanks looked helplessly at Bucky, who was drooling again.

It is conceivable that the captain looks like this, and his future crew is probably not much better.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I declined, I'll go first."

Shanks shook his head, he was very confused now, he didn't know what he should do, sometimes he was quite envious of Bucky, stupid is a little stupid, but the idea is simple, he has no heart and no lungs, and he can be stunned for a long time when he is alone in reverie.

"Hehe, that's it--- Shanks, I agree with you being my co-captain".

There were countless pictures of tossing Shanks in his mind, and Bucky was so happy that he opened his mouth to say something, but the next moment he was dumbfounded, Shanks was gone, and he was obviously beside him just now.

It wouldn't be that Old Man Karp suddenly repented and came over to capture Shanks, thinking of this, Bucky shuddered, where did Shanks go, and what pirate group was formed, hurry up.

As for Karp and Carl, they have now left Rogue Town. The follow-up matters were handled by the Warring States anyway, and Karp skipped work directly and returned to his hometown.

As a naval hero, Karp must be the person with the most annual leave in all the navy, and he will ask for leave at every turn, and if he doesn't ask for it, he will skip work directly.

The purpose of taking leave is to go back to his hometown Windmill Town to have a look, and catch pirates by the way, which is also the fundamental reason why the East China Sea is the weakest in the four seas.

Of course, on the other hand, if there are fewer pirates, the inhabitants of the East China Sea will naturally have a more stable life.

But now it's different, Roger's words before his death revealed the era of pirates, and he died in the East China Sea, even if many people know that he often returns to the East China Sea, they will definitely take the risk of becoming a pirate.

When these pirates, the first time they robbed, the first time they didn't work for nothing, the first time they killed people without resistance, they experienced the feeling of dominating the life and death of others, and for the first time they built their own happiness on the pain of others.

It's addictive, and once addicted, they're real pirates.

Perhaps some pirates go to sea at the beginning, just to see the magnificence of the sea, to experience freedom and adventure, this is their original intention, but in the end, how many pirates can maintain this original intention.

More are brutal, brutal, and tyrannical pirates, which is the impression that most people have of pirates.

How much does it really take to swim with a pirate group like Luffy.

It can be said that pirates who have not experienced robbery and murder are not real pirates, they are substandard products.

Carl is also quite curious about Cap and Dragon's hometown of Windmill Town, this place can also be regarded as a treasure of feng shui, with a naval hero, a leader of the revolutionary army, and a One Piece.

The three forces, and they are all a family, three generations of grandparents, I have to say that the magic of the Monchi D family.

Windmill Town is a calm, beautiful town, very much in line with Carl's imagination, there is a hint of unpleasant places here, and everyone has a yearning for the future life on their faces.

As a star in the town, Karp must have been hugely welcomed when he returned, and if it weren't for the fact that the world didn't have the habit of pulling banners, it was estimated that he would have to pull a big banner.

He didn't stay long in Windmill Town, and the next day Karp was ready to leave, but when he left, he deliberately inserted a sign with the words "Navy Hero Karp" on this side of Windmill Town.

The era of pirates has begun, and in order to avoid those pirates who don't know anything from robbing their hometown, Karp deliberately left his name, believing that his name should have been heard by the people of the entire East China Sea.

Just like a dog peeing on the territory, Carl muttered so quietly at the time, and the consequence was that he ate Karp's iron fist of love three times in a row, and a pin-shaped bag was formed on his head, and Carl, who was in pain, hugged Giyuan's long legs and cried on the spot.

There is another record of Karp's crime in the small notebook, which is almost surpassing the crime of Gi Yuan's face-pinching.

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