Three days later, three days had passed since the battle between Jossen and the fierce tiger Panseido, and Jossen had been cultivating his body and mind, and that day’s battle gave him a deeper understanding of the explosive fruit.

Flame cover, this is not only the stunt of the black-footed Yamaji, but also its power under the bomb fruit of Josen.

Fighting Pancedo that day was only an experimental stage, and after the real battle, he still found many flaws, which needed time to slowly fill in and make the skills reach the perfect stage.

It surprised Jossen and saw that he was domineering, but after that battle, he had improved, and with Anilu’s experience, he was more proficient in controlling it.

“The weather is nice today, the pointer has slowed down the magnetic force, it’s time to move to the next island.”

Johnson looked down at the eternal pointer in his hand, in the Great Passage, it was still needed to guide.

Panda’s humble voice sounded behind it: “Boss, Alyssa is here.” ”

“Hmm.” Jossen nodded, Alyssa would come here every day to see him these days, and today was much earlier than before.

“Here you are.”

Alyssa had dark circles under her eyes and looked a little haggard, yesterday Joson invited her, today gave him the answer, a night of thinking, she never slept.

She has always been very conflicted in her life choices, and if she agrees to Joson’s invitation, she will change from the identity of a bounty hunter to a wanted pirate, always worried about the pursuit of the navy.

What’s more, she has her own team and her own family, and after becoming a pirate, she has no time to take care of her family.

If she didn’t agree, she was unwilling, and the battle that day was deeply imprinted in her heart, and she knew very well that that dark-skinned guy would inevitably show his strength in the future.

Joson blindfolded, unable to see Alisa’s expression, chuckled: “Have you thought about the things you talked about yesterday?” ”

“Thank you so much for avenging me, but here are my partners, there are my family, so I 、、、”

Alyssa looked ashamed, she couldn’t give up everything here, she couldn’t give up her partner.

“Well, there is no need to say it, I already know the answer.”

Joson reached out to interrupt her, he was just rash, he felt that Alyssa was good, marksmanship was okay, but there was a lack of a sniper on the ship.

Rejected, Johnson was not disappointed, at the time of the invitation, he was ready to be rejected, because no one wants to be hung up with a wanted warrant, and worry about the navy all day long.

Not everyone wants to become pirates, more people are willing to become bounty hunters, free and free, and do not have to worry about being wanted by the navy than wanted pirates.

Alyssa is gone, she chooses to continue her life, and Joson is also a little disappointed, he is quite optimistic about Alisa.

On the pier of the harbor, Joson stood on the deck, looking at the extremely beautiful island and smelling the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

This island left a deep impression on him, at least no less than the empty island, looked up at the sky, and waved his hand: “It’s not early, Panda, set sail.” ”

“Okay boss.”

Panda slowly put down the canvas, the original gray canvas was also covered by a huge pirate mark, a huge skull center, a blood-colored bomb, very personal.

The pirate flag was specially made by the more famous painter on the island of Eldi, although the appearance is peculiar, Joson is very satisfied, such a personality of the pirate flag, it is suitable for him.

The pirate flag fluttered in the sea breeze, and when the canvas was lowered, the ship slowly sailed out of the dock and into the endless sea with the help of the wind.

“Are you leaving?”

Joson looked back at the colorful island of Eldi, which was like a flower world, and it was also a very interesting journey, he saw the legendary awakener, no, it should be the entire awakening process.

He stroked the new eternal needle, found it again and sighed: “This eternal needle, say that nothing can be held by Panda.” ”

Last time just escaped, the pointer was lost by Panda, in the endless sea, but did not know how to exercise, like a headless fly, if not Panda is a fish man, there is really some trouble.

“That iceberg chick actually dares to take advantage of the fire and rob.”

The corners of Jossen’s mouth turned up, just an ordinary eternal pointer, but traded two shock shells, compared to hundreds of millions of Bailey, if not for Alyssa is Panda’s benefactor, Jossen also intends to give her, if anyone else, it would have been blown up by him.

Alisa’s goal at the beginning was nothing more than to shock Bei, and from the beginning, Joson was very clear.

Qiao Sen stood at the bow of the boat, looked at the endless sea, opened his arms, felt the caresses of the sea breeze, and said with a smile: “But this is good, it can be regarded as a reward for Panda!” ”

Jossen does not dare to give Panda again, but controls it himself, for navigation technology, Jossen thinks he is good, after all, Mr5 has many years of sailing experience.

“Hmm! The current car feels a little small. Jossen glanced at Panda, who occupied two-thirds, a little distressed, when he came down from the empty island, he thought that the ship was good, several larger than the Merry.

Since Panda got on the ship, there is almost no gap in the space on the deck, which is also one of the biggest headaches of Qiao Sen at present, secretly said: “I have to go to the water capital quickly and build a new ship.” ”

“In addition to the boat, there are many people missing! The chef must have it, otherwise this day will not be able to live, and the navigator must also have it, so can’t let me be one! The doctor is more critical, otherwise if he is injured in the future, who will treat it? Snipers are also necessary, and naval battles have to rely on shelling. ”

As soon as he thought of these problems, Joson felt a headache, above the sea, there are many talents, and it is really not an easy thing to find a suitable partner.

Just like Alisa, many people do not want to become pirates, do not want to be wanted.

Johnson glanced at Panda, who was sitting on the deck decently, and cried and laughed in his heart: “Nothing but a huge rice bucket?” ”

In fact, he chose Panda, there is a reason, after all, this is the endless sea, and he is a devil fruit ability, if he is really unfortunate and encounters an unprecedented strong enemy, at least fall into the sea, and Panda is there, and his life is worry-free.

There is another reason, Panda is a fish giant bloodline, has great potential, and with a little training, he will inevitably become a general in the future.

“Listen to what Alyssa means, the direction this pointer points to is not the capital of water! But Butchiye, the city of gastronomy in the capital of seven waters, and my boat happens to be a chef? This is an opportunity. ”

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