
A shocking explosion occurred on the Beehive Island.

Shiki manipulated the Float-Float Fruit to control a pirate ship to take off, with a large group of rescued women standing on the ship.

Shiki couldn't understand how Uchiha Madara became a good person. Not only did he kill these pirates, but he also asked him to take these women away with him.

There were tens of thousands of pirates below, which was a good fighting force. They were killed in just one blow. Shiki felt it was a waste.

Facing Shiki's puzzled eyes, Uchiha Madara explained:"Originally, I thought this would be my home, but after I came here, I just felt strange, so there was no need for it to exist!"

This was also an excuse made by Uchiha Madara, just because those women awakened Uchiha Madara's conscience in his previous life. He felt that this place was too dirty, so he destroyed it.

The rescued women on the side trembled when they heard this. They were destroyed just because they felt strange. It was even more terrible than pirates.

"That's tens of thousands of soldiers, Captain!"

Shiki was in great pain. He just saw many pirates wanting to follow Uchiha.���Spot, and it was destroyed.

"They have no intention of sharing my hardships and only join me because they see how strong I am. What's the use of having such subordinates!"

"With such a force, can he defeat the Four Emperors? Even if you are a loser who was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy, they will not be your opponent when they are combined."

After saying this, Shiki said awkwardly:"Captain, can you please stop talking about this?"

Uchiha Madara nodded seriously and said:"Don't worry, I won't talk about your defeat by Straw Hat Luffy anymore!"


One day later.

A dilapidated pirate ship stopped on the sea, looking at the Beehive Island in front of it, only a small part of the island was left, and was stunned.

These people were navy disguised as pirates. After Uchiha Madara arrived here, the spy called the navy headquarters, but later the headquarters could not be contacted, so they sent people to check.

"What's going on?"

Akainu's voice came from Den Den Mushi.

"Marshal Akainu! It seems that Beehive Island was destroyed by a single blow. Only a small part of the island is left, and it is bare!" The navy said solemnly.

"It should be Uchiha Madara who did it, you guys should return to the team!"

Akainu's voice was full of excitement, and he was so happy that he directly announced that their undercover career was over ahead of schedule.

At the same time, in the sky of the New World, Shiki stood on the bow and admired the beautiful scenery below, while controlling the ship to fly to Alabasta.

Shiki, whose body was transformed by the Impure World Reincarnation, felt that he had returned to the time before he was injured. Except for a slight weakness in his body, everything else was fine. The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was that he had no feeling in his body, which made Shiki, who liked to smoke cigars, feel very uncomfortable.

Uchiha Madara was sitting on a chair on the deck, communicating with the system Uchiha

Madara never felt a sense of belonging to the pirate world, and he was eager to return to the modern world.

The system was unmoved at first, but later Uchiha Madara proposed to use the exchange points to exchange for the qualification to travel through time, which made the system relent. Uchiha Madara just wanted to curse the system, saying that it should have just asked for money earlier, but it had to put it there.

The system was very shameless, and asked for all of Uchiha Madara's exchange points, 48,729, and could only let Uchiha Madara go back for one year.

Uchiha Madara started with a price of 2,000, and after a period of bargaining, the system reduced it to 10,000.

"Is 8,000 okay?"

Uchiha Madara asked

‘There is no room for negotiation, host, 10,000 cannot be any lower. If you don't want to, then forget it!’

‘And the world hasn’t ended yet. If you really don’t want to give it, you can wait!’

‘After it's over, you have a year to return to the main world to recuperate, and then go to another world! '

The system prompts this and then falls silent.

"Captain! I seem to have found an acquaintance!"

Uchiha Madara was planning to go back, and Shiki's shout interrupted his thoughts. Uchiha Madara stood up, walked in front of Shiki, and activated his perception ability in the direction he was looking.

Below was an island with flames shooting into the sky, countless houses collapsed, and dozens of corpses on the ground. Hundreds of civilians stood together, and the old man in the lead handed a basket full of Baileys to Stussy with trembling hands.

Stussy took the basket handed by an old man and laughed with great pride:"Hahaha~ You guys know what's good for you!"

"I'll let you off this time!"

""Son, let's go!"

Buggy took a greedy look at the Bailey and treasure in the basket, waved his hand and shouted, then turned and left.

Weevil turned around with a pheasant in his hand and followed.

Uchiha Madara placed his perception ability on Weevil and said to himself:"Good material!"

Then, Uchiha Madara jumped off the boat.

"This time I can go out and gamble for a few days, hehe!"

Stussy said excitedly while holding a dozen Baileys.



Stussy noticed that there seemed to be someone in front of him. The moment he looked up, he met Uchiha Madara's gaze.

"you...Who are you...."

Stussy stared at the person who appeared in front of him with his eyes wide open.

""Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Weibull asked curiously.

"Long time no see, Captain Uchiha Madara!"

Ba Jin was still calm, because she felt that she had no hatred with Uchiha Madara, so she greeted him.

""Is that guy Whitebeard's biological son?"

Uchiha Madara asked directly.

He was curious in his previous life. If he was really Whitebeard's son, he would turn around and leave immediately.

Stussy glanced at Weeble and said to him,"You go to the side for a while, I have something to say to the captain!"

""Yes, Mom!"

Weeble replied and left alone.

After he left, Stussy said lightly:"Captain, I won't hide it from you. He was cloned from my genes and Whitebeard's, but in the outside world, I claim that he is Whitebeard's son!"

"Is this why the captain came here?"

Stussy asked doubtfully.

"Since he is not my biological child, that's good! Otherwise, for Whitebeard's sake, I might not be able to do it!"

Uchiha Madara's words made Stussy alert and asked,"Captain, what do you want to do?"

"With a whoosh, Uchiha Madara instantly disappeared in front of Stussy.

"The sound of a lot of chains made Stussy turn his head and see his son being trapped like a dumpling by the red iron chains.


Stussy yelled


Wilbur's face was full of panic. He couldn't understand why he was locked up all of a sudden and couldn't get free.

"Captain, what are you doing?"

Stussy ran towards Wilbur and asked loudly.


Uchiha Madara grabbed Wilbur and soared into the sky.

"My son!!!"

Seeing that Uchiha Madara did not answer him and took his son away, Stussy shouted in despair

"Finally, I'll give you a piece of advice. Find a good place to retire. You're carrying this dangerous guy with you, it will bring you death!" Uchiha Madara's voice came from the sky.

"Long time no see, Stussy! I didn't expect you've aged so much!"

Ski said from above

"Bastard, give my son back to me! He is my life! Uchiha Madara!"

A loud shout came from above, and Uchiha Madara in the sky activated the magnetic ninjutsu, and a large amount of gold powder emerged from the ground below.

""Let's go!"

Uchiha Madara called out. Shiki saw that the old woman ignored him and angrily controlled the spaceship to leave. Stussy saw the gold floating in the sky and his breathing became rapid. As for Weeble, he had already forgotten about him.

"Gold! Gold! All mine, hahahaha!"

Stussy's loud laughter came from below, and Uchiha Madara murmured in his heart:"It's just as I expected!"

Uchiha Madara glanced at Weibull, who was tied up and lying on the deck. In Stussy's heart, this man was just a tool, just like how he treated White Zetsu.

A few days later, Uchiha Madara and Golden Lion arrived in Alabasta. On their spaceship followed two women whose families were killed by pirates. The two had nowhere to go, so they followed Golden Lion.

Uchiha Madara used ninjutsu to make a lot of gold sand and bought the casino in Yuyan as a temporary place to stay.

After hearing that Uchiha Madara had come to Alabasta, Cobra brought Weiwei to Yuyan and respectfully claimed to Uchiha Madara that he could find him if he needed anything, and left Weiwei as a diplomat.

Uchiha Madara could see at a glance what politicians like Obra were thinking. For Weiwei, who wanted to curry favor with him and was determined to make some achievements, Uchiha Madara sent her to Shiki, and Weiwei became the lobby manager of the casino. Uchiha Madara

's whereabouts were soon known to the top leaders of the United Nations and the admirals of the navy. They couldn't figure out what Uchiha Madara was going to do. How could he do it?���He actually started a casino.

Brother 3 and the current UN Logistics Minister Sunny, the pirate who was responsible for filming Uchiha Madara, came to meet Uchiha Madara in person.

On the other side, Nine Snake Island.

Rayleigh, Fegaland Galin and others also received news from the spy.

The Knights of God were very satisfied with Luffy and Law who were training in front.

Originally, they only planned to train Luffy, but after Law came, he helped Luffy to heal the wounds caused by training, which made them realize that this man was a person with the ability of surgery fruit. In order to avenge his son, Fegaland asked Law to train with him.

Law's dream was to defeat Mingo, so of course he did not refuse and trained with Luffy.

Another half a month passed.

On this day.

Uchiha Madara stood at the window and looked ahead. He was about to give up on White Zetsu and Afei. He decided that in the last week, if he really couldn't find it, he would go to the modern world first and let the White Zetsu continue to look for it.

At this moment, a group of White Zetsu came running from a distance and shouted excitedly:"Master Madara, we found it!"

When the White Zetsu approached the building, one of them jumped up, holding a green

"Lord Madara, you don't know that thousands of us launched a carpet search in the sea, and it turned out that this hair grew together with moss. It was because the brothers in front were careless that the ones behind discovered it. We checked it and it is the same as our hair."

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara praised:"Well done!"

""Thank you for your hard work, White Zetsu!"

Uchiha Madara took the hair from White Zetsu's hand while speaking, then turned back to the room and began to extract cells from White Zetsu's hair.

A day later, Weevil became White Zetsu's sacrifice, and White Zetsu was resurrected under Uchiha Madara's Impure World.

After the resurrection, White Zetsu was moved to death, because he finally met Lord Madara, and Lord Madara sent thousands of White Zetsu to find him in order to resurrect him, and he was resurrected with hair. White Zetsu felt that the decades of waiting were all worth it.

Then, Uchiha Madara took Shiki and White Zetsu to the casino dungeon.

There were several pirates who came to challenge Uchiha Madara during this period. Uchiha Madara fed the other party chakra seeds, and took off the Samsara Eye and installed it in the pirate's eyes. Then he used illusion to control the other party and launched the Samsara Natural Technique.

Shiki, who was transformed from the Impure World to the real resurrection, was excited.

White Zetsu A Fei clenched his fists and said excitedly:"Captain, I feel like I can kill a cow now!"

"Of course, I used a monster-level physique to give you as a container. You now have the power of Whitebeard when he was young!"Uchiha Madara said to A Fei

"Alas, if I had known earlier I should have asked the captain to find a better body for me. Wang Zhi is too weak!"Shiki said with some regret.

When Shiki said this, he glanced at Uchiha Madara, and seeing that the captain looked a little unhappy, he quickly changed the subject and said:"In fact, I am already satisfied to be able to survive and enjoy life!"

"But then again, Captain, are you really leaving?"

Shiki asked curiously.

���Uchiha Madara told him that after resurrecting White Zetsu, he would go to a deserted place to train for a year and come back after a year.

Uchiha Madara did not plan to take Shiki to the modern era because he was afraid that this guy would mess around.

"I have a move that requires time to practice. I'm leaving now, and you'd better not continue to be a pirate. If Akainu kills you, I won't resurrect you!"

"How is it possible? How could that little brat Akainu beat me?

Shiki was so proud that he retorted:

"You can try it!"

Leaving behind a word, Uchiha Madara waved at Bai Jue, and the two left the basement. Shiki, who was standing in place, was simulating the battle scene with Akainu in his mind, and found that he seemed to be unable to do it.

"It must be because of this body!"

"Yes! It must be!"

Shiki talked to himself and found an excuse for himself.

In the desert of Alabasta, Uchiha Madara glanced at Afei beside him and shouted directly:"Let's merge!"

""Okay, Mr. Ban!"

Ah Fei shouted respectfully and wrapped Uchiha Ban with his ability.

"System, White Zetsu is not a human, he is just my equipment, you can only deduct 10,000 from me, teleport!"

Uchiha Madara, who was ready, shouted to the system

‘There is really nothing we can do about you. It's difficult to make more money from you! 'The system said helplessly.

Originally, the system saw that Uchiha Madara was going to take White Zetsu back to the modern era, and directly said that it would cost 20,000. As a result, Uchiha Madara saw through the system's plan to make more money, and directly came up with this.

As the system's voice fell, a black portal appeared in front of Uchiha Madara. Uchiha

Madara took a last look at the desert behind him and walked in. Uchiha Madara only felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and then it became bright. Uchiha Madara looked ahead with confusion on his face.

It was because the front was full of devastation, as if it had been baptized by artillery shells. There was a huge pit of a hundred meters, and Uchiha Madara was standing in the pit.

Then, Uchiha Madara used his perception energy to sense the surroundings. The surrounding buildings collapsed, and there were broken bricks and tiles in a large number of terraces. The ones farther away were okay, with only rotten walls.

"System, didn't you say the coordinates sent here are my home? This is obviously not the place!"

Uchiha Madara asked in confusion

‘Host! This is exactly your former home! '

The system reminded

"What?"Uchiha Madara was shocked.

Pls: There is nothing to write about the One Piece world for the time being, I plan to let the protagonist go to the city to be the Dragon King.

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