“The boat is gentle, floating in the sea, and the cool wind blows in the 、、、、、、.”

Joson was lying comfortably on the recliner, facing the sea breeze, humming a little song, in a very good mood, looking at himself in the mirror, the fat man said that he was quite satisfied.

Dark skin, yellow and black middle, much better than black people, angular cheeks, thick and sexy lips, deep black eyes, personalized explosive head, has the feeling of a rock singer of the eighties.

“Not bad! It’s that the skin is a little darker, but it doesn’t hurt. ”

The fat man said that he was quite satisfied, looking at the eight-pack abs on his body, he looked thin, but he was very meaty. The requirements of the fat man are very simple, it doesn’t matter if you are handsome, as long as you are not fat, then everything else is easy to talk to.

Because fat is an eternal pain in his heart, it is enough to be fat once, and he doesn’t want to be fat a second time. Think about the weird eyes of others when he took the elevator in the mall before, this kind of thing, he didn’t want to experience it a second time.

“Next is ability, I am a superhuman bomb fruit, bomberman, in addition to explosive damage, is explosive power!”

A yy smile appeared at the corner of Jossen’s mouth, explosion, what is an explosion, that is an unparalleled explosion. What naval six-style, what moon step, in front of him, at least a notch lower.

They need to step continuously, then produce a powerful burst, and then reach an amazing speed. However, with a bomberman like him who is not afraid of explosions, the explosive power is still too far away.

Joson only needs to detonate his legs to get a huge impact, as long as he can control this force, it is faster than that shaving.

“That’s right, my explosive power is the strongest, then I can create skills that surpass the Navy Six.” Joson laughed proudly.

Bombs mainly use the huge shock wave, thermal radiation and fragmentation generated by the explosion to cause damage to the target, and there are also neutron radiation such as neutron bombs, which mainly cause damage to living things.

However, the fragment has nothing to do with him, the use of explosive power is also a very important link, the main thing at this moment is how to use this huge impact force, and then turn into his instant explosive power, forming an unparalleled speed.

This is not a difficult thing for Jossen, as long as he detonates his feet, he can generate huge power, and how to control this impact force requires skillful use. And what he needs to do is not waste the shockwave in the slightest.

Any success is impossible to get easily, even if it is a pie in the sky, you need to get up early, at least open your mouth to catch it!

“The only pity is that God didn’t give me much time!”

Qiao Sen touched his chin, his eyes flashed with wisdom, since he woke up in the small garden, he already knew that he was only half a year away from that big event at most!

And the big event he absolutely wants to go, come to the pirates, if you don’t go to see the battle between Whitebeard and the navy, then the One Piece world can be considered for nothing.

If you want to blend in, then there is only one answer, that is, to push into the city prison and wait for Luffy’s arrival. However, if you want to be in prison, you must have enough strength, after all, prison is not as beautiful as imagined.

And he also has to choose the right time, after all, prison is not enjoyment, but hell! He needs the shortest time for Ace’s execution and then blends into the tide of the plot.

If you enter the Advance City too early, you need to accept that hellish destruction, what Warcraft Hell, Red Lotus Hell, Hunger Hell, 、、、 everything, the sooner you enter, the sooner you suffer.

“There is not much time left for me, I want to use this time and plan well.”

Johnson looked up at the sky, still blue sky and white clouds, comfortable sea breeze, slowly coming. The wind direction and the current were very calm, and he looked at the pointer from time to time, after all, only the record pointer could believe here.

“Mr5’s ability is good, and the ability to develop fruits is also okay, but it will be used too poorly, as long as you make good use of it, then the strength will definitely skyrocket!” Ay! Compared to the explosive man in the Don Quixote family, Mr5 is too different. ”

Johnson tried to recall the memory of fusing Mr5 and found that Mr5 was really dish, but the ability to develop fruits was also okay, not a rookie level.

Compared with the explosive man under Doflamingo, the strength of Mr5 is completely vulnerable, and the fruit ability of the two is not much different.

are all belong to the explosion series, if Mr5 is a bomb, then Guladius is detonated, it seems to be an explosion, but Mr5’s ability is stronger than Guladius, because Mr5’s strength lies in the instant outbreak, like a bomb, the attack power belongs to chemistry.

The ability of Guladius is to explode, like a balloon, which expands to achieve explosive impact, which belongs to the physical explosion.

The ability between the two has its own advantages! If Josson is a barrel of dynamite, blow up wherever you go. Then Guladius is an expert in detonation and can set up numbing bomb traps.

Joson thinks very simply, he is the real bomberman, then he has a strong explosive power, this explosive power, as long as it is used well, the current strength has increased at least several times.

As for the use in battle, close combat is the most able to reflect the power of Bomberman, after all, the two are engaged, as long as they contact the enemy, and then detonate their own fists, the explosive force is enough to make the enemy suffer a lot of damage. This kind of attack is impossible to prevent.

And doesn’t he have a silent explosion in the distant battle? It is to use the gas exhaled, shoot it through the revolver, and then control the explosion in it, and the long-range and melee combat is already possessed, then now it can only improve the fruit ability.

Now fusing the memory of Mr5, the explosion is also to divide how much power, the previous Mr5, that is, the current Josen, at the moment can detonate a maximum of 10,000 kilograms of bombs, equivalent to 200,000 kilograms of power, it seems to be a lot of power, but for this world, it is still too low.

In the original work, the strength of Mr5 is simply weak, and in the face of Luffy, he was killed in seconds before he had a chance to shoot.

Compared with Luffy, facing Solon is also too conceited, giving Solon a loophole, if the real strength is concerned, Mr5 will not be so vulnerable.

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