The sandstorm tornado was like a doomsday storm, overwhelming the sky, with terrifying energy, and in an instant, the sandstorm tornado engulfed Qiao Sen.


Within the storm, there was a loud roar, boom! Thundered! Above mid-air, inside the sandstorm tornado, a loud bang erupted.

The flames were radiant, and an energy wave that could be seen with the naked eye erupted from the tornado storm. The furious energy hit the tornado.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the tornado sandstorm was instantly dispersed by this shock wave, and the sand and dust were scattered everywhere like falling rain, and under the scorching sun, it looked golden and brilliant.

The dim sky, in an instant, also dissipated, revealing the original blue sky. The shock wave creates a heat wave that is even hotter than before.

Johnson is a bomberman, and the attacks produced, the most important attack is the chemical department, that is, gunpowder produces the same attack, impact and fire. Unlike the Burst Fruit of the physics department of Guladius, his attack power is mainly generated by bursting, as well as shrapnel.

“What about people?”

Klockdar’s gloomy eyes looked at the sandstorm ahead, although the smoke dissipated, and Jossen’s shadow could not be seen at all. Soon, a figure enlarged infinitely in his eyes, and Jossen’s dark cheeks lingered in Klockdar’s eyes.

With a loud bang, Klockdar’s upper body was suddenly shattered. These attacks had no effect on Klockdar, and the dust seemed to be conscious, flying towards Klockdar itself, and in an instant, Lockdar returned to its original state.

Klockdar looked at Josson with a smile on his face and said, “It’s useless, Mr5, I am a natural fruit, and your bomb is 、、、 to me”

“Haven’t felt it yet? Boss! ”

A smile appeared at the corner of Jossen’s mouth, and before the explosion, he had spilled the kettle on Klockdar, that is, the sand in his body had been wet, so that it could not be elementalized.

“You 、、、”

Klockdar’s face changed slightly, he had just been slightly injured by Luffy’s random set of attacks, and if he was bombed by Jossen again, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Maybe in the desert, you are an invincible existence, water is your weakness, but it is not fatal, your biggest weakness is that you are too conceited!”

Jossen chuckled, as long as Klockdar couldn’t be elementalized, then Jossen had seven points of certainty to defeat him! He Klockdar relies too much on fruit abilities, which is also one of his biggest failures, but the biggest failure is that he is too conceited.

“boss! You’re the first to try my explosive art! Is this several times more powerful than the previous explosion? Good luck with respect to 20,000 kilograms of bombs、、、”

“Mr5, wait 、、、”

Klockdahl stopped Jossen, and before he could continue speaking, he heard Jossen snort: “Art is an explosion!” Drink! ”


A huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose into the sky, fire was radiant, black smoke shrouded, the entire ground shook violently, and the walls in the courtyard were almost completely destroyed.

The huge roar made the soldiers fighting below look sideways, and under the dust of Klockdar, the distance they could see was very limited.

It is not clear what exactly happened in the palace, the only thing that is certain is that there is a battle going on in the palace.

“What happened to the explosion just now? Did something happen in the palace? ”

“Your Honor, you must not be fine! What the hell is going on? ”

“Lord King、、、”


Whether it was the king’s army or the rebel army, they all looked sideways at the palace, and such a large-scale tremor could only show that there was also a battle in the palace.

Because of the sandstorm, their line of sight was limited, and they didn’t know what was going on. Compared to their battlefield, it is more intense

How could the Baroque Work Society stop the war? However, at the moment when the King’s Army and the Rebel Army stopped, the members of the Baroque Work Society, with an evil laugh, picked up the musket in their hands, aimed it at a King’s Army, and shot him in the chest.

With a bang, in the battlefield that was originally quiet, it seemed so harsh, the king army that was hit fell in an instant, and his companions saw their partners fall, their eyes were bloodshot, and they swung their swords at the rebel army and slashed at the same time, while roaring: “Kill this group of despicable villains for me.” ”


After a short ceasefire, fueled by the Baroque Working Society, the King’s Army and the Rebel Army once again fought fiercely, and the members of the Baroque Working Society in the shadows laughed evilly in the corner: “Hey, hey! Hit it! It’s better if you die and I die. ”

On the other side, Joson stood up breathlessly, sweat mixed with blood dripping from his face. Looking at Klockdar, who was scarred and fell to the ground not far away, he thought to himself: “It seems that the power of the bomb has caused him a lot of impact!” I’m not unable to defeat Klockdar! ”

“boss! What do you think? Ha ha! ”


Just as the so-called happiness is extremely sad, Joson thought that although the explosive power of 20,000 kilograms of bombs could not kill Klockdar, it would at least make him lose his combat effectiveness! However, Klockdar’s defense is beyond Jossen’s imagination!

Seeing Klockdar sit up, Jossen’s eyes showed shock, but remembering the white beard in the original work, his chest was penetrated, and he was still able to show amazing strength, as well as the strength to crush the red dog.

The people in this world are indeed unexpected, although they have been mentally prepared, but now in the face of this, it is still a little shocking.

“Not good?”

In Josson’s shocked eyes, Klockdar slowly sat up, supported the ground with his hands, and then his body continued to shake, calmly lit a cigar, and said: “Mr5, you really hide deeply!” It’s a pity to disappoint you? Can you defeat me without water? You are so naïve. ”

“What’s wrong with the world? Crazy? This kind of power can’t be blown up! ”

Johnson swallowed, it seems that the current development situation is very bad! The characteristic of Hokage is that you can die in one dozen, and the purpose of the pirates is that you can’t kill no matter how you fight.

Klockdar looked at Jossen’s shocked eyes and said with a smile: “Haha! MR5: Are you out of recruitment? But if you turn to me, I can still let you go. ”

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