Luffy's puzzled expression gradually disappeared, his eyes widened, and then his face turned green, and he bent over and vomited:"Ugh!"~~~"

"Hey! You actually ate shit!"Zoro was shocked for ten thousand years.

""Ugh~" Luffy put his fingers on his throat, trying to spit it out.

Looking at Luffy like this, Zoro laughed:"Hahahaha!"

"This person is really disgusting, if I'm not mistaken, he collected all kinds of feces!" Chopper said this, pointing to the third row and said:"Look, there are corn kernels on the third row. I guess he ate corn but didn't digest it and then collected and sealed it in a bottle!"


Zoro kept pounding his thighs, and tears of laughter came out.

Luffy on the side stuck out his tongue and spit out bitterness.

"Bastard, this is unforgivable!" Luffy said angrily.

Chopper looked at the stone tablet, which was full of words. Chopper walked over and saw it, his eyes widened.

"Hey, Chopper, Zoro, come and see! There is something terrible written on it!"

Chopper's shout attracted the attention of the two.

Luffy stopped vomiting and followed Zoro. He saw that it was written

【Rocks·D·Jibek was here. 】

Below is a line of small words

【I accidentally discovered the historical text of Hades. I was afraid that future generations would not understand it, so I translated it.】

【Pluto is a terrifying weapon. He has two forms. One is the battleship mode, which can sink an island with one shot. The other mode can merge with the person and become a 1,000-meter steel warrior, which can destroy a 10-kilometer island with a single blow.】

【To summon Hades, you need a DNA of Hades' previous master, and then combine it with the spiritual method to summon him. Spiritual communication requires chakra. I put the chakra seeds and DNA in the dam outside the Deep Sea Prison. Those who want to master Hades can try it. Below is the method of spiritual communication.

Zoro and the other two looked down. It was a method of summoning Hades using a living person's body as a container.

How to make a seal and how to carve runes were explained clearly.

"It's really evil, using living people as vessels to summon Hades' weapons!"

Zoro said in surprise

"Zoro, what does it say? Luffy asked curiously. He couldn't read.

"Luffy, this is an evil method....."

Zoro told Luffy what he saw. When he heard about the 1,000-meter-long Iron Samurai, Luffy excitedly shouted,"Iron Samurai!!!" His eyes were full of stars.

Zoro continued to tell the story. At the end, Luffy's face turned ugly. He actually needed a living person to summon. Luffy didn't think twice and punched the stone.

"With a"bang", the stone did not break. Luffy quickly withdrew his hand, shook his hands and said,"It hurts!"

"Hey, Luffy, what are you doing?..."Solon asked in confusion.

"This kind of evil method cannot be seen by others!"

"But he seems very hard, I can't break him!"

Luffy said with a serious expression.

Zoro drew his sword, activated the sword style, and chopped at the stone tablet. With a ping, the sword only left a small mark on it. Zoro's eyes widened.

"How can it be so hard!!"Zoro couldn't believe it.

"This should be made of special materials. Let's bury it when we leave, so no one can find it!" Chopper suggested.

Luffy and Zoro nodded in agreement.

The three turned around and prepared to go out. At this time, they found a small door in front of them.

"Hey, there's a door over there, let's go check it out!"

Luffy ran in first out of curiosity, followed by Zoro and Chopper.

After entering the small door, there was a secret room with a small table and a bed. There was a small box on the small table, and next to the box were a few pens.

"It's a treasure chest!"

Luffy stretched out his hand excitedly and took the box in his hand.

He opened it and saw a dry book inside. Luffy couldn't read, so he took the book out and asked Zoro:"What's written on it? Zoro, take a look, is it a treasure note?"

After Zoro took it, he said:"What's written on the cover is the White Zetsu Diary!"

Then, Zoro turned to the first page.

【Lord Madara, after you died, I asked someone to try the Impure World Reincarnation. I was too stupid and kept making mistakes. You won't blame me, right?】

【Master Madara! I met a man named Jesse on Luoyan Island. He deceived me. He ate two chakra seeds and destroyed two of your cells. It was really abominable. I didn't expect that he was so honest that he dared to deceive me. I almost fell into his hands.】

【Madara-sama! This is the last chance, and I'm afraid those people will cheat me, so I chose the most ambitious Crocodile. You won't blame me for letting you revive decades later, right? That's a big event, and I believe you will definitely like that scene, so I chose that time period!】

【Lord Madara, I heard that bastard Roger won't live much longer, he deserves it!】

【Madara-sama! That traitor Ginny taught Chakra to the Revolutionary Army, and now many people on the sea know how to do it!】

【Master Ban! It's a day worth celebrating. I heard that Ginny was captured by the Celestial Dragons. He is finished. This is what happened to him for betraying Master Madara.】

【Mr. Ban, I'm so bored, and that Crocodile hasn't come yet!】

【Lord Ban, I have been studying poop all day long. When you come back to life, you must tell me what poop means!】

【Mr. Ban, I collected corn poop】

【Madara-sama, I collected some vegetable leaves and feces today.]

The next few pages were all about the other party recording his feces.

To take care of Luffy, Zoro read as he read,"The rest of this is all about recording feces."

Zoro turned to the last page, which read,"Madara-sama, Crocodile is here. I don't think it's safe to keep your cells in the Impel Down Dam. I plan to retrieve them and lead them to his altar. Then you can be resurrected!]

After Zoro finished speaking, he said,"That's all!"

"I didn't expect that this diary actually mentioned One Piece. It seems that he has a grudge against Roger!" Luffy said with an interested look.

"What exactly is this resurrection that the other party is talking about? And who is Lord Madara?"

"And he seems to have come here many years ago. The diary means he is waiting for Crocodile. I don't know what he is going to do."

Chopper asked curiously

"No matter what he does, I will defeat Crocodile!"

Luffy shouted with a solemn oath

"You can take this diary back to Usopp, he should like it!"

Zoro said as he put the diary in his arms.

"Usopp will definitely be very happy when he gets it, because it contains the story of One Piece. Although it doesn't mention much, Usopp will definitely like it!" Chopper said

"Come on, let's go out first!"

Zoro called out, and the three of them left the cave.

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