Uchiha Madara was in disbelief. The opponent's beak was powerful, and his claws were also so strong.

This was a complete Susanoo with intermediate domineering power. The chakra sword was made of energy and was stronger than Susanoo. How could it be destroyed like this? Uchiha

Madara was stunned for only a second. After reacting, he pushed his feet on the ground and controlled Susanoo to jump high. He wanted to distance himself from the opponent and not let the opponent get close.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Uchiha Madara in Susanoo made seals with both hands and started the ninjutsu while jumping up.

A huge flame instantly attacked Makas Maz.

The strange bird saw the flame coming, and its wings were wrapped with domineering power, and it waved vigorously.

Gusts of wind blew out from its wings, and the huge flame was blown back.

"So strong?"

Whitebeard was shocked.

Shiki was sweating coldly and thought of leaving first.

Uchiha Madara in the air saw that the flames could not blow past him, and stopped using the Great Fire Extinguishing Technique while gathering a large number of magatama in his right hand and throwing them at the strange bird.


Marcus Maz shouted, flapped his wings, and flew towards Susanoo again.

Roger charged his energy, and when his attack was about to reach Marcus Maz, he slashed at the magatama energy in front of him.


An explosion sounded, and in the explosion, Makas Maz shot towards Uchiha Madara's Susanoo like a bow and arrow.

"So fast!"

Uchiha Madara was extremely shocked.

The huge body became a sitting duck.


Susanoo's belly exploded, and Markas Maz flew into Susanoo. Then he spread his wings, surrounded by powerful domineering aura. Every time his wings flapped, a slash would appear, and the opponent's claws kept scratching at the air, and waves of attacks also came out from the claws.

The inside of the huge Susanoo collapsed, and Susanoo's bones and muscles were broken.

Uchiha Madara saw that Susanoo could not be maintained, and the moment he lifted it, he spit out a black energy at Markas Maz below while falling down. A beam of light as long as a hundred meters shot at Markas Maz, and the opponent blocked it with his wings, making a sound of steel colliding:"Dang~"


Suddenly, a loud shout came, and Uchiha hurriedly took out his fan and raised it to protect his head.

Roger had appeared a hundred meters in the air without knowing when, and the opponent was slashing with a huge blow.


Roger's slash seemed to have become real, pressing heavily on the fan.

Uchiha Madara's body fell rapidly.


With a loud noise, a big hole was smashed in the ground.

Uchiha Madara was about to get up when he suddenly realized that something was wrong underground. He gathered his powerful domineering aura all over his body and made a defensive move.


A tentacle pierced through his back and emerged from his stomach.

"How...how is it possible!"

Uchiha Madara couldn't believe it, and his observation Haki was activated.

He wanted to see who did it.

He saw that the Five Elders who had not used their abilities before had turned into a bull ghost.

The lower body was similar to a spider, and the upper body had a mutated human head.

There were two bull horns on the top of the head, and there was a black flame cloud on the back.

The opponent's five legs were standing on the ground, and the claws of each leg were very sharp.

One of the legs was inserted into the ground.

Uchiha Madara looked down again and found that the sharp horns that pierced himself were exactly the same as the opponent's claws.

In other words, the opponent's feet became longer, and they penetrated the ground and launched a sneak attack from underground.

Whitebeard and Shiki in the distance couldn't believe that Uchiha Madara had failed.

Moreover, the opponent was so insidious, launching a sneak attack from underground


The leg that had penetrated Uchiha Madara was pulled back from his body, and then it retracted from the ground.

Roger and Marcus Maz came to the ground and looked at Uchiha Madara who had been severely injured without saying a word.

Uchiha Madara quickly used the palm magic to press the wound.


What's going on? What on earth is this numb feeling?

"It's over!"

Satan said coldly.

"You have been poisoned by me. I have just injected the poison into your body. You are finished!"

"Is your bright light a treatment method?"

"It's useless. The poison has probably already entered your nerves. You won't live for ten minutes!"

Satan Saint said coldly.

Uchiha Madara's face was extremely ugly. He was actually ambushed.

"I didn't expect that I underestimated the ruler of this world. I am not the real Uchiha Madara!"

Uchiha Madara sighed.

The numbness became more and more severe, and Uchiha Madara knew clearly that he was finished.

He was unwilling to accept it. He had finally traveled through time and obtained the template of Uchiha Madara, but he was going to die in less than a month?


"No, it seems useless!"

Thinking of this move, Uchiha Madara immediately rejected it. This move is only useful when used before a sneak attack. Its function is to record the state of the caster with the Sharingan at the moment of its launch, and then within the effective time of the spell (the effective time is different for each person), any damage suffered by the caster, even including the caster's death, can be physically restored to the state recorded by the Sharingan.

"System, I seem to be finished, is there any way?"

Uchiha Madara, who didn't want to die, hurriedly asked the system

‘Ding! Please find a way yourself! '

The system answered mechanically.

Uchiha Madara was furious. He was about to die, but the system didn't help.

Jia Ban recalled Uchiha Madara's memory, and it seemed that there was no way to suppress the onset of the poison.

Suddenly, Jia Ban thought of Uchiha Madara's Impure World Transformation in the original play. Why not do the same?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara hurriedly asked the system:"System, if I die, and someone uses Impure World Transformation to revive me, can I still be resurrected like Uchiha Madara, the Hokage?"

‘Ding! OK! 'The system replied.

After receiving the system's reply, Uchiha Madara was not so panicked. He looked at Whitebeard and said,"I'll entrust this thing to you!"

Then, Uchiha Madara threw the fan to Whitebeard, who took it in his hand without knowing why.

The next moment, Uchiha Madara made a seal with both hands.

This scene made Roger alert and said,"Be careful, the opponent probably wants to counterattack before dying!"

The two Five Elders naturally understood this truth and were about to attack. The next second, Uchiha Madara took a deep breath and whispered,"Fire Style: Ash Burning!"

In an instant, everyone present was engulfed by smoke.

The Five Elders and Roger who were about to attack were blocked by their observation Haki, and Uchiha Madara's figure was lost.

A large amount of smoke gathered at the top of the God Valley Mountain and had a tendency to disperse downwards.

In this move, Uchiha Madara used 70% of his chakra.

In the smoke, Uchiha Madara quickly ran to where White Zetsu was. He didn't have much time.

Shiki and Whitebeard saw that Uchiha Madara was defeated, and the two quickly left in the direction they came from.

In order to get rid of the dangerous man like Uchiha Madara, Roger stood in the smoke and did not leave, keeping alert.

In the smoke, Uchiha Madara ran while casting the Palm Immortal Technique to maintain himself.

Soon, he came to the place Ginny said. At this time, the smoke and dust gathered outside, and Uchiha cast the Rock Hidden Technique to sink into it.


Uchiha Madara was a little distracted after entering and fell to the ground.

The sudden appearance of the person startled Ginny and the others.

""Master Ban!"

White Zetsu shouted.

Ginny was shocked when she heard that the other party was Uchiha Madara. The other party seemed to be seriously injured.

White Zetsu also discovered it and quickly ran to Uchiha. He used his ability to merge with Uchiha Madara, inputting a large amount of chakra and physical strength to rescue Uchiha Madara.

"It's useless!"

Uchiha Madara said, and sat up with his hands on the ground.

"Bai Zetsu, come down, I want to tell you something!"

Uchiha Madara shouted with a pale face, and Bai Zetsu quickly faded from Uchiha Madara.

Then Uchiha Madara exchanged three cell extraction needles and three chakra seeds from the system space and handed them to Bai Zetsu.

"Look into my eyes!"

Uchiha Madara shouted to Bai Zetsu, Bai Zetsu met Uchiha Madara's gaze, and the next moment, Uchiha Madara's illusion was activated, and the two came to the illusion world.

Uchiha Madara explained some things to Bai Zetsu, and then Uchiha Madara stopped the illusion, and the two returned to reality

"I understand, Master Madara, I will do as you say!"

White Zetsu promised

"you...Are you going to die?...Captain!"

Ginny asked hurriedly when she saw Uchiha Madara's breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Uchiha Madara nodded and said:"I don't have much time left, I can't send you away, you choose one of those fruits, the blue dragon-shaped, meat ball fruit can take you away!"

Ginny was silent.

Uchiha Madara looked around at the slaves, his eyes fell on a two-meter-tall child, and asked:"What's your name?"

"My name is Bartholomew Bear!" the boy replied

"Big Bear?"

Uchiha Madara muttered the name and remembered that the other party was moving.���He was transformed and denied his plan. He looked at the afro next to him.

"Help me keep these eyes, and I can give you a fruit!"

Uchiha Madara said to the afro.

"I...I already have the fruit!"

Ivankov was a little afraid of Uchiha Madara and said fearfully

"Can you give it to me? I can help you store your eyes!"

Bartholomew Big Bear was eager to use the fruit to save more people and asked directly.


The poison was getting stronger and stronger, and Uchiha Madara groaned. He could no longer hold on.

At this time, Uchiha remembered that it was still too early for Big Bear to transform, so he decided to put the Sharingan on the other party first.

"Come here!" Uchiha Madara shouted, and Bartholomew Kuma walked over obediently.

""Squat down!"

Seeing that the opponent was too tall, Uchiha Madara asked him to squat down, and the opponent did so.

Before preparing to change his eyes, Uchiha Madara looked at Ginny:"You are very good, I will teach you some moves!"

Then, Uchiha Madara cast an illusion on Ginny, and taught the Impure World Turn and some ordinary ninjutsu to the other party.

Then Uchiha Madara stretched out his hand and dug out the bear's eyes.

With this move, the bear screamed:"Ah~"

Ginny and others were shocked.

When they were about to ask the captain why he did this, they found that Uchiha Madara had buckled his eyes and put them in the bear's eyes at an extremely fast speed, and then they saw green light in the other party's hands.

"This is..."Ivankov was stunned for a moment.

Ten seconds later, Uchiha Madara slowly pounded his hands and said weakly:"Please take good care of these eyes for me!"

""Big Bear, your eyes!"

Ivankov said in shock.

Big Bear slowly opened his eyes and found that Uchiha Madara's eyes were empty. He looked down and saw a pair of eyeballs on the ground. His eyes had just been dug out. What about now?....

Bartholomew Kuma was stunned, because he felt that his vision was much wider now. There was no other problem except a little stinging in his eyes. He also realized that his eyes must have been replaced.

Bartholomew Kuma looked at Uchiha Madara with empty eyes and assured him:"Don't worry, I will keep it well for you!"

"Take it!"

Uchiha Madara exchanged another needle from the system, threw the needle and chakra seed to Ginny, and then lowered his head.

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