Kuzan is the youngest of the three generals, and Shanks is also the youngest of the four emperors, but compared to the two, Kuzan is still almost ten years older than Shanks.

The current Shanks is not yet the Four Emperors, and his combat power has definitely not reached the level of the Four Emperors, and Kuzan is already a general.

From now on, Kuzan's strength is stronger than Shanks's.

However, Shanks has helpers, and Kuzan is only one person, although there are also his subordinates on the warship, but these subordinates are still not strong enough in front of Shanks and others.

When his icicle was blocked by Rakilu with an armed color domineering, Kuzan also became interested in this fat man, and this armed color domineering may not be owned by many people even if it is placed in the Navy headquarters.


The deputy captain Beckman fired a shot, and as the future emperor and first officer, Beckman not only has a smart mind, but also is extremely capable.

On the top of the war, he raised his gun at the yellow ape and told the other party not to move, but the yellow ape did not fight back or say anything, but obediently raised his hands.

From this point, it can be seen how strong Beckman is.

The bullet is also wrapped around the armed color domineering, and for the owners of natural fruits, the armed color domineering is their nemesis.

The bullets are wrapped around the armed color domineering, and I have to say that the red-haired pirates gave Ku 347 another "surprise" to pay more attention to them.

"You can't let them go, or if they go to the New World, the Navy won't be able to do anything about them," Kuzan said secretly.

The dominance of the navy is weak in the first half of the four seas and the Great Voyage, and the dominance of the New World in the second half is weak, where the rulers are pirates, Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling, Kaido.

Beckman's marksmanship is very strong, and although he is not a sniper like Jebus, he is even more skilled than Jebusus at short range.

The bullet struck and gave Kuzan a sense of danger, and the armed color domineering entangled on it was like a poisonous snake that would bite Kuzan at any time.

This time, Kuzan didn't use an ice blade to split this bullet, and he was armed with domineering, and his own ice blade might not be able to split.

The ice under his feet swelled, forming a huge ice rock, through which bullets were pierced.

The next moment, the ice under Shanks and the others trembled, and huge ice picks formed around them, and in the sunlight, the tips of the ice picks flashed with a cold and cold light.

Under Kuzan's control, the icicle kept piercing Shanks and the others.

Bang bang (BGFC) bang, there was a loud bang on the ice.

Under the attack of the icicle, although Shanks and the others were not hit, they did not have the extra strength to attack Kuzan.

Rakilu was armed with both hands, punching an ice pick, and his fat body gave him great strength.

Beckman dodged the icicles with his nimble reach.

Shanks relied on his excellent swordsmanship to cut the ice pick in two.

"Gotta find a way, these ice picks keep flowing," Shanks said to Beckman.

Although he was a captain and more powerful than Beckman, he was not as smart as anyone else, admitted.

This is the sea, arguably Kuzan's home turf, and as long as he has enough stamina, he can make more ice picks.

"What can be done now, the best way is to kill this general, you're not the captain, hurry up and kill him"

Beckman was so angry that he almost cursed, it was a little difficult to hide from so many ice picks by himself, how could he have any extra thoughts to think about how to break the game.

"What a grumpy fellow, how could I have dragged you on the boat and dared to yell at the captain"

Shanks pouted, looking at the somewhat scrambled co-captain.

"What's the matter, hurry up and be serious with me, or I'll be killed by you as the vice-captain," Beckman shouted with some anger.

Because his brain was a little angry with Shanks, if he didn't pay attention, he was cut by an ice pick on his arm, and the wound was not small, and blood flowed out at once.

But as soon as the blood flowed out, it was frozen by the surrounding low temperature.

This ice surface is not just an ice surface, because of the existence of the ice surface, the surrounding temperature is at least about -20 degrees, and at such a low temperature, it will definitely affect the strength.

Eighty percent of ordinary people will freeze to death directly, and they don't see that the crew members on Shanks's ship who are not very strong are already overcoats on board, and even then they are still shivering.

Also affected by the low temperature were the soldiers on the warship, and the unconscious Carl was fine, after all, he was held by Xiongba, and the thick bear skin coat blocked the low temperature, and he even felt a little hot.

"After all, the other party is a general, how can it be so easy to deal with, it seems that it is impossible not to work hard" Shanks looked at the injured Beckman, as well as the crew of his own ship.

In this battle, I must not be defeated, and if I lose, I will never recover.

The famous sword Griffin slashed out a huge sword aura, and everywhere he went, the ice shattered, and all the ice picks in front of him were emptied by him with one sword.

At the same time, the sword qi was still unabated, and flew towards Kuzan.

The speed of the sword qi is very fast, and Kuzan is not a person who is known for his speed like the yellow ape, his hands are directly armed, and his palms are pinched with the sword qi.

But the power of the sword qi came, the pressure of Kuzan retreated, and his face became extremely solemn, after retreating dozens of meters, Kuzan kicked his legs violently, and finally resisted the sword qi, and pinched his fingers hard, and the sword qi was crushed by him.

The armed color domineering retreated, and a blood mark had already appeared on his hands, even if he had the armed color, he was still injured by the opponent's sword qi.

When Kuzan resisted the sword qi, Shanks seized the opportunity and came directly to Kuzan, exuding this strong domineering aura on his body.

In the future, he will be known as the most domineering man on the sea, and his overlord domineering is very strong, even Kuzan, who is a general, was instantly shocked by Shanks's overlord domineering spirit that broke out with all his might.

Although this is only a short moment, in this kind of top-level battle, an instant loss of consciousness may determine life and death.

The famous knife Griffin had already stabbed into the opponent's heart at the moment when the opponent lost consciousness.

The heart is critical, and now Kuzan has been stabbed in the heart.

The scene freezes, Shanks holding the Griffin in his hand and stabbing Kuzan in the heart, the tip of the knife piercing through his back.

The soldiers on the warship looked shocked and desperate, and their own general died like this?

The red-haired pirates were overjoyed, damn, their own captain is amazing, he usually doesn't have a proper line, but he didn't expect to be so biao that he actually killed a general.

But you can't rejoice too soon.

Under everyone's gaze, the impaled Kuzan turned into a pile of ice mounds.

The owner of the natural fruit is not afraid of physical attacks, and Shanks's knife is not entangled at all, so he dodges it with elementalization.

PS: Thank you for the reward of "Life is like a dream and picturesque"_

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