Because of the last Whitebeard incident, Carl hasn't left Marin Fan for more than half a year, and even if he leaves, he will only go to Mary Joya to see those scum Tianlong people.

Encountering Whitebeard is obviously a very unlikely event, just like planting five million, Carl doesn't believe that he can meet Whitebeard for the second time when he goes out for a walk.

It's a pity that Sengoku just thinks that Carl's luck will be very bad, maybe he didn't meet Whitebeard when he went out, but encountered extremely dangerous weather.

Anyway, I just don't want Carl to leave Marin Fando, not because Carl is under house arrest, but because Carl is extremely important to the Navy.

In particular, Carl's continuous development of the fruit of life, and the ability to repair internal organs alone, can save many naval soldiers and officers.

You say that you left Marinfando, then if there is a seriously wounded major general or lieutenant general, only Karl can save him, but you are not in Marinfando.

So what to do with "057", I can only let this injured person wait for death.

The key is that in addition to the navy, even the Draconians also seek medical treatment from Carl.

As a doctor, Carl is indeed limited to some extent, at least he has lost some of his freedom.

Rescue value 60597

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Abilities: Slow Heal 5000/5000 (Perfect) Quick Heal 8000/8000 (Perfect) Antibody Boost 20000/20000 (Perfect) Internal Organs Repair 40000/40000 (Perfect) Bone Heal 30000/30000 (Perfect)

Toxin Cure 500/15000 (Beginner)

Skill: Intermediate physical technique 1000/200000

Domineering: Primary Overlord Color Domineering 1000/100000 Primary Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering 5000/100000

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury)

Currently activating skill: Qi and Blood Recovery (requires 10000 rescue value)

For more than half a year, Carl's gains are still quite huge, at least the physical skills have changed from beginner to intermediate, and he has departed from the existence of low-level interests.

Carl, who is an intermediate-level physique, already has the strength of a naval colonel-level officer, which Karp personally admitted.

Therefore, according to Karl's estimate, the high-level physical skills should correspond to the admiral-level officers, but eighty percent of them cannot reach the level of generals, and the top lieutenant generals should be about the same.

Not only that, but the ability to produce fruits also learned toxin treatment, as the name suggests, is to treat poisoned patients, and all kinds of poisons can be treated.

Of course, because it is still an entry level, if it is very poisonous, it will be very slow to treat.

His ability can be regarded as completely restraining Magellan, the owner of the poisonous fruit, and after having this ability, he also went to Magellan.

Let Magellan release the poison, and then he detoxify, as for the people who experimented, there were so many criminals in the entire prison of the Advance City, and there was no one to worry about at all.

Magellan's poisonous fruit, the toxins are also strong and weak, the strongest poison, the current Carl can not be cured, because from poisoning to poisoning, it takes less than half a minute.

In such a short period of time, it is not enough to treat with entry-level toxins, at least to reach the mastery or even perfection level to be able to deal with Magellan's most violent poison.

The ability to treat toxins is still very useful, after all, there are countless poisonous weeds and poisons in this world, so the poisons synthesized are comparable to the stars.

There are so many poisons, how many can you know, how many antidotes there are.

Poison is such a thing, even if the general encounters it, he has no bottom in his heart, after all, this is not a real knife and a real gun, these can be seen, but poison, this crooked and evil thing, is strong, and he really doesn't have the confidence to say that he is not afraid of poison.

How many masters in martial arts dramas have been killed by poison.

You let Capson take the poison and see if he dares to say that he will be fine if he eats it.

And Carl's toxin treatment is equivalent to a universal antidote, no matter what poison you have, I can solve it, authoritarian bells and whistles.

In terms of two-color domineering, the overlord color domineering is thunder that can't be moved, but I have seen and heard that the color domineering has improved slightly through cultivation, but the improvement is not very large.

The cultivation method of overlord color domineering is very special, in Karp's words, it is to use courage, spirit, faith, and strength to defeat opponents one by one and increase one's domineering.

It's equivalent to fighting monsters to upgrade, but in the Navy Headquarters, where is the blame, so Carl's domineering has not been improved at all, unless it is increased with rescue points.


In the conference room of the Navy Headquarters, basically all the top officials of the Navy are here, the first seat is Marshal Sengoku, the left hand side is the three major generals, the right hand side is Karp, Crane, and the rest are vice admirals who hold great power...

However, to his surprise, there was an extra chair between Karp and Crane, and Carl sat on the chair, shaking his legs in boredom.

He and the crane are the shortest, everyone else is more than three meters tall, and the crane is more than two meters tall, and after more than half a year, Carl's height can only break through one meter seven.

So you can imagine how tall this chair is.

"The world conference is still three months away, and Mary Joy's safety work, in addition to the CP organization, our navy also has to send people over"

The World Conference is held every four years, and the participating countries are all member countries of the world government, about fifty or so, and the kings of the four seas, as well as the Great Voyage and the New World, will come and participate.

This world conference is basically the same as the United Nations.

Once every four years, the navy has to participate in the defense work, so the navy is familiar with this aspect.

At the same time, this is also the first world conference after the Sengoku became the marshal, in order to let the leaders of various countries see the new look of the navy, let them know that the navy is the strongest in the world and can protect your country.

The Warring States attached great importance to this.

"Do any of you want to go to Mary Joya to work as a guard," Sengoku said.

This question is like when I was in school, the math teacher wrote a very difficult thinking question on the blackboard, and asked the students who could do it to raise their hands to do it.

As a result, no one raised 5.2 hands at all, but each lowered their heads, for fear of being named by the teacher to do it.

The World Conference, and the Tianlong people, as well as the kings and ministers of various countries, basically accounted for most of the scum, and only a few were worthy of praise.

There are a lot of scum and few good people, so security work is definitely not a good errand, so no one wants to take the initiative to take this shit basin.

Sengoku is a little angry, what a great opportunity to let you show your face in front of the Draconians and so many kings, why is no one willing to go.

If I hadn't been in the Navy Headquarters, I would have gone a long time ago.

In fact, when Sengoku was still a general, he served as the security of several world conferences, and he also met those nobles, so it can be said that there are really a lot of scum.

Now that he is a marshal, this drudgery is not his turn, and there is something beautiful in his heart.

PS: After the World Conference, Carl is no longer a little kid, don't worry_

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