At the same time, on the sea not far from the Valley of the Gods, the Den Den Mushi on Uchiha Madara's body rang.

"Bru~ Bru~ Bru~"

Uchiha Madara looked at Den Den Mushi in confusion, and after thinking for a while, he decided to answer the call.

"Is that you, Master Madara?" White Zetsu's voice came from Den Den Mushi.

"I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be White Zetsu, how is it? Did you get it?"

Uchiha Madara asked in a deep voice

"I'm sorry, Lord Madara, I haven't got it yet. I just arrived at the Valley of the Gods, and there are so many Celestial Dragons, as well as the World Government and the Navy in the square. I dare not show my head!"

"Also, there are actually six treasure chests, I don’t know which one is it!"

Hearing what White Zetsu said, Uchiha Madara frowned and said,"White Zetsu! It’s been so many days, why did you just arrive?"

"that...I got off the boat at a nearby island. I originally wanted to swim over, but a shark wanted to eat me and chased me for several days. That fish was so big!" The voice of White Zetsu came again.

Uchiha Madara's tone softened:"It's not your fault this time. You keep looking. I'll be there in about half a day." Uchiha Madara was about to hang up the phone when White Zetsu on the other side hurriedly said:"Madaram, there is a little girl here who seems to know information about the fruit. She wants to make a deal with Madara!"

"Oh? Who is it?"

Uchiha Madara asked curiously.

At this time, a young voice came from the Den Den Mushi:"Captain Uchiha Madara, my name is Ginny, and I was the one who spread the news about God Valley a few days ago...."

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Madara understood and interrupted,"Tell me your purpose!"

Ginny on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, glanced at White Zetsu, then looked at everyone, and mustered up the courage to say,"We are slaves of the Celestial Dragons, and the nobles on the island are hunting us. I want to use this information in exchange for your protection to help us leave here!"


Uchiha's crisp voice came.

All the slaves present heard it and they were immediately excited.

"Tell me, you better not lie to me! What fruits are there on this island? I just want to know this news, I'm not interested in anything else."Uchiha Madara's low voice came

"Captain Uchiha Madara, I only detected three devil fruits, namely the Fish-Fish Fruit, the Mythical Beast, the Blue Dragon Form, the Meat-Ball Fruit, and the Ice Fruit."

"As for the others, I don't know"


Ginny heard that Uchiha Madara's tone was not right in the Den Den Mushi, and hurriedly added:"But I can continue to monitor for you! I have told you what I know, and I hope you can help us as agreed!"

In the Den Den Mushi, Uchiha Madara was silent for a moment, then said:"White Zetsu! You take them into the ground first, and you continue to inquire!"

""Yes, Mr. Ban!"

After Bai Zetsu answered respectfully, Ginny found that the other party hung up the phone, and she began to feel uneasy, because she was not sure whether the other party would save them.

Ginny also heard the tone of Uchiha Madara, as if there was no fluctuation, which meant that her information was useless. If she wanted the other party to save her group, she had to play to her strengths.

Her original plan was to let Ivankov and herself steal the fruit, and then let some of them be bait to lure away the Celestial Dragons. Now she didn't know whether she should bet her hope on Uchiha Madara.

"You also heard what Master Ban said, I will open a cave underground, you stay inside first!"

Bai Jue said to the little girl and went into the ground, which made some slaves present see hope.

"What should we do, Ginny? The other party is a person with special abilities, and he is also a subordinate of the great pirate. I am afraid we have no chance to carry out our plan. If we don't do as the other party asks, I guess the white man will kill us!" Ivankov whispered to Ginny.

"Now we can only do our best to monitor intelligence for the other party, and bet on whether the other party will keep their promise!"Ginny said helplessly

"Don't be afraid, Ginny, Ivan, if he wants to kill us, I will stop him for you!" The two-meter-tall bear said in a muffled voice.

Ginny and Ivankov found that the bear's expression was more serious than ever before.

"Bear, let's think positively!" Ginny smiled reluctantly and consoled him.


The ground shook slightly for a long time, and Bai Zetsu emerged from the soil and said,"I have opened up the cave, I will take you down now!"

Then, Bai Zetsu activated his ability, wrapped one person after another, and brought them down.

Bai Zetsu said to everyone,"This is ten meters underground, those people with guns should not be able to find you!"

Then Bai Zetsu looked at Ginny and said,"You just help Lord Madara monitor the situation here, I'm going to go out to get information!"

Ginny nodded, took out two Den Den Mushi, and began to eavesdrop. Bai Zetsu used the Mayfly Technique to disappear in the cave.

On the other side, on the top of the mountain.

The Celestial Dragon host was still explaining passionately:"Oh my God, it's been less than half a day, and the Feigaland family's - Galin Saint, actually got 100,000 points!"

"His targets seem to be slaves to high scores!"

"Other contestants, come on!"

Several Tianlong people frowned in the audience.

"Hey, I say, if this continues, that bastard will definitely win first place, and then the treasure will definitely fall into his hands!"The speaker is a gloomy man with triangular eyes.

"If he gets it, it will definitely consolidate their family's position. If the fruit awakens, a long-lived person will appear in their family. We can't let him get it!" Another bald man echoed

"How about this, let's secretly exchange the treasures?" Another celestial dragon who was missing two front teeth suggested in a low voice. The triangular-eyed celestial dragon looked around and whispered,"There are too many people here, it seems difficult to operate!"

"It's almost noon, those people will definitely go to eat, when there will be fewer people, the three of us will go together to force the commentator on the stage, with the power of our family, I don't think he dares to speak out!" The Tianlong man who was missing two front teeth expressed his thoughts.

The other two Tianlong men looked at him, only to see him say mysteriously:"He and I are sworn enemies, I have already found out that he has a bastard outside, and I brought the child with me!"

After saying this, the triangular-eyed Tianlong man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:"It seems that you, this guy, have already guessed that he can win the championship, and you specially prepared this gift for him!"

"Not bad, not bad!" The bald Tianlong man echoed excitedly.

"Humph, he knocked out my front teeth last time, I will make him lose all reputation this time!"

The Tianlong man with missing front teeth said viciously, and added with a morbid face:"When the award is presented, when the box is opened, it is found to be a baby. Do you think he will be so angry that he will stab it to death with a sword?"

"Then I'll explain that this is his bastard, what do you think his expression will be?"

The other two's eyes lit up, and they gave him a thumbs up and praised him,"You're really smart!"

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