Uchiha Madara stood on the Buddha, and the Buddha slowly emerged. A Buddha over a thousand meters tall appeared in front of Saitama.

Then, Uchiha Madara activated the power of the sequel Noh and wrapped the Buddha.

He put a suit of armor on the Buddha, and the thousand-meter Buddha transformed into two pairs of feet, then stood up, and reached a height of two thousand meters.

Two wings appeared behind the Buddha, and blue armor appeared on the Buddha's thousand arms.

"So cool!"

Looking at the changes in the Buddha's form, Saitama said blankly

"Come on, Saitama!"

Uchiha Madara stood on the Buddha's head and shouted in a low voice.

""You better do it, I'm afraid you'll break me in one blow!"

Saitama replied directly.

He knew clearly the power of his fist.

"In that case, let me show you the power of this move!"

Uchiha Madara said, and shouted:"Thousands of hands!"

In an instant, countless arms bombarded Saitama.


Saitama was a little surprised. At first, he thought the thousand arms were just for show. He didn't expect them to be able to attack.

The dense fists came at him. Saitama didn't dodge. He also wanted to test the power of the opponent's fists. He stood there motionless.

"Boom boom boom! ~"

In just a moment, the dense fists swallowed Saitama.

The ground made an explosion sound.

The residents of Y City all looked towards the mountain.

"what happens?"

""Is it an earthquake?" the residents asked in confusion.

At the same time, the staff at the Hero Association headquarters discovered the huge Buddha on the mountain in Y City through surveillance, and their eyes widened.

"What on earth is that? A monster?"

The staff member who was operating the computer asked.

They just received a call from the Y City Security Department, claiming that there was a huge monster in the mountains of Y City. The Hero Association took over the cameras in Y City and found the huge monster.

""How terrifying! It's so high!" a staff member exclaimed

"Immediately notify the S-class heroes to rush to S City. Temporary disaster assessment: Dragon Class!"

As soon as the commander said this, the faces of the people present were extremely solemn, and they began to contact the S-class heroes to go.

On the other side,

Uchiha Madara stopped after punching thousands of times in a row.

At this time, a huge pit over a hundred meters deep had already appeared on the ground. Saitama was lying in the rock layer, staring blankly at the big Buddha in the sky.

Uchiha Madara used the Samsara Eye to sense the other party's situation. The other party was fine, except for his clothes.


Saitama pushed herself up with both hands and climbed out of the rock layer, then she pushed her legs hard on the ground and jumped out of the hundred-meter pit, then said to Uchiha Madara:"You are stronger than those monsters I have fought, do you have any other means, use them!"

Saitama's face was excited.

Eager for an opponent, he looked at Uchiha Madara with some anticipation.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara's face looked grim. In Naruto, it seemed that he should have said this to Might Guy. How come they have swapped identities here?

Uchiha Madara quickly created two clones, letting the clone control the big Buddha, and the other one put his hands together and shouted:"Xianfa·Mingshenmen!"

Saitama seemed to have noticed the movement in the sky, and when he looked up, he saw wooden frames falling from the sky.

Saitama clenched his fists and blasted at the sky.

Under the powerful impact, the Mingshenmen that had fallen was blown away by Saitama's fist wind.

"With a"swoosh" sound

, a black stick came through the air. Saitama's style changed, he quickly turned his head and bit the black stick thrown by Uchiha Madara with his teeth.


Uchiha Madara was a little surprised that even the truth-seeking jade didn't work.

"Hey, this thing is pretty hard!"

After biting it twice, Saitama raised his hand and took the black stick in his mouth and observed it carefully.

Uchiha Madara in the distance pinched a mark, and the originally long black spot began to shrink and turned into a black ball.


As Saitama was wondering, the black ball burst into a dazzling white light.


With a loud bang, an explosion occurred around Saitama.

Uchiha Madara in the distance knew that he could not kill him, so he flew towards Saitama quickly, keeping close to the ground, and gathered the Chakra of Dissolution Release and the Six Paths Sage Technique in his hands.

"cough cough~"

"What the hell is this!"

Saitama complained in the smoke, and then he found that Uchiha Madara was holding a spinning fireball and attacking him. He quickly put his hands on his chest.

Uchiha Madara pressed on the other's hands.

""Bang, bang, bang~"

A series of cutting sounds were heard, Saitama stood still, the ground began to explode, Uchiha Madara pushed forward with all his strength, no matter how hard he pushed, Saitama's feet did not move at all.

Seeing that the Dissolution Style Rasenshuriken was about to explode, before leaving, Uchiha Madara spit out his mouth and whispered:"Senjutsu·Storm Style Light Fang!"

This move was aimed at Saitama's eyes.

What surprised Uchiha Madara was that Saitama seemed to know it in advance, and when the attack came, he quickly turned his head.

Uchiha Madara, who kept releasing the Storm Style Light Fang, was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he turned his head to the side, trying to cut Saitama's neck.

Saitama kept his head tilted, and while resisting the Rasenshuriken, he once again resisted Uchiha Madara's Storm Style Light Fang.


A burst of light like a spark appeared on Saitama's neck. The Storm Release Light Fang that could cut even the black stick encountered something it couldn't cut for the first time.

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara immediately disappeared from the spot and returned to the Buddha.


At this time, the Dissolution Release Rasenshuriken exploded.

The white light swallowed Saitama inside.

Ten seconds later, the smoke disappeared.

Saitama stood there with his tattered cloak, sighing:"If this is the only strength you have, there is no need to go on!"

For the sake of gold, Saitama did not fight back. In his opinion, the opponent was not worth his effort.

"I didn't expect you to be stronger than I thought. It seems I underestimated you!"

Uchiha Madara said solemnly.

"Since I gained power, no one can match me!"

"I dream of finding an opponent!"

"No matter what kind of enemy it is, I can't feel pain, I won't get hurt, and I won't bleed! I'm also very distressed about this!"

While Saitama was speaking, he slowly raised his right hand and looked at the right fist with the glove.

Uchiha Madara on the Buddha touched the clone and the Buddha. Originally, he was thinking of using the God's Gate to seal the opponent while letting the clone control the Buddha to attack, but in the face of absolute strength, these moves are paper tigers.

Uchiha Madara didn't plan to use these.

"Then try this!"

Uchiha Madara finished speaking, slowly opened his right hand, and a black substance flew into the sky.

The next second,

Saitama felt his body flying uncontrollably towards the black substance in the sky.


A large number of rocks on the ground shattered and flew towards the sky.

"What kind of move is this?"

Saitama looked at the large amount of rocks that rose with him in confusion.

Saitama did not resist Uchiha Madara's move.


Countless boulders rushed to the sky, including Saitama.

Uchiha Madara saw Saitama's body was submerged in the stones, and increased the output of chakra, and the stones on the ground rose faster.

"Boom boom boom!"

Densely packed stones flew to the sky one after another and stuck to the stone ball.

Gradually, a huge round ball appeared in the sky.

Uchiha Madara shouted:"Six Paths·Chibaku Tensei!"

"With a"boom" sound, a large amount of magnetic force permeated the entire stone ball, and patterns appeared on it.

The members of the Hero Association looked at the giant ball with a diameter of more than several thousand meters in the surveillance video and were so shocked that they were speechless.

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