“Get me moving.”

Jossen tried his best, and the rudder only moved a little, and around the way, the direction of the ship, under the rapids, flung sharply, the bow was slightly offset, but it had no effect.

“It’s not enough, there’s no time.” Johnson gritted his teeth and turned back to Bikupanda and shouted, “Panda, turn the rudder, I’ll change the speed of the ship.” ”

“Yes, boss.”

Bikupanda took over the rudder without hesitation, and Joson rushed to the weapons room without hesitation, grabbed two shells, and quickly walked to the deck.

I don’t know when, Jossen’s right hand had an extra dagger, and he swiped his left hand, and blood flowed.

Blood-red blood quickly penetrated the two shells, and Johnson stood at the bow of the ship, grabbed one of them with his right hand, and threw it hard ahead.

The blood-colored bomb turned into two blood-red lightning bolts, dragging a trace of bloody smell, and disappeared into the sea current in front of it at an extremely fast speed.

“Art is an explosion!”

With Jossen’s loud shout, the blood-colored bomb that had just entered the sea quickly detonated as if receiving an order.


The deafening sound, overshadowing the raging hurricane, the thunder in the sky, twenty meters in front of the pirate ship, a monstrous splash exploded on the surface of the advection sea.

The crimson flame, under the mist of water, passed away in the blink of an eye, completed its mission, the flame dispersed, and the impact of the bomb was the beginning.

The impact of the explosion turned into energy visible to the naked eye, and at an amazing speed, it hit the ocean current, and the two extreme forces collided.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A low roar erupted on the sea surface, and under the impact of the two forces, a monstrous wave tens of meters high was produced, and the huge wave went in the opposite direction and rushed towards the pirate ship.

The originally sharp rapids, under the monstrous waves, were also sluggish, and the pirate ships sailing rapidly, although they had huge inertia, slowed down.

“Faster than Kupanda, right now.”


Bikupanda roared, his arms were under force, his green tendons were bulging like a dragon, and the rudder was under great force, turning rapidly, and the stern slurry in the stern was also reversed with the rotation of the rudder.

The huge waves, seemingly fierce, but like brilliant fireworks, fleeting, under the endless torrent, swallowed up, the waves from birth to disappearance, less than tens of seconds.

Tens of seconds, seemingly extremely short, for Josson, is undoubtedly a big turnaround.


Qiao Sen did not stop, and an explosion sounded under his feet, as if teleporting, landing on the control platform, and his right leg stepped on the raised pedal fiercely, shouting: “Spray Wind Shell, go!” ”

The four huge wind spray shells behind the stern seemed to feel the momentum of Jossen, and suddenly spewed out a huge wind, and the pirate ship shot out under the huge spray force.

The surface of the rapids was also unable to resist the pirate ship ejecting out, and a few minutes later, the pirate ship broke away from the whirlpool current and sailed into the safe sea, and Johnson looked back at the devil’s area farther and farther away, and smiled.

Bikupanda was also panting on the deck, looked back at Qiao Sen’s bloody palm, and said with concern: “Boss, are you okay!” ”

“I’m fine, it’s just a small injury.” Johnson shook his head, looked down at the bloody palm, tore off a corner of his clothes, and simply bandaged it.

Self-mutilating attack, the next strategy in Jossen’s mind, if it were not for the critical life, he would not have done so, and the situation just now was also a helpless move.

In this fierce wind situation, air bombs, obviously, will not work, and this is not land, the ability is also a dry duck, the situation is obviously not good for Jossen.

Specially made bullets, Johnson also thought, but the power of these bullets, obviously can not change the current, only the method of self-harm, using pure blood, to create the strongest bomb.

“It’s almost really dangerous!”

Bikupanda smiled thickly and said, “Boss, isn’t there me?” Even if the ship is destroyed, I can take you to the next island. ”

Joson snorted angrily and said, “Shut up, you crow-mouthed.” ”


He never thought that Bikupanda is a loach giant and can live in the depths of the sea, but what he encountered before was not an ordinary current, but a waterspout, and it may not be able to survive safely if it is a sea king, let alone a fish man.

“Panda, look in what direction we should go.”


Panda nodded, went to his waist to get the eternal pointer, and took out for a long time, unable to find the eternal pointer at all.

Seeing that Panda had not yet answered, Qiao Sen had a sense of foreboding in his heart, and when he turned around, he happened to see Panda scrambling to find the pointer, and suddenly there was a black line.

“Panda, don’t tell me that the eternal pointer is lost.”

Panda swallowed, he had never seen Jossen’s face so dark, and said timidly: “Boss, it 、、、 it is indeed 、、、 gone.” ”

“You idiot.” Joson raised his leg and kicked Panda’s body fiercely, forgetting that Panda was a loach giant.

A violent kick kicked Panda’s body, but was slipped by his sticky body fluids, and the fierce force directly missed Panda’s body, and Joson was also wrenched to the ground by inertia.

“I 、、、 grass!”

Joson lay on the deck godlessly, at the moment he felt really tired, the eternal pointer was gone, which meant that they had lost their way.

In this vast sea, losing direction is a terrifying thing, if they can’t land on the island, the two are likely to die in this sea.

Perhaps they were swallowed up by the strange weather of this great voyage, or perhaps they were starved to death on ships because they had no supplies.

“It’s really a wave, a wave of up!” Qiao Sen sighed, turned back to Panda and said viciously: “If you can’t land on the island and can’t find supplies, I’ll stew you.” ”

Panda sat on the side with a reproachful look, like a child who did something wrong, so that Qiao Sen couldn’t get angry, but suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and said: “Panda, can’t you fish people communicate with fish?” ”


“Great!” Qiao Sen breathed a sigh of relief, above the sea, there was no shortage of fish, pointed to the sea, and said: “Panda, you should immediately ask where the nearest island is.” ”


Without saying a word, Panda turned around and jumped, jumping into the sea, his huge body, and exploded huge waves several meters high.

Panda’s approach made Qiao Sen extremely comfortable in his heart, and directly left the matter of losing the eternal pointer behind, shaking his head and laughing: “Silly, it’s good to have a silly!” ”

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