Most people have sad pasts, Carl didn't continue to ask, patted Alan on the shoulder and said, "Are you from Chambord."

Alan nodded, and the sad expression on his face gradually converged.

"I live on Island 19".

According to Carl's knowledge of the islands of Chambord 1-29, these islands are places where these people stay in the lawless zone, human trafficking, human auctions, pirates, vagrants, etc.

"Then you've heard of the Buli family, these traffickers," Karl said.

When he pretended to be unconscious before, he heard these traffickers talk about his family more than once, and he was so proud that he even dared to sell the princess of a country, which would definitely be impossible without a little background.

"I know some, they are the most powerful of the human trafficking family, I heard that it has something to do with the auction, and there is a shadow of the Celestial Dragon behind the auction."

Hearing this, Carl spat on the ground: "Sure enough, there are Tianlong people, these scum."

Looking at Carl's disgusted look, Alan was stunned, although he also hated the Celestial Dragons, he didn't dare to say this in front of other people.

"Do you know anything about the armed forces of the Buli family?"

Alan shook his head, he didn't know that.

As a dad, Carl is used to the line of nurses saving people, abandoning milk and holding knives to fight, Carl feels that he can also be competent, but the premise is that the other party cannot be stronger than himself, and the number of people cannot be too many.

His current force value, that is, his primary physical skills, should be considered good, much more powerful than ordinary naval soldiers, and it is estimated that he is about the same as a captain-level officer of the navy, commonly known as senior cannon fodder.

In the navy, only when you reach the colonel level can you get rid of the title of cannon fodder.

Now he, a high-level cannon fodder, wants to take down a trafficking syndicate alone, can this really be done, Karl quickly gave the answer.

"I can't do it."

Not only do you have to hit all the traffickers, but you also have to rescue these children, even if you really have the force to do it, but you are alone, and it is difficult to guarantee whether the traffickers will threaten the lives of these children.

So, it's up to you, DuPont, you must find that Daddy is gone.

And DuPont, who is still in Chambord Park, has lived up to Carl's expectations, although there are some bumps in the middle, seeing that Carl has not come back for a long time to buy a drink, his first reaction is to think that Carl is lost, after all, Chambord Park is still very large, and people who are a little road addict may not be able to recognize all the roads at once.

So DuPont waited for a while, and after an hour, he found that Carl hadn't come yet, and Dupont's second reaction was that Carl had gone to play with him on his back.

Angry, Dupont immediately beckoned the members of the CP organization who were hiding around to find out Carl, the bastard who abandoned him.

The CP organization protected DuPont, not Carl, so Carl left to buy drinks before, and the CP members did not follow.

At this time, the powerful intelligence capabilities of the CP organization were demonstrated, and in less than ten minutes, they told DuPont that Carl had been knocked unconscious and taken away by the traffickers.

"What, Carl was captured by human traffickers".

When DuPont heard the news, the ice cream he had just bought fell to the ground, not because Carl had been captured by the traffickers.

It's a surprise, how could such a shrewd person as Carl be captured by human traffickers, and Carl's force is not bad, at least every time he says that Carl can't do it, but every time Carl lets him know who is Dad.

"This guy is going to do a big deal."

DuPont's mind was spinning quickly, and it occurred to him why Carl was doing this.

How can you do great things without me Young Master Dupont, Carl, you are waiting for Uncle DuPont to save you.

There are five members of the CP organization around him, all of whom are good players, as long as they find the location of the traffickers, they can solve it, and even as long as they show their identity as Tianlong people, they can clean up the trafficker group without a single soldier.

However, the premise of doing this is to determine the location of the traffickers and Carl, which can be done by the CP organization, but DuPont does not want them to be involved in this matter.

It's not that I don't trust the CP organization, but I subconsciously don't like these cold-blooded executioners.

"Go back to the ship first".

There are phone bugs on the ship, and the toddler phone bugs on DuPont can't communicate across the island, but the adult phone bugs on the ship can, of course, this distance can't be too far.

Marin Fando, the crane had just returned home, and the phone bug on the coffee table suddenly rang, thinking it was the phone of his grandson Carl, but the phone bug did not have Carl's signature dog head hat on his head.

The phone bug can synchronize the facial expressions of the caller, and even some facial decorations can be manifested, and it is a rather magical creature, and there is more than one species.

"Hey, Granny Crane, I'm DuPont."

DuPont's words came from the phone bug.

Because DuPont and Carl are friends, and the former has been to Carl's house a few times, Tsuru and DuPont are also relatively familiar.

"What's wrong DuPont".

The other party's tone was more urgent, and the crane seemed to have a premonition of something.

"Karl, the crane mother-in-law, was deliberately taken away by human traffickers."

Tsuru's heart tightened, but he didn't panic, and continued to ask, "What the hell is going on?"

So DuPont told Crane what he knew, and also told Crane about his guess.

After listening to Dupont's words, Tsuru also agreed with his guess, Carl had shown far more maturity than his peers in the past, and in the past two years, Carl had saved countless navies and ordinary people.

Now that Tsuru walks down the street in Marinfando, there will be many people who greet her, not because she is the general staff of the Navy, but because she is Karl's mother-in-law.

This made Tsuru sincerely proud of Carl, and at the same time, he was even more sure that Carl would become the pillar of the Navy in the future, but now Karl was a little impulsive.

The starting point is naturally very good, at least Carl has his own justice in his heart, and he is interpreting his own justice with actions.

"I know, you wait for me there first, I'll come over immediately".

Hanging up the phone, Tsuru took out the life paper in his pocket, this is Carl's life paper, and the direction of movement is the direction where Carl is, and it is not damaged, which means that Carl is not injured.

"Giyuan will come to Port 50 immediately, and something has happened to Carl's side."

"Vice Admiral Kuzan, can you come to Port 50, I have something to do--- not a mission, but a private matter--- well--- about Karl".

Before leaving, Tsuru also called two helpers, each stronger than the other, fortunately Karp went to the East China Sea, otherwise the other party would definitely come over.

The group of traffickers who were eating, drinking, and having fun didn't know that the treasure they thought they had captured was a bomb at all.

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