Killing, and being killed, between the two, is just one more word, but it is a choice between life and death. The battlefield is all about you dying and living, without any mercy.


The killers of the Baroque studio, with hideous faces, brandished their blades, and frantically rushed towards Jossen.

Joson took a deep breath of air and tried to calm himself, his eyes full of the hideous expression of the Baroque studio killer.

“I’d rather kill than be killed!” Joson showed a determined look, after he became Mr5, he understood that his life must not be mediocre.

What is the strong? The reason why the strong are strong is that they have experienced countless battles, survived from the corpse mountain and the sea of blood, and become the final victor!

“I, Joson, am a man who wants to be famous in the world!” Qiao Sen’s eyes looked at the gang of killers, showing indifference, and said, “In this case, then you can die.” ”

Bang! Bang! Bang、、、

The compass loading compartment above the revolver spun rapidly, and the sound of the gun sounded, which made the rushing Baroque work society stop.

The killer in the front, with a slight look of surprise on his face, reached out and touched his body, there was no pain, no wound, and suddenly laughed maniacally, and said: “His gun has no bullets, hahaha!” ”

“I’m okay! His gun has no bullets! Ha ha! Brothers, we are on! Take the head of Mr5, eat fragrant, drink spicy, a good life awaits us? Kill! ”

The members of the Baroque Work Society thought that Jossen had no bullets, and for a while, they rushed to Jossen even more frantically, and Jossen was a symbol of power and money in their eyes.

Whoever gets his head will become a senior agent of the Baroque Work Society, and by then money and power will not be available by surprise.

“No bullets? No, you guys are wrong! ”

Joson smiled disdainfully, making a snap of his fingers at them, and then heard a snap, after a crisp snapping of his fingers.

The next moment, a huge explosion followed, and the ground began to shake violently, and the shock wave that could be seen with the naked eye quickly spread around.

Originally, this deserted house may not be able to withstand the corrosion of the years, and under the shock wave, it turned into a gust of wind and sand. The turbid wind and sand instantly engulfed the explosion site, and within a range of tens of meters, it was covered with sand and dust.

A scorching wind and wave hit, and the sand and dust quickly dispersed under the wind and waves, and the alley at this moment had turned into a ruin, and within a radius of ten meters, it had long been razed to the ground. A thick layer of sand and dust has also been covered on it.

At this moment, the surrounding area is also full of mutilated corpses, and in the sand, you can vaguely see some blood-red minced flesh and intestines.

Even if it was covered with sand, the bright red blood invaded the dust on it, making it blood-red, and there was a strong smell of blood all around.

“The reason why I can become a high-level spy is because I am a capable person, above ordinary people.” Johnson looked at the ruins, but saw the broken flesh, blood and dust, and smelled the pungent smell of blood.

“Gag! Vomit! ”

Such a stimulating scene, Qiao Sen only felt that his throat was a little itchy, and he subconsciously vomited, and his heart was still slightly apprehensive before killing!

After all, from the point of view of meaning, he is killing for the first time, who wants to kill without panic? Unless it’s the kind of person who is naturally sentimental.

Especially after the killing, this feeling became more and more intense, and the broken flesh and blood, blood-colored sand, and strong smell of blood everywhere were more disgusting than usual!

A hundred meters away from the battle in Josson, a cowboy hat sat on the roof of the building, and the battle just now was undoubtedly Ace. The battle just now, in full view, flashed, and said: “Superman is a bomb fruit, interesting!” ”

Before Johnson said that there was something to leave, of course he knew what was going on, quietly followed behind, but did not want to see a massacre!

“It’s been a little too much just now, I have to leave quickly!”

Johnson also heard the discussion in the distance, and then quickly left the battle scene.

The next day, when Johnson took out his clothes from the clothing store, the funds on his body had already gone to more than half, that is, four sets of clothes, which cost him 20,000 Baileys.

This made him call blackmail, and the boss insisted that this was the best fabric, the most famous factory, plus processing fees.

After putting on the new clothes and pants, Jossen’s whole person became different, no underwear, just a cape, revealing the hideous cross scar on his chest. At the waist, there is a wide black leather belt.

Because his skin is relatively dark, the color of the clothes is only relatively light, it is gray-white, and the strange bomb standard behind it, the whole person looks particularly personal.

Comfortable casual leggings and dark leather military boots give you a new look. If it weren’t for the fact that the quality was quite good, how could Johnson give so much money.

In the desert, the most important resource is water, then fruits and the like, and there is basically nothing else except some clothing.

“Very good! All set! Penance begins! ”

Joson carried a huge backpack with dozens of kilograms of things, most of which were water and fruits, some food ingredients and so on.

“It’s so hot! Damn, it’s only morning, it’s already so hot, and the desert weather is really unpleasant! ”

Johnson returned to the boat, and if he wanted to go to Alabastan, he had to pass through a river of clouds, and he needed to land before he could go.

“Has the Navy really arrived?”

Johnson glanced meaningfully, the hanging sky Smoca , king-sized cigars, and a few hanging at once, there are also rows of cigars hanging on the body, worthy of being the strongest smoker among One Piece, behind a sea floor stone ten hands, this is the representative of pretending, the era master!

“Forget it, it’s none of my business! Let’s leave first! ”

Qiao Sen will not ask for trouble, after all, this is very nerve-wracking, and his current strength is estimated to be whether he will go back or not! Although it is certain that the white hunter can’t catch him, why bother to cause trouble? If you are really entangled by the white hunter, it is really a nightmare.

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