The knife he got from Shanks, Carl naturally gave it to Ko Yuan, who returned from the mission, and he didn't have much research on knives, but Ko Yuan was a knife fan.

As long as you are a sword master, you are basically a knife fan, and you have the ability to recognize a knife with one hand, otherwise if a good knife is placed in front of you, you will have no eyes and miss it, how angry it will be.

From the mouth of the Qin Garden, I know that this knife is called Jin Biluo, and it is also one of the twenty-one works of the big fast knife, which definitely belongs to the ranks of rare treasures.

As a result, Carl received the treatment of a facial cleanser from the garden, with lipstick marks on the left and right sides of his face, which was a considerable benefit.

The only pity is that the facial cleanser in the garden is not as enjoyable as Lily's, and it doesn't feel suffocated.

With the help of this big fast knife Jin Biluo, Qin Yuan's strength has steadily entered a level, if he used to be five or five with Jiaji.

So now, she can completely put the Gaji machete on the ground and let him call his mother.

Carl himself didn't expect that Xiong Ba was such a bull that he would be able to take out this wooden box on the wrecked ship, and this wooden box was still the only valuable thing on the wreckage.

It is estimated that even if the ship is not damaged and the treasures on the ship do not sink to the bottom of the sea, then this golden biro is definitely the most valuable thing on this ship.

Thinking that this knife was used by Shanks to curry favor with Whitebeard, he accidentally met Carl and them, not only was the ship gone, but even the knife was gone, and he was almost imprisoned in the city.

After getting the golden biluo, Qin Yuan couldn't wait to go to sea to find the pirates to try the knife, and she didn't dare to use all her strength to learn from the headquarters, for fear that she would really hack Jia Ji to death.

But for pirates, then there is no such thing as leaving a hand, it is best to kill them all.

Those who play with knives have a heavier murderous intent, even Qinyuan, who is a woman, is no exception.

On the night of the Golden Lion Shiki's night attack on the Navy Headquarters, Carl saw Qin Yuan cut off the heads of dozens of pirates, and he was slashed in the back, and continued to slash people with his knife as if nothing happened.

In this world, there are not many people who can enjoy the gentleness of the garden, and Carl is definitely one of them.

"Jiaji, what are you doing here?"

In the small town of Marinfando, Carl saw Gaji wrapped in a bandage on the road, swaying and looking like a thug.

Carl pointed to the bandages on the other party's body, what was going on, obviously when he was fighting with Qin Yuan yesterday, he healed the wounds on his body that were cut by Qin Yuan.

Why is he still wrapped in bandages today, won't he go to Qin Yuan to talk to him again.

Seeing Carl, Gaji was obviously startled, and when he found that Carl was the only one, his face became normal.

The ghostly looked around Carl and made sure again, as if he was still not at ease, so he whispered: "Qinyuan is not with you"

Looking at Jiaji's appearance, it is obvious that he is scared by the garden.

Thinking about it, in the past few days, Qin Yuan has been talking to him three or four times a day, because of the existence of Carl's father, Qin Yuan has not only not greeted him at the point, but also does not spare any hands when cutting other places.

He didn't expect that the girl who had shown himself dozens of times would have such a violent side, and when he got a famous knife, he took him as the object of the knife.

The key is that this little ghost is not a thing, as soon as he was injured, he healed himself, and then he was asked by Qin Yuan to learn.

I wanted to refuse, this little ghost said softly on the side, you won't be able to do it, how can a man say that he can't do it, Sister Qinyuan doesn't like a weak man.

There are no dirty words in this whole process, but if it doesn't work viciously, what should he do, he can only grit his teeth and continue to learn from Qinyuan.

But it's been like this for a few days, and Jiaji has been abused out of his heart, and he didn't want to go out today, but he didn't have anything to eat at home, so he could only go outside to eat.

I was afraid of encountering Qin Yuan, so I deliberately wrapped a bandage around myself and pretended to be injured.

He even thought of an excuse, that is, he ate the overlord meal and was beaten by the boss and his buddies.

I didn't meet it in the garden today, but I met this vicious ghost.

"Qin Yuan went to catch the pirates, she is tired of cutting you" Karl said truthfully, directly ignoring Gaji's very unhappy eyes.


This is definitely the best news of the year, and I finally don't have to worry about feeding my own life anymore.

"When Qin Yuan comes back, I will tell him that you will call her Qin Yuan when she is away," Jia Ji sneered.

This little ghost is completely duplicitous, and he enthusiastically calls his sister in front of the Qin Garden, and as soon as the person is not there, he will take a bite of the Qin Garden.

"Do you think the Kiln Garden will believe you, idiot and calculate, when the time comes, I will tell her that you are going to take me to the Peachy House in the Chambord Islands, and you will wait to be hacked to death by Sister Kiln."

Threaten yourself, you're afraid you're out of your mind, who gave you the courage, Liang Jingruru, I'm really tired of it.

Gaji's eyes widened, he looked at Carl with an incredulous expression, and his fingers pointed at him with a slight trembling finger: "Little ghost, if you do this, you will make the navy lose the most powerful admiral in the future."

This vicious little ghost, he really underestimated him, if he really said that, then he would definitely be very miserable.

"300,000 Bailey, I won't slander you, just hush money," Karl stretched out his hand.

Poof, Jia Ji was so angry that he almost vomited blood, such a shameless little ghost, who did he learn from, was it taught by Karp.

also knew that if he slandered himself, he even asked for 300,000 Baileys for himself.

Think about the time when he asked Kuzan to take him to the island of the Beasts, the latter extorted him 300,000 Bailey, and Carl is still haunted by it, and the small treasury is less than half at once, can you not think about making up for it.

The way to make money from work is obviously too slow, and the fastest is blackmail, no, it is temporary, and it is sent to the door by yourself.

"Little ghost, you even know about the peachy house, you pay attention to these at such a young age, hmph, when the time comes, I'll tell Lieutenant General Crane to see how she cleans you up"

Crane has a stern side of Carl's kindness at the same time, that is, he is afraid that Carl, the seedling of the navy, will grow crooked, if Jia Ji really says so.

All right!

"I'm gone, count you awesome"

After comparing it, it is better not to hurt each other, he doesn't want to be tried by Granny Crane again.

That's right, Carl was educated by Tsuru, and as for the reason, it was that he drank wine with Dupont, and that was also the first time Carl drank wine in the pirate world.

Not to mention that the wine brought by DuPont tasted really good, and I got drunk after drinking a glass, but I was still drunk at home.

Then Tsuru came home from work and saw two drunkards lying on the ground with a bottle of wine beside him.

When he woke up, Dupont left as if nothing had happened, leaving Carl alone on a clothespole.

PS: Thanks for the tip of "**".

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