Fire Fist Ace, the fuse of the chaotic era, if it were not for him, how could Whitebeard and the navy fight? Of course, Johnson knew that Ace was also in Alabastan, but he didn’t expect to meet so soon.

For Ace, compared to others, he is still quite favorable, in his previous life, Ace was a character he liked very much! He has a bold personality, is righteous, and is a friend worth making. What’s more, Ace’s backstage is no less than Luffy, and Joson wants to be close and close to him.

“Please, have you ever seen this person.” Ace was holding a bounty chart at the moment, handing it to an old woman who told fortunes, whether it was attitude or tone, he was very polite.

“Monchi D, Luffy?”

“He may have come to the city, and I’ve been looking for him for a while.”

“Hmm! Haven’t seen Yay! By the way, if you are looking for someone, you can go to the restaurant in front of you and ask, the owner there is very social. ”

“Thank you.” Ace bowed to the old lady, and then muttered, “Restaurant! I’m just hungry too? ”

“Very polite guy! Compared with his bounty, it is simply inversely proportional! Joson stood by with a smile on his lips, and walked towards Ace.

Joson put his right hand on Ace’s shoulder, who was heading to the restaurant, and said, “Friend! If you treat me to a meal, I’ll tell you, where is Monchi D. Luffy? ”

Ace’s originally tense body, after hearing Josen’s words, also relaxed, Ace looked back at Jossen, there was nothing unusual from him.

Ace saw Qiao Sen’s smile, his eyes did not have any other looks, thinking that he was not the kind of guy with bad intentions, and smiled friendly: “Really? If you tell me where Luffy is, I’ll treat me! ”

“Hey, hey! Of course, let’s go! Let’s go to the restaurant again! Joson smiled brightly and ate a lunch for nothing, which of course he was very willing to do.

What’s more, being able to have a meal with Fire Fist Ace, if you can make such friends, it is also a very good thing.

Inside the restaurant, Ace ordered a large table of rice, and most of it was all kinds of meat, Qiao Sen grabbed a meat leg with his right hand, took a bite fiercely, and said vaguely: “Friend, look at the standard behind you, it should be the white-bearded pirate group!” ”

Ace is worthy of being Luffy’s brother, and his nerves are indeed the same as Luffy’s, they are all so big, and he smiled heartily: “Haha~!” You know Daddy! ”

“Haha! Who doesn’t know Whitebeard! By the way, friend, my name is Mike Joson! Nice to meet you! ”

Jossen’s hearty laughter made Ace feel kindness, and his impression of Jossen became very good, looking at Jossen, dark skin, very personal explosive hairstyle, very conspicuous.

Also wearing a cowboy hat, what he cared about the most was that Jossen’s eyes, with a sincere taste, made him very impressed, and said with a smile: “My name is Ace.” ”

“Fire Fist Ace, haha! I didn’t expect to be able to know a sea thief like you! Come, celebrate us being friends, cheers. ”

“Haha! You’re too rewarding, cheers! ”


The two wine glasses collide in the air, and Ace will be very glad that this encounter will be very good in the future, because the presence of Joson will change his fate.

“Groove! Drink and go to sleep! ”

Joson looked at the sleeping Ace in amazement, and was suddenly speechless, sure enough, as in the original work, he can fall asleep while eating, and he is really a cow!

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t believe that there were still people who could sleep while eating, even if they hadn’t slept for days and nights, and when they were eating, they couldn’t sleep!

“Hey! Ace! Joson stretched out his right hand and gently pushed Ace, but there was no response, and then shook it heavily, still unresponsive.

After half a ring, the diners of the restaurant also noticed Jossen’s side, saw Ace’s face, lying on the plate, as if dead, and talked about it

“What’s going on? How did you suddenly die? ”

“Did this guy accidentally eat desert strawberries on the way、、、”

“Desert strawberries?”

“It is a poisonous spider that looks like a red strawberry, and if you accidentally eat it, you will die of poison in a few days, and the corpse will emit infectious virus 、、、 within hours.”

“This way! The guy left quickly, otherwise, he would be infected. A kind citizen, seeing Joson beside Ace, immediately reminded him kindly.

Joson was speechless, even if he ate and slept, but he still slept so dead, Ace was still the first! And the reaction of the people around made Jossen speechless, what the hell is going on!

The corner of Jossen’s mouth twitched, his expression was a little stiff, looked at the sleeping Ace, and then shouted: “Luffy, why are you here.” ”

“Luffy、、、 where is Luffy? Johnson! After hearing someone shouting Luffy, Ace was completely awake, and looked around, looking at the crowd around him, there was no Luffy’s presence, and said to Jossen: “What about Luffy?” Johnson! And what’s going on with these guys? What the hell is arguing about? ”

“We’re all worried about you!”



This time it was Qiao Sen’s turn to be speechless, facing this guy, people with a bad temper are really unbearable! And at this moment, Qiao Sen’s eyes looked in the direction of the corner, the black shadow that disappeared just now, his eyes flickered slightly, and his heart said: “Was it followed so quickly?” Really, can’t even eat? ”

Since the Baroque studio has tracked himself, indicating that he has been exposed, he and Ace have only been one-sided until now, and Joson still does not want to disturb Ace, although Ace does not care.

Johnson stood up and smiled at Ace, “Okay, Ace! I’m sure you’ll be able to meet soon! Tomorrow、、、 tomorrow Luffy should be in this city! ”

After calculating the time, counting his departure in the small garden, it took almost two days to reach Alabastan. And Luffy they should have an accident, Nami is sick, that is, they are going to arrive here, they should be able to arrive tomorrow!

“So it is!”

Eston was slightly disappointed, and after the disappointment, there were some expectations, after all, they hadn’t seen each other for many years, and his lovely younger brother had grown up to what extent.

“Okay, I still have some things, so see you later! Thank you for lunch. ”

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