Wearing a mask, dressed in a mysterious way, although I don't know who it is, but there must be a background, after entering the door, I didn't even greet the marshal of the Warring States, and ignored the Warring States gorgeously, how could it be without a background.

"Vincent Carr, come with me to Mary Joy".

The flat tone has a tone that cannot be refused, and the whole person has a feeling of being superior.

The person who came must be a member of the CP0 organization, directly under the world government, this organization is not even qualified to command the commander of the whole army, they only obey the orders of the world government and the Draco people, it can be said that they are the personal armed forces of the Draco people.

Mary Joya, the place where the Draconians lived, was known as the Holy Land Mary Joya.

Thinking of the words of the Warring States just now, plus this, then just like Carl guessed before, he must have been looking for him to see a doctor for the Tianlong people.

To be honest, although he has never seen the Tianlong people, but under the influence of the original book, he can't have a good impression of the Tianlong people, so his heart refuses.

But he is now in the camp of the navy, although the navy has its own independence, but he also has to serve the Draconians, even the generals can't directly refuse the words of the Draconians, let alone Carl, a little kid with no identity.

Karl can't call the shots in this matter, and the only ones who can call the shots for him are Tsuru and Sengoku.

"Pay attention to the tone of your voice, this is the Navy Headquarters, not your CP organization."

Tsuru's tone was a little cold, and she looked at this CP0 member with unkind eyes, she felt that the other party seemed to be scared of her grandson just now.

"Crane staff, this is a world government order, and the Navy has no right to refuse".

CP0 members are not cowardly at all, as a cronie of the world government and the Tianlong people, he has this confidence, let alone a crane, even if it is a warring state, he dares to scare, CP0 is like this.

"The Navy doesn't need your CP organization to dictate, although the Navy obeys the world government, you can't represent the world government, don't make a mistake about your identity," He said coldly.

"In this way, the navy wants to resist the order of the world government, you must know that this time the patient is a Draconian, and his identity is also extremely noble among all the Celestial Dragons."

"Once you offend him, even you can't afford to offend General Staff," the CP0 member said coldly.

As the descendants of the 20 kings who founded the world government 800 years ago, the Draconians are definitely the most noble people in the world, of course, only with a noble status, and their behavior is disgusting.

Even among the navies, which are the armed forces of the world government, the vast majority of the navies have a very bad impression of the Draconians.

"Mask-wearing, don't be too arrogant, how can you talk to my mother-in-law".

Granny Crane treats him as his own grandson, Carl also respects Crane very much in his heart, and now there is a guy who dares to scold his mother-in-law like this, Carl can't help it.

"You said it yourself, that Celestial Dragon's identity is very noble among the Celestial Dragons, so if I cure him, I will not be considered kind to him, then I will let him punish you, do you say he will refuse".

"When the time comes, I will directly drive you out of the CP organization, and see if you are still arrogant."

The arrogance of this CP0 organization member is not his own strength at all, but the master behind him, once he leaves this master, he is nothing.

"You ---


When the other party heard this, he was shocked and angry, he didn't expect that he would be threatened by a child one day, and this threat really worked.

As a close confidant of the Tianlong people, he knows very well who he serves, and under his noble status, what is hidden is a demonic heart.

If Carl really did this, there would be two results, one was that as Carl said, the Draconians were grateful to Carl and punished him severely.

The other is that he is fine, but Carl was punished by the Draconians, because in the eyes of the Draconians, it is the honor of the doctor to save them, and there is no way to repay the favor.

Although the result is half and half, he still doesn't dare to bet, after all, Carl is protected by the navy, and the Tianlong people really want to punish it is definitely not strong, but his master is the Tianlong people, and the Tianlong people do not have such a fine tradition of protecting calves.

"That's it".

Sengoku spoke, glancing at the CP0 members: "I want you to remember that this is the navy, and your identity doesn't play much of a role here."

"If it really falls out, do you think the weight of the navy is heavy, or the weight of your CP0."

As a marshal of the navy, the Warring States must first of all maintain the face of the navy, you come here so arrogantly alone, and dare to scare the navy, are you thinking too much of yourself.

This CP0 member didn't speak this time, he should have recognized the current situation, the other party is stronger than him, and he can't just scare him.

"Carl, you still have to go to the Celestial Dragons, and I'll let Kuzan accompany you" Warring States Road.

To see a doctor for the Tianlong people, they must go, and the navy has no right to refuse this, as for Karl's safety, Sengoku is not too worried.

He sent Kuzan, who had also communicated with Marshal Marion's air force before, to ask him to help keep an eye on Karl, and the former Admiral must have agreed.

"I'll be waiting for you outside".

After saying a word, the members of the CP0 organization walked out of the conference room, saying that he didn't want to stay here for a moment, and his identity as the master didn't seem to play much role here.

After the other party walked out, Sengoku said to Carl, "Carl, according to your description, you have a great deal of confidence in treating patients who are unconscious due to the flu."

"But there is a case in everything, of course it is best if it can be cured, if it can't be cured, you must not be reckless."

Everything is afraid of what if, if Carl cures this Draco to death and there is a medical accident, then even Sengoku will not be able to save Carl.

"Sengoku can you not let Carl go" Crane said with a sad face, at this moment Crane no longer has the calm and calm look he used to have, and some are just as grandmothers, worried about her grandson's eyes.

The best way is that I am not cured, there is no great merit and great tribulation, and I still live my current life.

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, I'll be fine, as long as the other party is really in a coma because of the flu, I can be cured 100%" Carl took Tsuru's palm and said with relief.

He has treated no less than ten patients who have fallen into a coma due to the flu in the naval hospital, and they have all been cured by him, besides, if he really can't be cured, his antibody boost will not aggravate the condition, so Carl's certainty is very large.

Carl's words omitted Sengoku to comfort the crane, and he silently praised Carl in his heart.

"Gone bodyguards".

He walked up to Kuzan and said.

Bodyguard? This little imp is getting more and more annoying, and I want to freeze him into an ice sculpture.

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