"You rely on him to do evil, right?"

Uchiha Madara turned his head to look at Gu Xuefeng who was ejected and asked in a deep voice.

While Uchiha Madara was speaking, the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path was activated, and the old man of the Gu family only felt that his cultivation was fading quickly.

"My cultivation!!"

The old man of the Gu family, whose neck was being strangled, looked anxious and shouted

"Let my grandpa go!!!"

Gu Xuefeng attacked frantically with his flying sword. The only sound he heard was the bang bang bang. Uchiha Madara's Susanoo was unbreakable.

Gu Xuefeng was desperate. His grandpa was the best person in his life. No matter what mistakes he made, his grandpa would help him. Now his grandpa was in the hands of the bad guys, and he couldn't help at all.

After absorbing the opponent's cultivation, Uchiha Madara's Dust Release appeared, and the white light engulfed the opponent.

"The explosion ended with a"bang"

, and the old man of the Gu family was evaporated into air and disappeared.

Liu Ruyan, who was far away, saw that the Jindan stage strongman died at the hands of this terrible man. She was so frightened that her legs trembled.

Gu Xuefeng was stunned. His grandfather actually disappeared.

Two seconds later, Gu Xuefeng reacted and shouted heartbreakingly:"Grandpa!!!"

"Remember not to mess with our Jia family in your next life, this is the end!"

Uchiha Madara said, a black stick extended and pierced Gu Xuefeng's heart.

Gu Xuefeng looked down at the black stick on his chest, and his pupils began to dilate.

At this moment, Gu Xuefeng finally understood why this man wanted to kill his grandfather and himself.

"Jia...Jia Family...."

After uttering the last two words with difficulty, Gu Xuefeng fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and he died with his eyes open.

Seeing that the largest Gu family in the provincial capital could kill this man, Liu Ruyan was terrified and wanted to escape.

But thinking of the other party's strength, Liu Ruyan stopped moving.

"In the eyes of the other party, I am now in Gu Xuefeng's group. He killed the deputy commander of the military region without authorization. He must be an evil person!"

"The other party will definitely not let me go, I have to find a way to save myself!"

Liu Ruyan's eyes darted around, and she thought quickly about countermeasures in her mind.

Thinking of Jia Huaihua's low profile in school, Liu Ruyan believed that the powerful man in front of her must be afraid of exposing his relationship with Jia Huaihua because of his identity.

Thinking of this, Liu Ruyan gritted her teeth, risked her life, and shouted:"Senior...Senior!"

Uchiha Madara turned his head and looked at the other party.

"It should be difficult for the senior to recognize Jia Huaihua, right?"

"As long as you don’t kill me, I am willing to do things for you and look after Jia Huaihua for you at school!"

"I will also help you deal with those evildoers who harassed Huaihua. Please give me a chance!"

Liu Ruyan said, lowered her head, and waited for the trial.

Uchiha Madara originally planned to spare the other party's life and let him watch over him in school. The other party's words were just what he wanted.

Now that Uchiha Madara has killed a senior Chinese official, it is naturally not easy to expose his relationship with Jia Huaihua. After all, he can't stay in this world for long. When he leaves, his niece will be in trouble.

"You are very good and smart, and you know how to judge the situation!"

Uchiha Madara nodded.

Hearing this, Liu Ruyan raised her head excitedly. The other party's words made her realize that she had a glimmer of hope.

"Senior, rest assured, unless I die, no one can harm your niece!" Liu Ruyan quickly expressed his opinion.

"Your cultivation is too low!"

Uchiha Madara's voice fell, and he instantly appeared beside Liu Ruyan, and a black hand pierced into Liu Ruyan's chest.

Liu Ruyan widened her eyes, unable to believe that the other party actually killed her.

A trace of blood flowed out of Liu Ruyan's mouth.

Uchiha Madara's hand reached into the other party's heart and made a mark, and slapped her heart.

Liu Ruyan only felt her heart stirring.

Uchiha Madara slowly retracted his arm and pressed it on the other party's chest. The six yang forces were activated, and in an instant, the scar on Liu Ruyan's chest disappeared.

"senior...This is..."

Liu Ruyan, who felt that her life had returned, asked doubtfully

"I am not sure about your loyalty. In order to make you more obedient, I left a seal on your heart!"

Uchiha Madara's words made Liu Ruyan pale.

"Of course, as long as you work hard for me, you will get the benefits!"

Uchiha Madara said, and patted the other party's shoulder with his right hand. A large amount of spiritual power emerged from Uchiha Madara's right hand.

Such pure spiritual power made Liu Ruyan stunned.

"Absorb it, you can't do anything with your cultivation level!"

Uchiha Madara's words were like the sound of nature, making Liu Ruyan tremble with excitement.

Liu Ruyan was excited for a few seconds, and immediately immersed her mind in her body, guiding the spiritual energy outside the body to be absorbed into the body and circulate around the body.

At this time, Liu Ruyan only felt that she was in the world of spiritual energy.

Outside her body was the golden elixir spiritual energy released by Uchiha Madara, which was also the spiritual power he had just absorbed and not refined. The eighth level of Qi training was quickly achieved.

Then the ninth level of Qi training , the tenth level of Qi training , the eleventh level

, and the twelfth level.

When she arrived here, Liu Ruyan opened her eyes.


Uchiha Madara asked in confusion:"Why don't you absorb it?"

"forward...Senior! The university only published the Qi Refining Stage's exercises, and there is no follow-up...."Liu Ruyan replied cautiously.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara wiped his storage bag, took out a Jindan period exercise and threw it to the other party.

"Take it, and we'll talk about it after you learn it!"

Uchiha Madara said, took out a jade talisman from his storage bag, then covered his forehead with it and threw it to the other party.

"This is a sound transmission talisman. If you need anything, you can come to me!"

After saying this, Uchiha Madara launched the Dust Escape on Gu Xuefeng's body. After destroying the body, he used the Flying Thunder God to leave.

Liu Ruyan looked at the direction where the senior disappeared, and his eyes fell on the two storage bags on the ground. His breathing became rapid. He quickly ran to the location of the storage bag, picked it up and put it in his own storage bag.

He thought that this must be what the senior left for her.

Daoyuan University City.

Female dormitory.

Jia Huaihua was sitting cross-legged in the hall practicing. Without spirit stones, she could only practice hard.

A white head emerged from the wall.

This person was Ah Fei. He glanced at the other party, pulled out two bags from the wall and threw them in front of Jia Huaihua, and then disappeared.


The sudden movement made Jia Huaihua open his eyes, and found that there was no one. He looked down and saw two storage bags in front of him.

"This is..."

Jia Huaihua took it up, opened it, and was stunned.

There were a lot of magic weapons, spiritual stones, jade slips, and elixirs.

Jia Huaihua's breathing was rapid. Driven by curiosity, he opened another bag, which contained a jade seal.

"This is an ancient treasure!!!"

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