

"Damn it!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Several angry curses came from Garp and Roger.

At this time, Uchiha Madara had stopped the fire.

There were only seven or eight people left in Roger's pirate group. The others were either burned to ashes or lying on the ground with severe burns.

Garp's side was even worse. There were only Garp, Bogart, and another three marines, looking lonely.

As for the pirates who planned to fish in troubled waters, thousands of them died, and only a dozen of them escaped with their outstanding domineering.

Figarand Galinsheng and others and Whitebeard Golden Lion had not made a move yet, and stood there.

Figarand Galinsheng had cold sweat on his forehead. He was frightened by the area of this move.

""Garlin, what a terrible flame!"

A young member of the Knights of God said in fear.

In front of his juniors, Saint Fegaland Garin regained his confidence and said to his companions:"His method can only be used against ordinary people, it is useless against domineering and powerful people like us!"

"Kulala, Roger is going to be angry this time. Captain Uchiha Madara, are you ready to face the wrath of Roger and Garp?"

Whitebeard laughed. Uchiha nodded and said,"Good look. If this look can make your attack stronger, I don't mind taking care of some ants behind you!"


Jabba was the first to be unable to bear the other party's attitude and rushed over with two axes.

Cap immediately started to shave and followed closely.

"With a sound of"Swish", the axe carrying Armament Haki chopped down at Uchiha Madara's forehead. Uchiha Madara, who possessed Observation Haki and Sharingan, reacted in advance. He dodged sideways and noticed Garp's fist coming from behind. Uchiha Madara launched an illusion at Jabba.

The next second, Jabba swung his axe at Garp, but as soon as he chopped it off, he came to his senses. Garp, who was originally attacking Uchiha Madara, changed direction of his fist and blocked the incoming axe.

Garp shouted,"Jabba, what are you doing!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uchiha Madara made a side kick, with Armament Haki wrapped around his right foot, kicking Garp


Garp flew backwards, and then Uchiha Madara kicked Jabba again. Bang! Jabba also flew out. The next second, the first stage skeleton of Uchiha Madara's Susanoo took shape, and wrapped in armed color domineering, it chased Jabba who flew backwards. As soon as

Rayleigh caught Jabba, he saw the skeleton's fist attacking. Roger, who wanted to attack Uchiha Madara, turned the blade and chopped at the skeleton.


The huge skeleton shattered instantly, and Roger's long slash hit the ground, causing an explosion.

Bogart took this opportunity to perform a shave, raised his sword and rushed towards Uchiha Madara.

As soon as he appeared and was about to chop, a big hand suddenly stretched out, with a dark patch on it, and grabbed his throat.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Uchiha Madara asked in a low voice, his Sharingan glared at

"Cough cough~"

Bogart's face turned red and he started coughing violently.

"Stop looking down on others!"

Garp shouted, jumped high, and suddenly blasted a shock wave in the air three meters away from Uchiha Madara. Originally, Garp wanted to attack from behind, but seeing that Bogart's throat seemed to be crushed, he had to attack in advance.

A layer of skeleton appeared behind Uchiha Madara, grabbed Bogart's sword, and then flew out with a bang, and the position was exactly to Rayleigh's side.

Uchiha Madara flew out of the air like a cannonball, used the throwing technique, turned around and threw, and the sword shot at Garp who continued to rush over. Seeing that he was about to get close to Rayleigh, Rayleigh's blade chopped at him.

""Storm Release: Light Fang~"

Uchiha Madara adjusted his body shape and spit out a four or five meter long black energy. Uchiha Madara tilted his head and the black beam followed his head like a laser, and the position was right on Rayleigh's wrist.

Rayleigh had seen this move before, and it could cut through Garp's defense. He quickly retracted his hand, and the slashing became a pulling and cutting method.

The beam and the blade collided with each other, making a sound of steel hitting each other. With a ping, Rayleigh's blade sank with great force, slid down along the beam, and chopped towards Uchiha Madara's body. Uchiha Madara, who had just landed, swept his right leg towards Rayleigh's legs.

Rayleigh didn't expect his opponent to react so quickly, and to be able to use such a move while lying on the ground. His legs were swept by the sweeping kick and he was unstable and his body was in the air. Uchiha Madara supported himself on the ground with both hands, wrapped his feet with Armament Haki, and kicked Rayleigh.

Rayleigh's Observation Haki was also not to be underestimated. While in the air, he quickly changed his moves and stabbed Uchiha's right foot with his knife.

When the two's legs and swords were about to touch each other, Roger's slash came. Uchiha Madara supported himself on the ground with one hand, jumped back, and quickly took out his fan with Armament Haki wrapped around it, blocking Roger's slash in the air.


The slash attached to the fan sent Uchiha Madara flying.

Uchiha Madara, who was flying backwards, swung his hand vigorously, activated his rebound ability, and sent Roger's slash back to Roger with a fan.

Seeing Garp rushing again, Uchiha Madara made a seal with one hand and whispered:"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Song Technique"

Four fire dragons attacked Garp from the top, bottom, left and right directions at the same time.

When Garp saw that this move seemed to block his trajectory of movement, he had no choice but to resist.

Four fire dragons shot towards Garp, Garp crossed his hands and gathered his armed color domineering all over his body, and whispered:"Iron block!’


The moment the flames engulfed Garp, an explosion occurred.

Bulmaline and Spencer from Roger's pirate group, who were just checking the injured crew with the ship's doctor Crocus, now had their hands free, and the two of them and Jabba rushed towards Uchiha Madara who had just landed.

Seeing the three people attacking, Popo glanced at Bogart and another navy who were also attacking from the side. Uchiha Madara clapped his hands and shouted in a low voice:"Water Style: Water Rush Wave~"

The strong men present, Roger, Garp, Rayleigh, Whitebeard and Shiki who were fighting with the Knights of God, and the members of the Knights of God, all looked at the ground under Uchiha Madara's feet


This question popped up in everyone's mind.

A pool of swirling water appeared under Uchiha Madara's feet. When several people attacked at the same time, the water rose from the ground and quickly grew larger, forming a water tornado. The attacks of several people hit the water tornado.


Uchiha Madara shouted in the water tornado, and his chakra burst out.


The waterspout rose several dozen meters higher again. The next second, the waterspout spread out to form a waterfall. A huge waterfall of 70 to 80 meters rushed towards Roger and others. The nearest Bulmaline, Spencer, Bogart and another navy were swallowed by the waterfall.

"How...How is it possible?"Roger was stunned.

"Can you actually use water to fight?"

Shiki, who was fighting with the Knights of God, looked incredulous.

"Fake..."It's fake!"

Whitebeard was also shocked.

Seeing the water curtain coming, Roger and Rayleigh did not dare to be careless. They launched a powerful sword flow and slashed at the sea water.

In an instant, the water curtain in the sky was divided into three by the huge slash. The water curtain was like two four-meter-wide passages separated. The waterfall flowed past them. Rayleigh and Roger were standing in it. Then, the waterfall splashed down the mountain, and the water level on the mountain began to drop.

As the water level dropped, a ray of light emerged from the water.

The next second

"The sound of thunder"Zizizizi~" came from the

"Not good!"

Garp, who was stepping on the moon in the sky, was shocked.

Uchiha Madara had approached the navy who was posing with the iron block at some point, and stretched out the domineering black lightning knife to attack the opponent.


The navy's eyes widened, his throat felt sweet, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. The navy slowly lowered his head and saw a dark arm holding Thunder on his chest.

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