The blue thunder light, emitting dazzling light, extreme speed, dangerously slashed through the side of Jossen, and the small wires around the lightning gun were transmitted to Josen’s skin through the air.

“It’s risky, if it’s a step late、、、 the sweat on Jossen’s forehead broke out, he didn’t dare to think of anything else, and he didn’t turn his head, and ran quickly.

Anilu’s lightning is too fast, if it is a little slower just now, it is not as simple as a scratch, directly penetrating the body.


Anilu looked at Qiao Sen in surprise, but he didn’t expect the foolproof attack, he thought that he could end the battle directly, but he was actually dodged by Qiao Sen.

Recalling the feeling that Qiao Sen had just now, and then looking at Qiao Sen’s surprised look, he was surprised: “That breath just now, it is the heart net, you actually realized the heart net?” ”

“Just 、、、 that was 、、、 seen and domineering.” Seeing that Anilu did not move, Jossen stopped and breathed a sigh of surprise.

Just now, it was very dangerous, but I realized that I was domineering, although it was only unconscious, but this was enough for Jossen!

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as the beginning, then the next is not difficult, the feeling just now, is undoubtedly to open a door, just a little, but enough to see the other end of the door. Over time, this crack grew larger and larger until it opened completely.

Anilu, however, was very calm and muttered, “This guy is a genius and has the qualifications to be my friend.” ”

Anilu is arrogant by nature, and it is conceited to say that it is ugly, and although Johnson became his first friend before, in the real sense, Anilu still did not care.

Will God make friends with mortals? Obviously, it is impossible, it is all a gathering of things, if you don’t have enough strength, even if you become friends, you can’t go far.

Is it so easy to comprehend the domineering color, that is, the heart network? Awakening and seeing the domineering Anilu, he knew very well that when he first obtained this cultivation secret book, with his talent, it also took more than half a year.

And now Qiao Sen, from the time he got the cultivation secret code to now, only one day, can use one day, comprehend the domineering, which shows that Qiao Sen is a genius, a genius in cultivation domineering, and his future achievements are by no means ordinary.

Qiao Sen’s eyes showed gratitude, and said: “Then I still need to thank you, if it is not the moment of life and death, I may not know when I will awaken.” ”

Anilu smiled proudly and said, “Yehaha, just understand!” ”

Nami, who was hiding at the edge of the cave, looked indignant and said, “What are these two guys doing?” Wasn’t it good before? Do you have to go all the way? ”

Originally thought that there was nothing wrong, the two of them fight, what do you care about her? Unexpectedly, the two fought too quietly, the ground shook, and the gravel fell straight down, making her embarrassed, so she couldn’t help complaining.

Before Nami could complain a few words, with a boom, the entire cave began to shake violently again, complaining: “Has it started again?” ”

“Big blast!”

Johnson drank loudly, this move was originally Mr5’s trick, called silent and silent explosion, it is to use the exhaled air to detonate, and the power is also good.

The big explosion is an improved version of the silent big bang, both in power and range, far beyond the previous one.

With a thunderous sound and a flash of electricity, Anilu appeared in front of Joson and joked: “It’s useless!” Your explosion can’t hurt me! ”


The thunder flashed, Josen’s heart tightened, and he didn’t know Anilu’s tricks, even so, forcing himself to calm down, the more crisis moments, the more calm he had to be.

“Left? Right? Or behind? ”

Seeing and hearing the domineering, it is not so easy to comprehend, even if Qiao Sen has just awakened, like the Heavenly Dragon, Duan Yu’s six-vein divine sword, the spirit is not working!

“No, it’s in the sky! God’s judgment! ”

Anilu’s playful voice sounded, and Joson looked up, the cloudless sky, but flashed with thunder, and then the light was great, and a huge pillar of lightning light, like a fall from the sky, burst in.

Qiao Sen’s pupils shrank, and he said in his heart: “Is this to kill me?” ”

The speed of lightning is also the fastest in nature, the pillar of light descends, less than a second, it crashes into Jossen, boom! The thunder roared loudly, and the ground shook.


In the gray layer, there were several coughs, the breeze blew, the dust dissipated, and Jossen lay on the ground in embarrassment, and the lightning bolt just now almost killed him, and patted the debris on his body.

“How is this domineering and domineering the same as Duan Yu’s Six Veins Divine Sword! Isn’t this trying to force me to death? ”

Without waiting for Qiao Sen to think more, in the sky, thunder flashes, thunderbolts in the clear sky, lightning comes frequently, each lightning, has the thickness of a thigh, bombards the ground, there will be a deep pit with a diameter of one inch.

“Can’t play!”

Joson secretly said in his heart, the clear sky thundered, lightning fell on Jossen’s foothold every time, as if it had been premeditated, and after a few times, he understood that in Anilu’s heart network, he had nowhere to hide.

“How can I break Anilu’s web of heart?”

“I remember Luffy in the original book, it seems that he has used no tricks, thinking of nothing, doing nothing, so that Anilu can’t predict it, but for me, it’s self-defeating.”

Joson quickly vetoed it, he was not Luffy, lightning could not hurt him, but lightning was very deadly to him, and he stood there, undoubtedly a living target.

Anilu’s thunder and lightning, like a mage, is better at long-range, and because of this, Anilu’s physical skills are completely weak that even Luffy can’t do it.

The rubber is not conductive, and it completely ignores the elementalization of Anilu, but Joson cannot, the explosion is useless for Anilu, at most through the explosion, to resist lightning, but can not hurt Anilu.

“No matter, instead of running around like a rat, it’s better to take the initiative to attack, the second stage of explosive steps!”

Qiao Sen’s face straightened, and at an even more amazing speed, he frantically flew forward, and lightning in thin air frequently passed by Qiao Sen’s side.

“Oh! Don’t hide? ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Anilu’s eyes, and he couldn’t figure out what Jossen’s purpose was, but he didn’t care, no matter how much Jossen struggled, he couldn’t hit him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out frequently, countless air bombs, frantically swept towards Anilu, ready for all wisdom, oh! Swish! The revolver was sheathed with a sound.

Anilu saw the pocket glass bottle in Qiao Sen’s hand, his eyes showed disdain, and said, “This trick again?” ”

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