"Please go ahead, Senior Sister!"

Ye Chen extended his hand to signal.

Jia Huaihua intended to make a quick decision. She made a hand gesture with her right hand, used her spiritual power to gather her fingertips and pointed forward. A flying sword flew out from the storage bag on her waist. The flying sword grew stronger in the wind and stabbed Ye Chen in a rotation.

Seeing the flying sword coming, Ye Chen made a hand gesture and turned clockwise. A barrier appeared in front of him, and the flying sword hit it.


There was a sound of shattering. Ye Chen raised his left shoulder and the flying sword flew past his shoulder. At that moment, Ye Chen grabbed the blade of the flying sword and the flying sword stopped in mid-air, motionless.

Suddenly, the foundation-building cultivators present stood up.

"How is it possible!"

Zhang Mengmeng was shocked when she saw this scene.

The seniors and juniors stared at Ye Chen with their eyes wide open, looking at him in disbelief.

Ye Chen had a wicked smile on his face, looking at the expressions and shocked eyes of the audience, Ye Chen was in a very good mood.

Jia Huaihua, who was opposite Ye Chen, frowned. He couldn't understand why the other party could catch his flying sword. Even those who had reached the great perfection of Qi Refining would not dare to do this.

"Senior sister, take the flying sword, don't let me take it away!"

Ye Chen grinned, and then walked over slowly, ready to return the flying sword to the other party.

"I give up!"

Facing the other party's disgusting expression, Jia Huaihua didn't want to fight with him. From the fact that the other party could easily grab his flying sword, it was clear that he was not an easy character to deal with. If he continued to fight, he would be exposed. In this regard, Jia Huaihua felt that it was unnecessary to take this risk for 20 spirit stones.

After Jia Huaihua finished speaking, she jumped off the stage and waved her hand. The flying sword flew into her storage bag.


The other party admitted defeat, catching Ye Chen off guard. He hadn't pretended enough, and it ended like this?

"Senior sister, this is so boring!"

"What just happened doesn't count, let's start over again!"

Ye Chen, who was annoyed, insisted.

Jia Huaihua was about to refuse, but Liu Ruyan on the side shouted,"Junior brother, Jia Huaihua has admitted defeat. You want to fight, or challenge me?"


Ye Chen looked at Liu Ruyan carefully while speaking. She looked pretty good, but she had lost her essence, which was a pity.

""What? Are you scared?"

Liu Ruyan sneered.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen was very angry. Since he started practicing, no one dared to ridicule him in public. Those who ridiculed him were already dead.

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Chen said with his nose turned up.

He decided to humiliate the other party later, and then take the other party's essence after this matter was over.

Liu Ruyan used the wind control technique and flew to the stage.

Looking at the person in front of her, Liu Ruyan decided to humiliate the other party first, and then put him into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner after it was over. Then she would go to the senior to explain the situation. The senior would definitely praise her. Thinking of this, she was a little excited.

"Please come in, Senior Sister!"

Ye Chen gestured with his hand.

"Be careful, junior brother, don't let me kill you. If you die in my hands, I will fine you 500 spirit stones!"

After Liu Ruyan finished speaking, she performed a spell and a top-grade fire talisman came out of her bag.

Seeing the flame with a diameter of more than five meters coming, Ye Chen was startled and quickly sacrificed a furnace tripod, spinning it to protect his head.

"Are you crazy?"

Ye Chen lost his previous composure, his eyes were full of shock, and he asked loudly.

Ye Chen couldn't figure out how he had offended the other party, using such a consumable right from the start, and it was a relatively precious top-grade fire talisman.

The flames continued to burn Ye Chen's top furnace, and Ye Chen urged his spiritual power.

The foundation-building teachers on the stage looked at Liu Ruyan in disbelief.

This top-grade fire talisman was worth at least a hundred spirit stones, but the other party didn't care and kept releasing the flames inside?

"So strong! He can actually block the fire talisman that is stronger than the foundation-building stage attack!"

The freshmen in the audience were shocked

"How about stopping it? This is such a waste!"

A distressed professor in the early stage of foundation building said

"No, I think it's quite exciting!"

At some point, the vice-president of the late foundation building stage came over and interrupted.


Several teachers and professors shouted respectfully.

Liu Ruyan controlled the fire talisman to burn, and saw that she couldn't take down the opponent after dozens of seconds, and the talisman began to show signs of burning, indicating that the spiritual power sealed in it was about to end. Liu Ruyan said in surprise:"I underestimated you, it turns out that you have hidden your cultivation!"


Ye Chen snorted coldly, and while urging the defensive furnace, he pinched his fingers with one hand, and a sickle flew out of his storage bag and spun towards Liu Ruyan's neck.

""Top-grade spiritual weapon?"

The teachers and professors were surprised.

Liu Ruyan was calm and unhurried. She brought out a palm-sized shield. The shield grew in the wind and instantly turned into a two-meter-long door panel, blocking Liu Ruyan.


Liu Ruyan saw cracks in her defensive magic weapon, and slapped her legs with the magic talisman. Her Qi training great perfection burst out, and she dodged sideways. The rotating sickle passed by Liu Ruyan's hair, and a small handful of Liu Ruyan's hair fell to the ground.

The moment Liu Ruyan's cultivation was exposed, Ye Chen on the opposite side was stunned for a second.

The teachers and professors widened their eyes, and the vice-president was shocked and said:"It's actually the Qi training great perfection!!!"

The vice-principal's words made the students below unbelievable. What did they hear?

Liu Ruyan's Qi Refining Great Perfection?

When Ye Chen was stunned, two more high-grade fire talismans flew over, scaring Ye Chen.

He hurriedly put most of his mind on the furnace to defend against the flames, and distracted himself to control the sickle to rotate and attack the opponent.

Liu Ruyan's eyes were full of disdain. Compared with her family background, the other party was still too young. With the Gu family's Jindan stage storage bag, she would not be afraid even if he was in the middle stage of foundation building again.

Liu Ruyan threw five flags into the sky. In an instant, the flags burst into white light, and a square Bagua pattern appeared under Liu Ruyan's feet. Liu Ruyan stepped on Yin and Yang, and the attacking sickle hit it, and the white shield rippled.

"It's actually the Tai Chi defense formation!"

The knowledgeable vice-president exclaimed.

A cultivator in the early stage of foundation building looked at the vice-president with a questioning look in his eyes.

The vice-president explained:"This formation can block the full-strength attack of the late stage of foundation building! It was created by the head of Wudang Mountain."

Ye Chen on the opposite side pressed his right hand on the storage bag, and a competitive spirit arose. A voice came from his soul:"Boy, don't expose yourself, be careful of being targeted!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen slowly loosened his hand, thinking that the teacher was right, and then he pretended to control the sickle to attack the opponent's defense shield, intending to find an opportunity to admit defeat later.

Liu Ruyan on the opposite side pinched a seal with one hand, took out a bell from her waist, and shook it with a smile.

"Ding ding ding~~"

As the bell rang, waves of black energy spread out. Ye Chen, who was under the furnace, turned pale and felt a piercing pain in his head.

"What the hell is this thing! It can actually hurt my consciousness!"

Ye Chen's face changed drastically. Seeing that the furnace above his head was a little unstable, he hurriedly bit his tongue and cheered up to activate the furnace above his head.

"Boy! This girl must have a secret! These goodies come one after another! After this, you have to find a way to take her down."

"Admit defeat now, don't fight with the other party yet!"

Fei Yingjun in Ye Chen's soul shouted hurriedly.

Hearing the teacher's words, Ye Chen felt that it made sense, but he was very reluctant to surrender in front of so many teachers and students.

"What are you waiting for? If you continue, your consciousness will be damaged!"

Fei Yingjun shouted hurriedly

"etc...."I give up!"

Ye Chen shouted unwillingly.

Liu Ruyan stopped shaking the bell, and Ye Chen felt relieved when he saw that the dizziness disappeared.

Liu Ruyan, who was on the opposite side, wanted to teach the other party a lesson, so she shook the bell twice more.


Instantly, Ye Chen's face turned pale, and his consciousness seemed to be torn apart. He pointed at Liu Ruyan, his eyes spitting fire.

Seeing Ye Chen like this, Liu Ruyan pretended to say,"Oh, sorry, junior! My hand was shaking just now!"

Liu Ruyan's face was full of guilt when she spoke. To outsiders, it seemed that the other party was careless, but Ye Chen understood that this person was definitely intentional.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Ye Chen's mouth. He looked at Liu Ruyan angrily and said,"Stop pretending, you did it on purpose!"


Liu Ruyan sighed and said,"I didn't expect that my junior could see through it!"

"Okay, I admit it, I did it on purpose, what can you do to me?"

Liu Ruyan said, looking at Ye Chen provocatively.

"Boy, don't be impulsive. I feel like this woman is deliberately provoking you. Don't be fooled. It will be troublesome if you are exposed!" Fei Yingjun reminded hurriedly.

Ye Chen clenched his fists and echoed:"Yes, that's right, I have to endure it!"

Ye Chen's anger gradually subsided. Who would have thought that Liu Ruyan's words ignited Ye Chen's anger again

"As a weak person, don't be so arrogant. Who gave you the courage to challenge the senior? The old singer Fish Leong?"

Liu Ruyan mocked.

Ye Chen was extremely angry. If it weren't for the teacher's instructions, he would have killed the other party here. In order not to lose face, Ye Chen stared at Liu Ruyan and said,"Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully the poor young man!"

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