“It’s good to decide, aren’t we still friends?” Luffy grinned, and the loss in his eyes still let Joson see it.

Joson nodded and continued, “Luffy, get stronger!” There are many people in this world, there are many strong people, others can grow slowly, and you can’t, you don’t have much time. ”


Luffy listened to Josson’s words, not knowing why, a little puzzled. He knew that Joson knew a lot of things, and the words he said were fulfilled.

Although I don’t know how Joson knew, Luffy was convinced. Now what Qiao Sen said to hurry up and improve his strength, and there was not much time left to say anything, he couldn’t understand these words.

Johnson looked at Luffy with a puzzled face, and immediately said: “That’s all I can tell you, the guy I met today is very dangerous, and Ace went to find him, it is even more dangerous, no matter what happens to Luffy in the future, he can’t be impulsive.” ”

“Ace is dangerous?” Luffy’s eyes widened slightly, but he quickly said, “Ace, he is very strong, I believe him.” ”

“Is it? Luffy, Ace is indeed very big, maybe in the first half of the entire great voyage, his strength can be said to be very strong, and today’s guy is stronger than Ace, and when you encounter this guy in the future, you have to be careful to deal with it. Joson shook his head, whether Luffy believed it or not, he reminded him.

“Okay, Luffy, let’s go inside! I was alone and quiet. ”

“Then I’ll go in!”

Joson looked back at Luffy’s back, he now accepted Luffy’s great favor, and when he needed it, he would pay it off. Now Jossen urgently needs to strengthen his strength, Luffy doesn’t have much time, how much time does he have?

The battle at the top is approaching, and if Johnson wants to intervene, he can only improve his strength. The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, this is a battle for thousands of years! Even if you don’t want to interfere, go and see! The battle for the pinnacle of this world may give Joson a great inspiration! It will also help Johnson in the future.

What’s more, Johnson wants to change all this, and Joson likes Ace very much, not only because of his previous life, but also because although the contact with Ace is short, Joson really likes Ace’s person.

If you want to go to the top battle, this strength is estimated to be just sending death. War is like fire, water and fire are merciless! Those who are not strong are likely to be shocked to death by the aftermath of the battle!

“I need to comprehend domineering, armed color domineering is only for me, not as domineering as seeing and hearing color domineering, seeing and hearing color domineering absolutely must be understood.” Joson looked at the starry sky with both eyes, revealing his wild hopes. Those who can teach him domineering, he knows, there are only a few candidates, nothing more than Anilu, Hades Rayleigh, and Aunt Xia Qi.

Even if they know that they will be domineering, why should they teach themselves? And on what basis do they ask them to teach themselves? So he thought about it, and under the circumstance that he had no choice, he could do something shocking, that is, to infiltrate the fifth layer prison of Advance City.

And the guys inside, there are definitely many domineering existences, and being able to enter this layer of prison, how can you ensure that you can definitely enter the fifth layer? This is obviously impossible.

Even if he enters the Advancement City now, then there will only be one result, being imprisoned in the upper level, and how can the criminals at this level come into contact with the level of domineering? So if he wants to enter the fifth level of prison, there are only two options, one is to increase the bounty, and the other is to do so? It is to do a very vicious thing, the simplest thing that is crazy, that is, to kill Draco.

Killing Draco, Josen only smiled, this gambling is also very huge, why say so? The first is whether the admiral wants to catch himself into the city, and if so, then he is relieved.

Or directly take your own head and give it to Draco. If you give your own head to the Draco, death is a luxury, and it is estimated that life is better than death!

Because only the guys at the bottom will know the domineering method. This is also the most direct method, the guys in it are some extremely vicious guys, as long as they don’t follow, they can directly kill things.

He is very clear about all kinds of persecution methods, then he can recite them one by one, which are known as the top ten tortures of the Manchu Dynasty.

“Anilu’s words, the opportunity is quite big, even his few waste subordinates can learn to see and smell, which shows that Anilu does not know the preciousness of seeing and smelling domineering!” This is still very beneficial to me! “Jossen has a great grasp of Anilu! Because Anilu didn’t know the preciousness of seeing and hearing the domineering cultivation method! What’s more, with Anilu’s conceited personality, Joson is very sure that he will be able to see and hear the domineering!

In fact, the reason why Johnson did not join Luffy, in fact, he still did not think about whether to become a pirate, or become a bounty hunter, or join the Navy. Join the Navy, at a certain level, someone will teach domineering. And in the navy, there is also the physical skill he wants to learn the most, the naval six.

“If you come to the Chambord Islands and don’t learn domineering cultivation methods, consider joining the navy!” Or head to Advance City! ”

“Forget it, no matter what, go and try it. Bitter thinking is also futile, and the car is naturally straight to the bow of the boat. ”


And just as Jossen was about to walk in, he saw Luffy and they ran towards here in a panic, and Jossen asked suspiciously: “What’s wrong, where are you going!” ”

“We forgot one very important thing、、、 Usopp said everything at once, it turned out to be the guide bird! But with Robin there, it was easy to capture, and Joson nodded and said, “Then you guys go quickly!” That thing is easy to catch. ”

“Josson, you’re not going?” Usopp and Choiba looked at Jossen with tears in their eyes, and from the look in their eyes, Jossen could see that they actually wanted to stay.

Kurik looked up at Johnson on the side, a little puzzled, and said, “Why don’t you go?” Brat. ”

Joson had not been with them during the celebration before, and in Kurik’s eyes, Jossen was a taciturn guy and did not feel so close to them.

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