
"How could there be so much vitality all of a sudden?"

In the laboratory below, Dr. Kinos looked at the data on the console, very puzzled.

The Asura Rhinoceros Beetle on the ground had been sucked dry by the water. In order to create a more powerful existence, the mad Dr. Kinos tricked the Beast King into being a nutrient.

"Could it be that the Beast King's vitality is stronger than Asura's?"

"No, it shouldn’t be!"

"What went wrong?"

Kinos was puzzled.

On the first floor above the House of Evolution.

The zombie man had already turned into a mummy. He still had a little consciousness and regretted being too rash. Now, as long as he recovered a little, the tree trunk would absorb a little of him. It was as if he had become the nutrients of the tree and he couldn't even resist.

There were many weapons hidden in his body, such as grenades and machine guns. Because of his strong recovery ability, he would store the weapons in his body. If he encountered an ordinary monster and was beaten to death, he could use the weapons in his stomach to turn the tables, but when he was absorbed by the tree, it was like he had met his nemesis.

"What the hell is this thing?"

This thought came to the zombie man's mind.

Dr. Genos in the laboratory observed Uchiha Madara for a long time, but always felt something was wrong. He glanced at the top of the tree trunk and shouted:"You, go up there and see if there are any creatures approaching?"

""Yes! Dr. Kinos!"

A clone replied respectfully and ran upstairs quickly.

Soon, he came to the first floor and found the zombie man who was tied up tightly and was recovering and sucking dry.

"It's you! Zombie man!"

The clone was horrified.

The zombie man didn't have the strength to turn his head, but he would remember that familiar voice for the rest of his life. The zombie man opened his mouth, and the clone read his meaning from the movement of his mouth, as if to say, it turned out that it was you who did this.

""Tap tap tap tap~"

The clone immediately ran downstairs.

"Doctor, it was the zombie man who caused this. He was tied up by a tree trunk. It seems that he was the one who provided the nutrients just now!"

The clone reported what he saw.

"As I expected, there was indeed a creature approaching. I didn't expect it to be him. Fortunately, I asked you to go and see, otherwise I would have started the next round!"

Kinos said with a look of fear on his face

"Or let him be the nutrition for Uchiha Madara? Cultivate Uchiha Madara to be stronger? Dr. Genos!"

The clone said his idea

"No! Zombie Man's recovery ability is like a perpetual motion machine. I can't bear to let the gorilla catch him. Now he has no ability to resist. This is the best opportunity to recover him."

Kinos is reluctant to let Zombie Man, such a masterpiece.

"All right then!" the clone replied.

"Humans have a limit. I really want to see Saitama!"

Dr. Genos muttered to himself as he looked at Uchiha Madara who was unconscious on the bed.

Soon, the zombie man was caught by the armored gorilla. Eight needles were inserted into the zombie man's body and fixed by an iron suit. The needles were on the iron suit.

Every second, the syringe would inject something into the zombie man's body, as if it was a means of restriction.

"Long time no see, zombie man!"

Kinos saw the zombie man being brought over and greeted him with a smile.

"Originally, I wanted to destroy your House of Evolution, but I couldn't find it after searching for so long. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands accidentally!"

"As expected of you, Dr. Kinos, you specialize in studying this tree that restrains my recovery, as if you knew I was coming!"

The zombie man praised lightly.

Even if he fell into the hands of the other party, the zombie man was unusually calm.

"You misunderstood, it was the energy in the other guy's body that caused it!"

Genos said, and stepped aside, and Uchiha Madara's face appeared in front of the zombie man.


When the zombie man saw Uchiha Madara, his eyes widened.

He never thought that the Uchiha Madara he wanted to recruit was lying here.

"Maybe you think I figured it out, but that's not the case at all. He just cooperated with me and asked me to help him develop his strength!"

He also knew that the zombie man would ask questions later, so the smart Dr. Kinos explained in advance

"Well, this is the general situation. You are in my hands now. You are a smart person and you know what I am going to do, so just cooperate a little bit!"

Kinos added.

The zombie man knew what he was going to face next. He did not resist and nodded.

Because he knew that he was restricted now, resistance was unnecessary. If he cooperated honestly, he might have a chance to get out in the future.

Soon, the zombie man was taken to another laboratory.

"Another research material, this time I can show my skills!"

Ginos grinned and began to extract Uchiha Madara's cells, collecting the wood properties and some skin flakes on his body.

Uchiha Madara, who was lying on the bed, didn't know how long he had been unconscious.

""Boom boom boom~"

A rapid heartbeat sounded, and Genos, who received the news, rushed over immediately.

On the bed.

Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes, and the next second, he felt his eyes were very hot.


Uchiha Madara's eyes rolled around, and he immediately performed the Water Mirror Technique, and found that there were actually several more magatama in his eyes.

"Sure enough, my guess was right, your eyes seem to have the potential to be promoted!"

"With the blessing of Saitama Cell and Beast King Cell, your body strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. When your body is strong and nourished, your eyes will also be upgraded!"

Ginos said excitedly.

"It seems that I underestimated you. You can actually read the secrets of my eyes!"

Uchiha Madara said in surprise

"There is nothing at this time"

"Try your new body!"

Uchiha Madara slowly stood up and looked down. The face of Hashirama on his body was gone.

"After your body becomes stronger, that defect has automatically disappeared, that is to say, that energy has merged with you and become your own ability!"

Dr. Kinos explained again.

Uchiha Madara got off the bed and clenched his fists. At this time, he felt full of strength.

Uchiha Madara gathered strength, and the chakra affinity in his body became stronger again. With just a thought, lightning escape, fire escape, wind escape, water escape, and other chakra properties wrapped around his arms, just like the spells of cultivators, very convenient.

Uchiha Madara charged and punched out

"With a"bang", several fists wrapped in elements were thrown out, and a large hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters appeared in the basement of the Evolution House. The scene of the valley outside appeared in front of Uchiha Madara and Kinos.

"What a strong body!"

Uchiha Madara looked at his fist in disbelief and muttered to himself.

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