Although Roger has been executed, the follow-up impact continues to amplify, and the number of pirates in the four seas has increased dramatically in addition to the East China Sea, making a large number of navies exhausted.

And on the great voyage, the number of pirates has naturally increased, and their strength is definitely much more powerful than that of the four seas, and some of them also came from the four seas.

In order to deal with this sudden increase in pirates, the Navy Headquarters made a series of adjustments.

First of all, the Admiral Kong, transferred to Mary Joy, as the commander-in-chief of the whole army, commanding the navy, the CP1-9 organization, as well as other armed forces of the world government.

Sora was naturally happy to accept this, and during this time, it was the golden lion who attacked the naval headquarters, and it was Roger who opened the era of pirates, so that Sora, the former admiral, lost a lot of hair, and was trained by the five old stars on the phone all day long.

However, Roger's execution when he was a marshal was also a great achievement.

Admiral Sengoku became the new commander-in-chief of the Navy.

In this way, there is only one admiral left in the navy, Zefa, because of the death of his family, he began to serve as an instructor in the elite battalion of the navy a long time ago, and the focus of his work after that is also here, rarely going out to fight pirates, and is in a state of semi-retirement.

So in fact, there is no admiral in the Navy Headquarters on the surface.

The first thing Sengoku did after taking office was to promote the two candidates of generals, Sakasky and Polusalino, to generals, codenamed Akainu and Yellow Ape.

Counting Zefa, then the vacancies of the three major generals in the headquarters will be filled.

At this point, the red dog and the yellow ape, the two newly promoted admirals, officially stepped onto the stage of history.

At the same time, the Warring States also promoted Kuzan as a candidate for general, and the meaning is also very obvious, and when Zefa officially retires, then Kuzan will replace Zefa as the third admiral.

As the newly promoted generals, Sengoku's order to Akainu and Yellow Ape was to capture the pirates on the Great Voyage and make a name for themselves in the navy and themselves.

Akainu, who believes in extreme justice, although he does not agree with the political philosophy of the Warring States, is still very happy to do things like getting rid of pirates.

So during this time, the pirates on the great voyage were miserable, and Akainu would not show mercy, basically half of the pirate group would die, and the remaining half would be captured and handed back.

As for the yellow ape, this lazy person, perhaps because he became a general for the first time, his interest was relatively high, and he caught several pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million, which can be regarded as beating his name.

With the red dog and the yellow ape making wind and rain on the great route, making countless pirates cry and cry for their mothers, the timid ones fled directly back to the four seas, and the bold ones either fought against the navy or secretly went to the new world.

The navy has the least control over the New World, there is currently only one G1 branch there, and in the New World, the biggest force is not the navy, but the pirates.

The new world has gathered many pirates who have experienced countless battles, and almost every pirate group has a bounty of more than 100 million.

Now is not Luffy's era, the reward of more than 100 million is very simple, and now the reward of more than 100 million is already a representative of the sea thief, and the number of crew members is at least more than 100.

And among the countless sea thieves in the New World, there are three sea thieves who stand at the top.

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, and Roger, the Golden Lion Shiki are the three legendary pirates, and they have also competed with Roger for One Piece, and they are Roger's opponents.

At this moment, Roger was executed, Shiki was arrested, and Whitebeard vaguely became the first pirate, and many pirates thought that he might be the next One Piece.

The second place, BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling, a pirate group established by the connection between the family and its own bloodline, is powerful and brutal.

The third place, Hundred Beasts Kaido, is currently unknown in ability, but his personal strength is extremely good, and his strength is not weak, and he is firmly in the third place in the new world.

The pirates represented by these three people are the most powerful pirates in the New World, and many pirate groups and countries in the New World are attached to their banner.

Because One Piece Roger is dead and the new king has not yet come out, some good people called these three emperors the Three Emperors, and this title also began to circulate in the New World, and was recognized by the vast majority of pirates.

At the same time, because the navy has been suppressing pirates during this time, many pirates are resentful, but they have no strength to take revenge, so they want the Three Emperors to stand up for them and give the navy a blow, so that the navy knows that it is not up to your navy to call the shots on the sea.

In the new world, the Moby Dick was quietly parked in a sea area, and there were bursts of noise and cheers from the ship, and the whitebeard, who was nearly seven meters tall, sat on a chair, holding a wine bowl like a water tank, and drank it heavily.

This is known as the most powerful man, Whitebeard, and the most mouthful man, mantra be my son.

After saying this for so many years, he has not been killed, so it is not unreasonable that he has achieved his strongest name.

"Daddy, recently we had a subordinate pirate group go to the Great Voyage, but they were caught by the navy, and half of them died, and they didn't take our whitebeard pirates seriously at all


It was the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the immortal bird Marko, who spoke, and although the atmosphere in the pirates was very good, there was no happy look on his face.

For them, the pirates who were attached to them were killed, and although the other party was not considered their real family, they still had feelings.

"Oh, what's going on, who did it," Whitebeard asked, putting down his bowl.

Whitebeard is the most powerful man in the world, not only his strength, but also his pirate group, and his style of doing things is not as brutal as most pirates, playing murder and plunder.

Therefore, the Navy's attitude towards the Whitebeard Pirates is to try not to move if they can, and the Whitebeard Pirates try not to appear in front of the Navy.

Both sides have maintained a certain tacit understanding, after all, once the two sides go to war, the losses caused by them will not be acceptable to anyone.

And now, someone in the navy actually moved his people, and killed half of the pirates, which made Whitebeard a little angry.

It's your navy that thinks you've executed Roger, so you think it's okay to move my white beard.

"Which navy did it?" asked Whitebeard.

"Akainu, the new admiral of the Navy, the pirates who encounter him in everything, none of them have a good end."

Although Akaiu is already a general, his reputation will already spread in the Great Voyage and the New World, after all, Akaiu was a candidate for a general before, and he is the owner of the natural fruit, and it is normal for the major pirate groups to collect information on Akainu.

"It's the magma imp


Whitebeard said, compared to his age, it is normal for him to call the other party a little ghost.

"Well, it's him, Dad, now many pirates are asking us to call the shots for them, and I also think the navy is too arrogant during this time


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