This world will turn around without anyone, and the dragon defected to the naval headquarters, although it had some impact on the headquarters, but soon this matter was suppressed by the Warring States.

At the same time, the navy also sent the wanted notice for the dragon, the four seas, the great route, the new world, under the spread of the news bird, the dragon's wanted notice spread all over the world.

Such a fanfare wanted person, even if this person is a traitor to the navy, should not be treated so highly.

The treatment of dragons is almost comparable to that of sea thieves.

The reason is very simple, the dragon is Karp's son, and Sengoku and Karp are friends, so to a certain extent, he understands dragons.

This is a man with a delicate mind, courage and a sense of the overall situation, and Sengoku even thought about training the dragon to become the next naval marshal, but unfortunately it backfired.

And the reason why the dragon defected to the navy Sengoku seems to know, "Zero Ninety-Three" because Sengoku gave Long a secret mission, and not long after the end of this mission, Long defected to the navy.

Time entered the year 1503 of the sea calendar, and the influence caused by the dragon was nothing under the power of time, and the navy was still the same as before.

On New Year's Day in 1503, Carl specially invited Alan to his home for the New Year, and although Alan often lived in a naval orphanage, he often came to Carl, and sometimes Carl went to him.

Carl and Granny Crane's home, Alan is also very familiar with it.

"Carl, this is a New Year's gift for you and Granny Crane"

Alan came early in the morning, carrying two gift boxes in his hand, the benefits of the Navy Orphanage are much better than those of ordinary orphanages, and even each orphan has an allowance every month, which Allen bought with pocket money.

"It's so polite to come here and bring any gifts"

Karl said what middle-aged women often said in his previous life, and took the gift from Alan honestly and unceremoniously with both hands.

Alan was already surprised by Carl's troubles, smiled a little, and walked into the house with Carl.

"Granny Tsuru"

Seeing that he didn't see the crane, Alan asked.

"I should be going to buy vegetables, after all, in the New Year, I must prepare a big table to eat, do you say no" As a foodie, Carl said that the New Year's meal, and his saliva was about to flow out.

"You sit first"

Carl spoke, pouring Alan and himself another cup of hot tea.

"Click, click"

Eat a bite of senbei and drink a sip of hot tea, and there is a special taste.

At the same time, he also gave Alan a pack of senbei, under the leadership of Carl, Alan also liked this delicious snack, because the pocket money is not very much, so he can't eat senbei as water or even staple food like Carl.

Carl is a small billionaire, and as a star doctor at the Navy Hospital, he has a large salary and bonuses every month.

In addition, sometimes going out to see a doctor or something for some nobles, the other party's shot can be described as very generous, which is very in line with his aristocratic identity.

So in the past two years, Carl has saved a lot of money, and it is estimated that he can buy a house of 100 square meters in this place where every inch of land is at a premium.

But he lives in a small villa in Granny Crane now, so naturally he won't be stupid to waste this money, flipping houses or something, he doesn't have enough funds, and playing this in the world of pirates is really too low-grade.

"Can Carl please ask you for something?"

Allen, who was eating senbei, said suddenly.

Carl didn't think it was strange, just after seeing the other party stop talking a few times, he knew that there must be something wrong with Allen.

"What's the matter? Are you sick?"

Carl looked at the other party, what can he do, what he is best at is seeing a doctor, but looking at Allen's face, it doesn't seem that he has any disease.

"I'm not sick"

Alan shook his head, he was in good health.

"I want to go to the Naval Academy after the New Year, but I'm not old enough, can you help me talk to Granny Crane" Alan looked at Carl with a wistful expression.

He had a gambler father who he had personally sold to traffickers, and if it weren't for Carl, he would be living a miserable life now, maybe even dead.

So Allen is very mature in his mind, and he is grateful to Carl for saving him, but at the same time he feels helpless about his weakness.

In Marin Vando, all the children hope that they will become a navy in the future, become a guardian of justice, and Allen, who has experienced pain since childhood, knows that the world is full of all kinds of darkness, and he hopes to become a navy more than many people, to become a navy with power, to change themselves, and to protect others.

The rules of the naval school are for children over the age of 13, of course, this is only for the children of ordinary families, and if there are naval officers among the parents, they can enter the school early,..... ,

After the New Year, Alan will be 11 years old, and there are still two years, which is not a long time, but Alan does not want to wait any longer, although the life in the orphanage is very good, and there is Carl as a friend, but this kind of life is no longer suitable for him.

He desperately wanted to be empowered.

In particular, his only friend, Carl, is not only a doctor, but also has good strength.

He may not have known Karl before, but after coming to Marinfando, he heard Karl's name from other people more than once.

Fruit ability, doctor, and disciple of naval hero Karp.

With such a good friend, Alan said that the pressure is high, he has been dumped far away by Carl, so he does not want to be dumped further by Carl, and he is a few years older than Carl.

Because he is a friend of Carl's friends, Carl also visited him at the orphanage a few times, making the administrator of the orphanage very friendly to him, which makes Alan even more grateful to Carl.

Carl didn't expect Alan to have such positive thoughts, as he knew, the management of the Naval School was very strict.

Every year, some children get tired of this draconian rule and drop out of school.

"This is fine, I'll tell Granny Crane when she comes back, it shouldn't be a big problem" Carl nodded in agreement.

With the status of the crane in the navy, unless the principal of your naval school shows his brain, how can he refuse. 4.0

Carl didn't want to go to the Naval School, he had enough in his previous life, and besides, with Karp, although he was not very reliable for people, he was still quite good in terms of teaching.

In the original play, Karp taught Luffy's little fan brother that he was obviously shorter than Luffy and his force value was inferior to ordinary people, but after being trained by Karp for a period of time, he grew taller, not to mention, he also mastered several of the six styles of the navy.

From this aspect, it can be seen that Karp's teaching ability is very good, and no one dares to go against Karp's teaching plan under the iron fist of love.

Unless your head is iron enough, Karl is not enough for this, so continue to live in fear of being ruled by the iron fist of love.

PS: With the official display of Karp's life card, Karp only has the armament color and the seeing and hearing color, and there is no overlord color. _

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