Looking at Kuzan's hidden smile, he got a huge bargain, even if he played ice, he was happy now, four million Bailey, his annual salary and bonus for a year as a general are estimated to be less than this number.

Now that I have a year's worth of money for no reason, it's no wonder if I can't be happy.

Carl felt that this place could not be any longer, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bite Kuzan, the dog thief.

"I'm leaving"

said something sullenly, turned around and left, Kuzan didn't say anything, not even a polite word, I send you, these four million are simply feeding the dogs.

Walking out of the door, I looked up at the bright sunshine in the sky, hoping to dispel the gloom in my heart.

"Xiongba, you're a coward"

Endure the calm for a while, take a step back, and the more you think about it, the more angry you become, the sun can't dispel the haze in Carl's heart at all, but it is deeper, and he is angry, and his doghead hat jumps up.


What's going on with myself, it's not my secret, I can't beat that ice cube, what can I do about that bear.

"Dupont, you're dead, I'll let you know how terrible it will be for those who annoy me Vincent Carr to end up with a cold glint in Karl's eyes"

All of this started with DuPont, and then it must end with DuPont, who can't pinch Kuzan's thigh, and Dupont's little arm is still beating himself.

"Let's go, today I want to dye the blood of the Tianlong people, play Chopin's nocturne for you, and commemorate my lost Bailey" raised his feet and walked towards Dupont's house, already thinking about the ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, try them one by one on Dupont, rest assured that with his own medical skills, he will definitely not die.


Xiong Ba screamed, this voice was different from usual, with a hint of hostility.

Although Carl was angry, he still heard Xiong Ba's different tones, and he also saw the person who appeared opposite him, no wonder Xiong Ba was hostile.

The other party is the young man who caught Xiongba last time and got a bearskin coat.

was taught a hard lesson by Carl and Xiongba, and the other party probably knew Carl's identity, so he didn't come to trouble, which made Carl a little disappointed.

Although he didn't know what to do, Carl ignored the other party, he was now having something important to do, so he walked in front of the other party.

When Carl walked over, the young man's complexion kept changing, he turned his head, looked at Carl, who had left more than ten meters, the hesitation on his face was gone, and shouted: "Carl Doctor is born"


Karl stopped and turned to look at the other man, who suddenly knelt down towards him.

With a frown, Carl didn't like it, whether it was him kneeling or someone else kneeling on his own.

"If it was last time, I didn't take it to heart, so you can get up," Carl said.

Although his heart is not big, he has already taught the other party a lesson, and there is no need to teach a second lesson, but like Karp and Kuzan, he has not taught him once, so he has a very small heart for these two people.

However, the other party didn't mean to get up, and still knelt on the ground, which made Carl a little angry, and said in a deep tone: "I said, I didn't pay attention to what happened last time, you don't have to do this"

As if he hadn't heard, the man hit his head on the ground and screamed, "Doctor Karl, please save my sister, she's sick and dying."

"As long as you save her, I'll be at your disposal"

The young man lowered his head, and did not hear Carl's words for a long time, and the loss and despair in his heart made his tears continue to drip on the ground.

"Don't get up yet, take me to see the patient"

At this time, Carl was already holding the medical kit, and just now he went back to the house to get it, only to find that the goods were still kneeling, and crying, how old a person, how could tears be so worthless.

The young man looked at Carl in surprise when he heard this, nodded randomly gratefully, and then took Carl to his sister's doctor.

On the way, Karl also learned the name of the young man, Mock, the prince of the kingdom of Bea in the first half of the Great Voyage, and his sister who was sick.

For this guy, Carl felt very bad at first, after all, the other party was too arrogant, but now the impression has changed slightly.

can kneel for his sister, and he is still a prince, he can let go of his identity, although he is a scumbag, but there are also good qualities in it.

The kings of the confederates met in it, and the families and ministers they brought with them lived to the east of Maryjoy, where there was a large area of houses for these people.

When he came to a house with Mok, the guard at the door saw his prince coming, and hurriedly greeted him, and at the same time saw Carl and the bear, his face was a little ugly.

Carl and Xiong Ba may not remember, these two guards were the few guards around Mock at that time, and both of them had tasted the taste of being stunned by the bear's paw.

So now when I see Xiong Ba, my face is a little scared.

He followed the other party to a room on the second floor, where there were several doctors in white coats, and because they were blocking them, Carl did not see the patient.

One of these doctors was brought by his own country, after all, the World Conference is still a bit long, and it is definitely safer to bring a doctor.

The other doctors were borrowed by the prince from several other countries with whom he had befriended to treat his sister.

As a result, none of these doctors were able to cure their sister's illness, and even under their treatment, her sister's illness became more dangerous.

So there was no way out, so he came to Carl.

Since the last time he was beaten by Carl and Xiongba, the young man wanted to get back on the field, but thinking about Carl's daring to beat himself, what kind of identity did he have.

So he investigated, and the information that came out was that he was almost stunned, and he had long since lost the idea of making trouble with Carl.


Hearing the sound of the door opening, several doctors turned around, and it seemed that Mo Ke had some guilt on his face, after all, as a doctor (Morpho Zhao) student, he couldn't cure the patient, although it was not their fault, but it was also because he was too incompetent, and they were all imperial doctors.

"I brought Dr. Karl here," Mock said.

Hearing this name, the doctors immediately looked at Carl, their expressions were still a little excited, and their eyes felt as if fans had seen a star.

Karl's name had been circulating on the Great Voyage for more than a year, and the people had probably not heard of him.

But as an insider, none of these doctors had ever heard of Carl.

The owner of the fruit will be able to cure all diseases in the future.

This ability makes countless healers envious, and the jealousy is naturally even more, and there are many curses for Carl to die quickly, after all, only when Carl dies, the fruit of life will be reborn, so that they may have a chance to get this fruit.

PS: Thanks to the "Reading Bookworm" for the tip_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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