After eating the Devil Fruit, he also became a landlubber, and he didn't believe it at first, so he took Xiong Ba to the beach, and as soon as his feet touched the seawater, his body softened, and this softness was like a little brother seven times a night, and he couldn't stand up again.

If it weren't for the speed of the bear, Carl would have become a disgrace to the so-called traverser, and from then on, even if he came to the beach, he would be far away from the sea, ensuring that not a drop of sea water would touch him.

"Let's go, go pick some herbs, I've been using them too fast lately."

Looking at the sea again, there were still no ships, Karl muttered, because of the presence of his veterinarian, some of the fierce beasts of this giant beast island, because the chassis still had the right to mate, they made a big move, and the fight was much more tragic than before.

After being injured, they all ran to his side, and the storage of drugs continued to decline, but fortunately, the resources of this giant beast island were still quite rich, and Carl now felt that he was an excellent veterinarian.

Just as he turned to leave, Yu Guang seemed to see something of other colors different from the blue of the sea, and his expression was stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly turned back.

That's right, something is coming, a gray ship, and from this distance it looks quite large.

The ship is coming, coming, finally a ship is coming, Carl was instantly excited, regardless of whether it was a pirate ship or not, hurriedly waved his arms and yelled with all his might: "Hey, hey".

At the same time, I ran to the other side of the beach, where there was a small mound, covered with a thick layer of leaves, which ripped the tree open, and inside was a pile of dry branches.

This was prepared by Karl for a long time, and by lighting these branches, the flames and smoke could attract the attention of the opposing ship, so that the other party might come to the island.

But the next moment, Carl was stunned, there was no lighter, no matches, this kind of ignition was used to barbecue the fire that was kept, but on the side of Xiongba Cave, this side was not far or close.

"Hey, there's someone here, help me ---."

Helpless, Carl could only continue to call for help, waving a branch in his hand.

After a while, Karl watched the ship grow bigger and bigger, shouting harder, and he knew that the ship must have heard him and was ready to come.

In the bow, the female major saw Karl, who was calling for help, and their ship had just passed the whirlpool.

"Lieutenant General Tsuru, there are people on the beach, and it's a child," said the female major.


Hearing this, Crane walked to the bow of the ship, and also saw Carl who was calling for help, and as the ship got closer and closer, Carl's face gradually became clearer.

Although he is wearing animal skins, he has fair skin and looks like a handsome little Zhengtai.

"It seems to be a shipwreck survivor, but how did such a young child survive on the island of giant beasts," the female major wondered.

There are many shipwrecks every year, and there are many survivors like Carl who are stranded on uninhabited islands, but at such a young age, there are very few survivors who can survive.

Looking at the animal skins on the other party's body, it is obvious that they have lived on this island for a long time.

As the ship drew closer, Carl saw the pattern on the sail.

"The Navy ----- that security should be no problem."

Carl breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, compared to the pirate ships, the navy is at least safe, after all, most of the pirates are still bad, and there are few pirates like Luffy in the entire pirate world.

Of course, if it was really a pirate ship, and it was a vicious pirate ship, Carl didn't panic, he believed that no pirate ship could refuse a person with the ability to heal injuries, maybe he could mix it well.

The naval warship docked, and Tsuru disembarked with twenty female soldiers and came to Karl.

What the hell, how are they all female soldiers.

Carl was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't expect that it would be a group of women's troops, led by the middle-aged and elderly woman in front of him who looked very kind.

Seeing that Karl's eyes were wide open and he looked frightened, Tsuru squatted down and said softly, "Child, why are you here


"Two years ago, the boat I was on was attacked by sea kings------ my parents ---- died----- woo woo----- and I survived----- woo woo ---."

At this age, if the dead parents don't cry, it seems to be a problem, Carl can only secretly pinch himself, squeezing a few tears.

"Two years ago, you lived here for two years, and the child ---- you suffered ----".

Of course, Crane didn't think that Carl, the child, would lie to him, although he didn't understand how the other party had spent the past two years, and gently held Carl in his arms.

"Sister, my name is Vincent Carr," Carl said, holding back his tears and grinning.

At this moment, he has the feeling of a sunny little boy.

Hearing the title of Carl, even the scheming Lieutenant General Crane couldn't help but laugh, ordinary people call her sister like this, and they will definitely be disgusted by her, but Carl is a child.

In addition, when Tsuru first met Carl, he somehow liked this strong and alive child very much.

"It's okay to call me Granny Tsuru."

"Granny Crane".

Carl screamed obediently, and was very surprised in his heart, he didn't expect this female navy to be a famous crane, and he felt as if he had seen an amazing character, no wonder her subordinates were all female soldiers.

"Knock knock knock ------


The earth began to tremble, and at the same time, there was a roar of beasts in the forest behind the beach, and the female navy behind the crane raised their guns, and the female major was already in front of the crane and Carl.

As the sound got closer and closer, it didn't take long for Xiong Ba to walk out of the forest with seven or eight fierce beasts, and his huge body put great pressure on those female navies.

When Xiong Ba saw Carl being held in his arms by a stranger, he thought that he had been attacked by the enemy, and immediately became furious, stood up on his front feet, and turned into a giant bear more than fifty meters high.


As Xiong Ba roared, the beasts behind him also roared, these beasts have been eating Carl's barbecue for a long time, and the two wolves of the gray wolf and the red wolf are there.

They seem to be saying that if they want to move their cook-doctor, they must ask if they agree.

Although the bears are full of momentum, ordinary people, even ordinary pirates and navies would not dare to provoke them, but the vice admiral in front of them obviously will not take them seriously.

"Lieutenant General Crane, I'll go and get rid of them."

The female major said coldly, and then walked towards the bears.

Of course, Carl couldn't let the female major hurt the bears, so he hurriedly broke free from the crane's protection and shouted at the bears: "Bears, I'm fine, they didn't hurt me".

Then he said to the crane: "Granny Crane, the bears are my friends, please don't hurt them, they are all very easy to get along with."

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