Alan walked anxiously around the cell after Carl was taken away, although Carl told him not to worry before leaving, how could this kind of thing not be worried.

Reilly, who drank the last drop of wine next door, put down the wine jug, looked at the impatient Alan and said, "That little ghost is fine, don't walk around, my old man's eyes are spent."

Alan glanced at Reilly, and didn't pay attention to the other party at all, now he definitely doesn't know that there is something called seeing and hearing domineering, he feels that this old man is comforting himself, but this comforting words are too fake, he is ten years old, and you have to find a better reason to lie to the child.

You didn't even see it, so you said Carl was fine, do you think I~ would believe it.

"Hey, this kid is pretty good, and he's cunning enough."

In Reilly's sights and hearings, he saw Carl's every move, and saw Carl pretending to be weak and seducing Buli to go on the list, which was still rare at his age.

"Do you know the identity of this imp?"

Carl's behavior slightly aroused Reilly's curiosity, and besides, he had run out of wine, and he had to find something to pass the time except to leave.

"I don't know, I just know his name is Vincent Carr," Alan said sullenly.

Although Reilly has lived in seclusion in Chambord and doesn't pay much attention to the outside world, he has a partner who specializes in intelligence, so it is natural to hear some information about pirates and the navy.

Vincent Carr is the name he has just heard of, the owner of the fruit, because of his presence, the death rate of the navy has been reduced a lot, and he is also the guest of the Draconians, both among the navy and the Draconians.

Knowing Carl's identity, Reilly also guessed what Carl was going to do next.

"This kid looks pretty good, but it's a pity it's a navy"

Reilly muttered, linked to what Carl had done, and he had a feeling that maybe the other party would become the pirates' most troublesome enemy in the future.

On the other hand, Tsuru took Carl's Life Paper, and according to the direction of the Life Paper, he had already come to the island where Carl was, and as soon as he got off the boat, he took Giyuan and Kuzan towards the location of the Buli family, followed by hundreds of naval soldiers, as well as Carl's little friend DuPont.

Based on the size of Carl's Life Paper, Carl is not currently in any danger, and the Life Paper shows no signs of burning.

A large number of navies arrived, and the members of the Buli family on the island did not dare to obstruct it at all, and they didn't see that the leaders were two lieutenant generals, where did they dare to go up.

He is a thief, and of course he has to hide when he sees a soldier.

The more clever ones immediately went to inform their boss.

"It's in that room"

Kuzan pointed to the large room in front of him, where he had sensed Carl's location.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and get Carl out, I'm going to beat those traffickers hard and let them go to Mari Bridge to be slaves of the dragons"

Du Pont said indignantly, dare to abduct his little friends, this alone can bury you alive, and now he doesn't realize that Carl himself was deliberately abducted.

"This kid is very emotionally unstable"

Kuzan suddenly stopped and said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a roar came from the house

"Enough, don't say any more"

The roar was accompanied by a domineering and straightforward aura, which spread wantonly in all directions, and the people of Kuzan only felt an irresistible, domineering aura rushing towards them.

The DuPont children felt a little dizzy in their heads and unsteady feet, as if they were about to faint.

"This little ghost, it's amazing"

Kuzan stood in place, his face changing slightly, and muttered something.

And Tsuru and Gien had already rushed in for the first time, and he walked in slowly, anyway, Carl was fine, and he was a blessing in disguise, even he was very envious.

"I didn't expect to have a human appearance, and the Navy will really have one more amazing character in the future."

Reilly muttered to himself, taking the flask and pouring it into his mouth, but unfortunately there was not a drop of wine, and then he remembered that the wine had been drunk.

"If you go, you're going to be in trouble."

A general staff officer of the Navy and an alternate admiral are all members of the upper echelons of the Navy, and although he is not cowardly, if he can not be discovered, he will not be discovered, so as not to cause any trouble, and he is very satisfied with his current life.

Alan heard the other party's words, glanced at the other party, and felt that this old man had gone crazy, this iron cell is so strong, you don't have a key, how can you go.

······ Asking for flowers... 0

He felt pity for the old man in his heart, but the next moment, he saw that the old man directly smashed the wall with a light punch, waved his hand and walked away in a chic manner, and Allen was stunned.

The people who were in the same cell with Reilly did not expect such a hope to suddenly pop up in despair, what is a miracle, in their opinion, this is a miracle.

The rest of the cell shouted for Reilly to save them, but Reilly didn't look back, and after a few steps, the man disappeared.

"This guy is so strong"

Alan looked at the place where Reilly disappeared in amazement, as well as the big hole in the wall, and really couldn't figure out why such a strong man would want to stay here, and he obviously had the strength to leave.

.... ,.........

It seems that what I guessed before should be right, this old man is indeed a madman, and only a madman can behave like this.

Not long after Reilly left, a large number of Navy soldiers had already run over and rescued Allen and the others.


In the naval hospital, Carl woke up faintly, and before he could fully wake up, a face came to him, and the other party was surprised and complained.

"Carl, you're awake, really, why didn't you take me to such an exciting thing, let me wait for you alone in Chambord Park for so long, fortunately I was smart enough to find Granny Crane"

"Then I have to thank you."

Carl, who gradually came to his senses, said angrily, he thought too much about Dupont too smartly, this thing must not have notified Granny Crane as soon as he knew that he was missing, otherwise how could Granny Crane come so late.

"How about Carl, it doesn't matter about your body"

Tsuru and Gien also hurriedly walked over and said worriedly.

At this time, Carl realized that he was in the hospital, and suddenly looked confused: "It's okay, but how could I be here"

Thinking of what he saw in the room before, Carl's breathing couldn't help but feel a little heavier, could it be that he had been fainted by anger before, as if this possibility was very high.

"Don't you know that you awakened the overlord color domineering at that time, and stunned Bu Li and the subordinates around him?"

Kuzan, who was leaning against the wall and pretending to sleep, opened his eyes and said. _

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