Salvation value 5630

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Abilities: Slow Heal 5000/5000 Quick Heal 8000/8000 (Perfect) Antibody Boost 20000/20000 (Perfect) Internal Organ Repair 40000/40000 (Perfect) Bone Healing 30000/30000 (Perfect).

Skill: Elementary physical 25000/90000

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury).

Currently activates ability: Toxin Heal (requires 100,000 save value).

This attribute panel has changed a lot, and it is not ordinarily large, because this is two years later, Carl's attribute panel, yes 43 and 44, there is a difference of two years, it is very straightforward and clear, time is like flowing water, and it is two years to turn a page.

Over the course of two years, Carl had only activated two new skills, and had perfected his proficiency in both of them and the remaining three.

Don't look at him, he activated two skills, but the proficiency of these two skills from beginner to perfect, which cost Carl hundreds of thousands of rescue points.

And he found that as his strength improved, he healed the same injury, and the save value he gained also decreased, for example, a year ago, he healed a patient with a back injury, and after healing, he got 500 save points, and now he can only get about 300 save points when he is cured.

The salvation value has decreased, and Carl has to feel the urge to cut back on food.

In addition, he also has a black hole that swallows salvation value, which is the primary physical technique.

The primary physical technique is not a fruit ability, this is the ability he has learned after learning from Karp, and the full value of the primary physical technique is 90,000, how long does it take to save the saving value to praise it.

However, it is comforting that the proficiency of the primary physical technique can be improved through self-cultivation, and the use of salvation points can be improved, as for the speed of self-improvement, Carl can only say this, I am willing to be a shameful hanger.

In order to get more salvation points, Carl almost contracted the entire hospital, and after two years of non-stop learning, plus fruit ability, Carl has become the best doctor in the Navy Headquarters, not one.

About 19% of the soldiers who die in the Navy every year die because their injuries are too serious to treat or are not treated in time, and with Carl in the Navy Hospital, this proportion has dropped from 19% to 12% now, which may not seem like a big deal, but it is the lives of nearly 1,000 Navy members.

When he was two years old, there were countless navy soldiers who had been treated by Carl and even saved their lives, plus most of their relatives were in Marinfando, so Carl became the most beautiful boy in Marinfando.

Go to the street to buy a drink and have a meal, it's the kind that doesn't charge any money.

Of course, Carl must give money, since he met DuPont and had this local tyrant friend, he has lived a good life.

Why don't you have a bad money method, just tell you like this, Karp's fairy shell has been contracted by him, and it's like this, he has become Karp's food and clothing parents, no, it's food parents.

Two years later, Carl has also changed from a five-year-old kid to a seven-year-old kid, his face has not changed much, his height is a lot taller, and he looks like he is 1.6 meters.

Seven years old and one meter six, this is definitely good news, it seems that when I become an adult, my height can at least reach about two meters five.

Although this height is still short in the pirate world, it should be very tall compared to the guy called the pirate and Wang Luffy.

In the navy, few of those female soldiers are less than two meters tall.

You're hugging a girl with her head right against a certain orb and enjoying the cleanser treatment, which is of course good, it's not long all the time, and it's good to keep the cleanser, but you're sure you want the cleanser all the time, not the one that grows.

Carl said he --- he would.

It's a pity that the changes in two years are very big, and his facial cleanser, Comrade Lily, got along with a navy a year ago, and got married half a year later.

So Carl's facial cleanser no longer belongs to him.

And Miss Qinyuan didn't have Lily's treatment of giving him facial cleanser anytime and anywhere, which made Carl say that it was a pity, obviously Miss Qinyuan had given it a few times before, but then she didn't give it, hey, sure enough, your name is fickle.

Today, as usual, he works in the Navy Hospital in the morning, and when he is a doctor who is most popular with patients and nurses, he earns rescue points, and the Navy Hospital is the place where he has the largest source of rescue points.

In the afternoon, he walked to a grove in Marinfando, what a seductive word, but unfortunately he went to do something urgent.

On the way, he also met a plus with a rose, counting this time, the other party should have failed in his 66th confession.

Carl has seen it many times in the past two years, and there is nothing new anymore, and after teasing a few words, he left immediately when the other party was about to bully the small.

The grove, this place Carl came almost every day for half a year, rain or shine, came to a clearing, and looked around.

"Bastard old man, it's late again


Muttered, and sat down on a five-meter-high boulder, which was still tied with a gray rope, and the rope was obviously worn out.

Put the dog's head hat on the boulder, take out the fairy shell, and eat it slowly.

One, two, three, until Carl finished the last eighth pack of senbei, someone was late.

"Stinky boy, you're done eating."

Karp's sturdy body came to the boulder, picked up one of Carl's legs, and shook it by the way, but unfortunately not a bag of fairy shells fell from Carl's body.

"You're late again, why should I keep it for you".

Carl didn't struggle, saying that the posture is shameful, but when you get used to it, that's it.

People grow up in shame, so that you can exercise your tough enough skin, right?

Originally, half of the eight packs of fairy shells were Karp's, but Karp was late, and Carl, who was unhappy, ate his share.

For two years, Karp would often teach Carl that Karl had not yet learned the Navy Type 6, and in Karp's words, Carl's physical fitness would continue to improve.

According to Carl's estimates, he may need to complete his primary physical proficiency before his body can meet Karp's requirements and be qualified to learn the Navy Six Style.

In fact, in fact, Carl's physical fitness has been able to learn one or two of the Navy Six, but Karp doesn't want Carl to learn so early.

"Boy, hurry up and exercise, I'm going back to the East China Sea in a few days" Karp threw Carl out, and the latter landed steadily.

"Stinky old man, are you marrying a daughter-in-law in the East China Sea, why are you more diligent than before?"

With that, he ushered in Karp's Iron Fist.

"Bastard, I'm going to the East China Sea to scare those pirates, let them be honest," Karp said angrily.

Cut, you think I believe, eighty percent went to see Ace, Roger's son went.

This Karp is not a thing, Roger treats him as a brother, and as a result, he raises Roger's son as a grandson.

If Roger knew that he had an extra father, would he be angry and resurrected.

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