As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Marines in the Marine Headquarters widened. They couldn't believe what they heard.

The Marines looked at each other. Smoker looked at Dashigi and said in shock,"Comparing Garp and Roger to children?"

Dashigi was also shocked and replied blankly,"Playing tricks on them?"

"That's the Pirate King and the hero Garp!"

This sentence appeared in the minds of the navy.

"This guy is still the same~"

Whitebeard was also sweating coldly at Uchiha Madara's speech.

The audience watching the live broadcast were stunned

""You bastard Uchiha Madara!"

Garp roared with an ugly face in the distance.

Uchiha Madara looked at the other party and said lightly:"To be honest, you disappoint me!"

Everyone looked at Uchiha Madara in confusion, wondering why the other party expressed his disappointment in Vice Admiral Garp. Uchiha Madara continued:"At the beginning, I let you go because of your good domineering nature, and I also thought that when you become stronger, you can become my opponent."

"After so many years, you haven't improved at all."

Uchiha Madara said this, looking at the position of the three admirals, and everyone followed Uchiha Madara's gaze and looked over there.

"Look at those three little devils, they are much better than you. Although I don't know how strong they are, at least they don't show their emotions on their faces."

"Are you praising us?"

Aokiji asked coldly.

"I guess so, at least it's much better than those people who yell like children!"

Uchiha Dappled admitted

""Damn it!"

Garp roared in his heart, his face was extremely ugly, obviously he heard these words, this time he did not shout.

The navy present looked at Uchiha Madara in shock again, the other party actually said that he would let Garp go, and from Garp's expression, this seemed to be true.

They couldn't believe that Garp, who had the title of navy hero, survived by saving his life.

The faith of the navy collapsed, and they felt deceived. The title of navy hero was actually fake, so they angrily questioned Sengoku:

"Marshal, what is going on?"

"Yes! Didn’t Vice Admiral Garp defeat Uchiha Madara?"

"Have we really been deceived?"

The navy members asked Sengoku one after another.

On the high platform, Sengoku's face was also ugly. He didn't know how to explain. Did he have to say that the World Government did it on purpose?

His silence did not mean that others would not answer.

In order to better undermine the morale of the navy and facilitate the rescue of his son, Whitebeard laughed and said,"Kulala, this is very simple! Because my former captain was too terrible, the World Government concealed it!"

"Captain Uchiha Madara was not defeated by Garp, Garp just got the advantage and inherited this title!"

After saying this, the navy looked at Sengoku with a questioning look in their eyes.

"Damn Whitebeard!"

Zhan Guo said angrily.

The strongest man in the human world said such a thing, obviously believing it.

"Fufufu~ I didn't expect there would be such unknown things. It's getting more and more exciting!"Doflamingo opened his arms and was extremely excited.

"Hehehe, I want to get the other party's shadow more and more!"Moonlight Moria laughed strangely.

Crocodile next to Uchiha gradually recovered from the blow and looked at the strong man in front of him in disbelief. He didn't expect that he could summon such a terrifying existence.

Crocodile saw that the navy present were all frightened, and thought that this was also his masterpiece, and laughed.


Then, Crocodile looked at Sengoku on the execution platform and sighed:"Although I didn't summon Hades, it seems that I also summoned an existence that does not belong to Hades~"

It would have been better if Crocodile didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, veteran strongmen such as Garp, Sengoku, and Vice Admiral Tsuru all noticed him.

"Crocodile, you bastard!"

Zhan Guo yelled into the loudspeaker

"Hahaha, seeing you guys are so nervous makes me very happy. Who would have thought that the Admiral of the Navy and Garp, known as the Iron Fist, would show such an attitude because of the appearance of one person."Crocodile said with a laugh.

After Crocodile finished speaking, he looked at Uchiha Madara seriously and said,"Hey, I can see that you have a grudge against the Navy. Do you want us to join forces and destroy the Navy?"

As soon as these words came out, Sengoku and Garp became nervous. They were afraid that Uchiha Madara would join the battle.

"What qualifications do you have to join forces with me?"

Uchiha Madara turned his head and looked at Crocodile, asking doubtfully.

Crocodile, who was embarrassed in public, lost his smile and said with an ugly face:"You guy, I summoned you out!"

He wanted to use this moral blackmail to Uchiha Madara.

But Uchiha Madara didn't buy it at all.

"It's because you resurrected me that you are qualified to stand in front of me and talk!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice.

Seeing the other party so arrogant, Crocodile cursed:"You bastard!" Then he wanted to attack. The next moment, Crocodile met Uchiha Madara's weird eyes, his outstretched arm stopped in the air, and his whole body trembled.

The people present couldn't believe it. Crocodile's posture just now was to attack the other party. They saw it clearly, but why did he seem to be so scared that he stood there shaking in the next second?

The navy and the captains of Whitebeard were puzzled.


Crocodile's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he fell to the ground.

He had just been caught in Uchiha Madara's illusion, which was full of scenes that he least wanted to face in his life. Crocodile looked at Uchiha Madara with fear, and kept swallowing the saliva caused by fear.

"How can we defeat Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, with just one move?"

One of the navy said in frustration.

"It's really scary, is it because of those weird eyes or the aura?"

Kizaru said unsurely.

"you...You, you actually treated me like this!"

Crocodile said in fear.

"Don't say that I, Uchiha Madara, am unkind. Since you resurrected me, I will grant you one wish.~"

""Go ahead!"

Uchiha Madara glanced at the other party, and seeing his look, he said with a little disdain.

Upon hearing this, Crocodile was stunned for a second, and then, recalling what the other party said, he said to fulfill one of his wishes?

Thinking of this, Crocodile's face returned to a smile again, and his eyes looked at Whitebeard behind him. Before he could finish his words, Uchiha Madara interrupted him and said,"He used to be my crew member. Although he set up his own business because of my death, he helped me in the Valley of the Gods. There are also some things that I will not do to him. For something else!"

Uchiha Madara guessed that Crocodile wanted him to deal with Whitebeard, and he directly refused

"Damn it, you're lucky!"

Crocodile looked at Whitebeard and cursed.

Then, he remembered the bold words he had said before and turned his head to look at the three admirals of the navy.

"In that case, then help me deal with the navy, they just looked down on me~"

As soon as Crocodile said this, Sengoku on the stage and Garp below became serious.

"Whitebeard said you are more powerful than him. I am very curious if it is true. Can you let me see it for myself?"

Crocodile said, looking at Uchiha Madara expectantly.

"With a"whoosh" sound,

Uchiha Madara jumped from a height onto the ice, kneeling slightly, and a deep voice came


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