The killing intent was awe-inspiring, the wind and waves passed, even the hot desert wind, Jossen felt a chill, Robin’s hands waved, Jossen felt a sway in front of his eyes, a faint fragrance wafted by.

The next moment, Jossen’s head has been strangled, his arms have been locked, and he can’t move at all, as long as Jossen has a change, he will be locked up by Robin.

“I know a lot? Nicole Robin! Maybe Luffy is a good place to stay! Joson sighed slightly, he did not resist, allowing Robin to strangle himself.

Although Luffy is a trouble-making genius, there are many advantages, the lecture qi is one of them, and the sentiment is very heavy, even Jossen is very optimistic about Luffy.

He crossed over, not without thinking about joining Luffy, and finally thought about it, after all, Luffy they are not suitable for themselves, they are not suitable for them, and they are not suitable for the whole world.

Perhaps it is a traversal person who has an inexplicable sense of resistance to the whole world, feeling that the whole world is difficult to integrate into and out of place, more because he knows too much and thinks too much. It feels like the whole world is like a cog in a chain, and it needs to become like that after all, and he is a little out of place.

Wealth, fame, money, power、、、 these things, Joson wants, but how can these things be obtained?

It seems easy to set up a pirate group and become a captain, and perhaps the fat man also knows that this does not suit his character. Reigning is not his style, he just needs to climb to the top, as a bystander, to see a different scenery in this world.

“Is it? Listen to what you mean, it seems to have the feeling of betraying the boss? Robin smiled slightly, did not care, looked at Jossen’s eyes, and became more vigilant.

Robin is smart and wary, she won’t trust anyone, or she wouldn’t be alive now? Maybe it’s because she has experienced so much that she can’t trust anyone!

And Joson looked at Robin’s vigilant eyes, and his heart was even more depressed, is it that he did this! But thinking about how Robin survived all the way, he was also relieved, if he didn’t have this sense of vigilance, it is estimated that he would have already become a pile of rotten bones!

“Miss Robin, I’m not malicious, you know.” Joson shrugged his shoulders and said that he surrendered, he did not want to fight Robin, and these tricks of Robin did not have any effect on him?

The flowers and fruits are indeed very strange, but the power of these tentacles still depends on the ability itself. What’s more, Joson is a bomberman, and what kind of things can bind him? There is only a sea lou stone

Robin stared at Jossen tightly, his hands slowly lowered, and the arm behind Jossen also disappeared, moved his muscles, and said in a diverted manner: “Miss Robin, do you think Straw Hat Luffy will come?” ”

Robin listened to Josson’s words, slightly stunned, and did not answer quickly, thinking of the kid with the straw hat, from his body, Robin seemed to have an inexplicable feeling.

She found Luffy interesting from the Whiskey Peak, otherwise she wouldn’t have rescued Luffy in the middle of the desert?

“Huh! I do not know? ”

“How about we make a bet? If you win, I’ll help you in the future, if you lose!” Just promise me one thing? A smile appeared at the corner of Jossen’s mouth, and he began to play his little calculation again.

“Okay then! I bet he will come! A smile appeared at the corner of Robin’s mouth, thinking of the look in her eyes when she saved Luffy in the first place, she knew that it would definitely not end like this.

“Eh!” Qiao Sen was suddenly a little speechless, and then laughed: “This 、、、 okay!” I also bet he will come, tie! Ha ha! ”

Kou Shalai is right, but he who knows the truth is no less than a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and at this time he found that he and the others were just clowns, walking towards this trap step by step.

Now that he has fallen into the whole trap and can’t pull it out, after listening to Gaka’s words, he ran towards the gate without hesitation.

“Stop!” Princess Weiwei immediately threw Kou Sha down, lying on Kou Sha’s strong back, constantly crying, and Kou Sha looked at Princess Wei Wei in puzzlement, and suddenly said: “Dodge Weiwei!” What do you want? If this continues, the square that has become a battlefield will really be blown up. ”

“You’re too impulsive now, what happens now that everyone knows that the battlefield will explode? Was the square a mess soon? In this way, the war will not stop, and no one can save it! ”

“Very calm little girl! But it’s a pity, it’s still within the boss’s calculation! Johnson shook his head, even if that birdman came, what? Will there be time? And after seeing this situation, will that birdman calm down?

Even Kosha wanted to stop it, there was no way, because there were members of the Baroque Work Society in both the rebel army and the king’s army, and it was impossible to solve it peacefully.

Maybe Kosha has the ability to stop the rebel army and the king’s army, and the Baroque Work Society is a fool? If Kosha is assassinated, then the contradiction between the king’s army and the rebel army is estimated to be unresolved.

“Don’t they know yet? This war cannot be stopped. Qiao Sen shook his head at this moment, and Gong Bra next to him listened to Qiao Sen’s words, and suddenly said: “Why? ”

“Because whether it is in the king’s army or in the rebel army, there are our people.” Johnson shook his head, but as soon as he finished speaking, a sand blade quickly attacked him.

“Mr5, aren’t you talking too much?” Klockdar looked at Qiao Sen with extremely dangerous eyes at this moment, and the momentum on his body was also oppressed like Tarzan.

“It’s terrifying! Boss, you’re really ruthless! Want to kill me here? Joson quickly dodged the Sand Blade’s attack.

Under Qiao Sen’s feet, a huge crack half a meter wide and tens of meters long appeared, and a huge knife mark cut off this square above.

“Does the boss want to kill me here? But also? According to the rules of the work club, the guy who did not complete the task, but what about capital punishment? Mr3 should have tried it already! ”

“You know a lot! Have you ever heard that the more you know, the faster you die? Klockdar walked slowly towards Josson and looked at Jossen with contempt

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