Foxi, who was thousands of meters away, was lying limply on the ground at the moment, and the shock wave of the explosion just now had exploded before he could react, so he endured the shock wave.

Foxy looked gloomy, and said hatefully: “Abominable bastard, if you let me meet him again, I will definitely kill him.” ”

Just as Foxy was complaining, in the direction of the coast, there was an explosion, which was extremely harsh in this quiet grassland.

Recalling Josson’s last words, and then thinking of Jossen’s ability, Foxy’s face changed greatly, grabbed the unconscious female pirate, quickly rushed in the direction of the coast, and cursed: “That bastard、、、 I can’t spare him.” ”

Bang! Bang!

The gunshot sounded, and every gunshot was accompanied by the fall of a pirate, with speed and flexible pace, with the domineering sight, like a ghost, wandering in the group of pirates.

In his previous life, Joson was a fat man, except at home and school, he had no contact with boxing and physical skills, even the most fancy and popular taekwondo, he never touched on.

After becoming Mr5 in this life, Johnson secretly swore that he would never follow the path of his previous life, nor would he embark on the path of Mr5.

Haven’t you ever eaten pork, haven’t you ever seen a pig run?

The memory of his past life may become Qiao Sen’s most valuable asset, although he is involved in boxing and physical arts, as a die-hard fan of Jin Yong Gulong, he has a deep understanding of martial arts.

As the saying goes: Everyone has their own Gundam in their hearts, and in the same way, as a Chinese person, everyone has their own martial arts dreams, and so does Qiao Sen.

Starting from Alabastan, along the way, with the Straw Hat Pirates, adventure all the way, Joson also often fights with Solon Luffy, and the actual combat experience has also been qualitatively improved.

In Qiao Sen’s view, boxing without actual combat, and even physical skills, is just a flower rack, and only after experiencing the tempering of life and death, blood and sweat, can we achieve profound physical skills.

When he was on the empty island, he met the four gods, one of the Gedaz of the Trial of the Swamp, and the jet punch used made Joson shine.

Compared to Gaidaz’s use of wind shells, Joson, as a bomberman, is a bomb everywhere in his body, and the last thing he lacks is an outbreak.

Just like the cannon fist in the five elements of shape and meaning that was widely spread in China in the previous life, the cannon fist belongs to fire, and it is like gunpowder filling the chamber of the cannon, and it is like a cannon shooting, and the gunpowder explodes in the chamber, and its nature is the strongest and most fierce.

Joson doesn’t know about artillery fists, but has only heard about it on the Internet, and in his opinion, explosiveness, speed, and power come together, and the fist is like shelling.

As the previous life movie ‘Kung Fu’ Fire Cloud Evil God said, the world’s martial arts, all invincible, fast and unbroken, as long as it is fast to the extreme, it is invincible.

“Huh? Fishman? Joson flashed the huge axe blade and looked at the giant attacking him, if he didn’t look closely, he really couldn’t tell that he was a fishman.

The huge body of nearly ten meters tall is by no means an ordinary fish man, and he didn’t notice his fish man’s palm and the pattern on his skin, and he really couldn’t tell that he was a fish man.

“Kill!” The fishman pirate, holding a giant axe four or five meters in size, slashed straight down towards Qiao Sen with the momentum of opening up the mountain and cracking the ground.

“Straight to and fro?”

The corner of Qiao Sen’s mouth smiled, his body turned, dodged the tear of the axe blade, kicked his legs, jumped into the air, put his fist into his abdomen, and with the help of the speed of jumping, he burst out.

“Wind chasing cannon!”

Call! Call!

As the name suggests, the speed of a storm, and the furious attack of the storm, roaring past, the fist bombards the air, and the qi wave turns into a fist and bombards the fishman.

The air-compressed fist hit the fishman’s body, printing a deep fist print, the fishman screamed, and Josen’s fist, like a cannonball, descended again.


Before it was the impact formed by the air, and the real attack was still on Qiao Sen’s fist, and the fist fell on the body of the fish man, Qiao Sen couldn’t help but wonder: “What’s going on with this skin?” ”

The fist landed on the skin of the fish man, like reaching out to grab a loach, slippery, fierce force, allowing Johnson to scratch through the fish man’s body.

The giant fishman didn’t know when, he had already put down the giant axe, and the huge palm, like a gigantic racket, violently wanted to shoot Joson away.

“Not good!” Qiao Sen only felt that the wind behind him was gusting, and the huge sound of breaking the air made him feel foreboding, and he glanced back, just in time to see the huge palm of the fish man.

“Burst pass!”

“Burst!” Qiao Sen clenched his right fist, his fist was like a bomb, and it exploded violently, with the help of the power of the explosion, Qiao Sen’s body spun around rapidly, and he shouted: “Blast legs!” ”

The right leg charged with strength, and a violent roundhouse kick landed on the palm of the giant fishman, booming! With a loud bang, a huge explosion in the palm of the giant fishman’s hand.

The shock wave generated by the explosion turned into ripple energy visible to the naked eye, impacting on the palm of the huge fishman, and Qiao Sen used the power of the shock wave to fly out.


Flying upside down, Jossen exploded under his feet, turned into a long black shadow, and landed steadily on the observation platform of the Foxy Pirates.

Looking at the giant fishman, Joson asked curiously: “Hey! What species of fish are you? ”

The giant fishman looked at Qiao Sen, then touched his head and grinned: “My name is Bikupanda, a fish giant of loach blood. ”

Joson looked at Bikupanda with interest, nodded from time to time, and muttered, “Loach giant? Not! You are very good. ”

Johnson easily jumped down, landed firmly in the center of the Foxy Pirates, and said with a smile: “Hey! Folks of the Foxy Pirates, I changed my mind and I feel like accepting the challenge of your captain. ”

The pirates heard Joson’s words, looked at each other, and then looked back at their fallen companions, and just as they hesitated, Foxy had arrived at this moment.

Foxy pushed everyone away, pointed his right hand at Josson, and said angrily: “Bastard curly, you actually dare to hurt my subordinates.” ”

Johnson was wary in his heart, but Foxy was a dull fruit ability, able to emit a dull aura, and if he was a little careless, it would be a guttercapsion, so he couldn’t be careless.

“Oh! Forked, I suddenly found that the game you said was also quite interesting, and I accepted it. ”

The angry Foxy, hearing Josson’s words, became angry, and instantly became extremely low, and kept saying in his mouth: “Forked head? Bifurcation head? ”

At this time, the girl thief also forgot the previous lesson and said angrily: “Bastard, pay attention when you speak, our boss is easily injured.” ”

“Ugh!” Johnson looked at the group of guys who comforted Foxy, with black lines on his head, and muttered, “Are their heads really okay?” ”

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