"No one can save you!"

Yim said indifferently, crawling over quickly.


Uchiha Madara's low voice fell, and there was only a bang, and Im's head tilted, as if he was punched.


Another kick hit Im's forehead, and her huge body fell back

"What on earth is going on?"

Imu was shocked.

Before he could think, Uchiha Madara's shadow stabbed towards Im's eyes.

Im's expression changed. In the prediction of his observation, he found that his eyes were blinded. In order to avoid being stabbed, he jumped back in a hurry.

Uchiha Madara's shadow stabbed into nothingness.


Uchiha Madara was a little surprised

"You almost got hurt, your move is pretty good, even I can't see it!"

Yim praised

"But it's useless! My observation Haki can predict the future. Even if your attack hits me, I can predict it in advance!"

After Im's voice fell, she opened her mouth and spit out a large amount of poison towards the area in front of Uchiha Madara. He wanted to poison the invisible existence to death.


Suddenly, Yimu showed shock on her face. She foresaw that she would be beaten. In order to avoid being beaten, Yimu stabbed the shadow with her sharp claws in advance.’

""Swish!" There was a sound of breaking through the air.

Yim's claws pierced into the air.

"How is it possible!"

Im kept her claws out, unable to believe it. She had clearly determined the position of the shadow that attacked her in advance, and then counterattacked, but she missed. What

Im didn't know was that there was a shadow where she was attacking that was being penetrated by his moves, and the shadow inside was fine.

Now Uchiha Madara's Chakra shadow is different from before. Ordinary attacks can't hit it at all, unless it is a fist with the power of the Six Paths.


Im's body leaned back, and to his horror, the invisible thing on the ground that he had just attacked was still there, and it wanted to attack her. If it weren't for her strong observation Haki, she would have been punched again.

"What on earth is going on? Why can't I hit it? And the poison mist doesn't work either!"

Im took a few steps back, confused.

"Is this invisible existence even difficult for her to handle?"

The red-haired man beside Hawkeye said solemnly.

"Now you are reaping the fruits of your own actions. With our help, you could have at least held back one or two Shadows, but you actually wanted to kill us first. You deserve it now!"

Akainu said coldly.

"Didn't you say you were coming to kill me? I'm standing right here, why? Why don't you come forward!"

Uchiha Madara questioned

"Humph! Don't be so arrogant!"

Yim snorted coldly, and his huge body stood up, and the domineering aura of the overlord was activated. In an instant, the originally clear sky darkened, and the rolling dark clouds turned red.


Thunder roared across the battlefield.

Seeing this, Brother 3 on the side quickly activated his fruit ability and produced a large amount of candle oil. He and the pirate holding the camera stepped on the oil and slid away, away from this area.

""Boom boom~"

Thunders struck from the sky. Except for the place where Im was, thunders struck the ice around her and Uchiha Madara.

Im wanted to use this trick to deal with the invisible shadow and attack Uchiha Madara at the same time. Uchiha

Madara stood there motionless in the distance, letting the thunders strike him, but he couldn't be hurt at all.

"This little trick is useless!"

Uchiha Madara said, then he jumped high and shouted:"Let me show you what real thunder is!"

After that,

Uchiha made seals with his hands and whispered:"Senjutsu: Yin Dun Lei Pai!"

The moment he finished shouting the move, Uchiha Madara quickly pointed his hands at Im, and a large amount of purple lightning was like a branch of a tree, attacking Im in the distance at a very fast speed.

Seeing this kind of thunder coming, Im showed a disdainful expression, opened his mouth wide, and sucked hard.

Uchiha Madara's forked thunder entered Im's mouth like an hourglass.


Uchiha Madara found it very interesting, stopped performing, and looked at the other party.


Yimu originally wanted to say"I'll give it back to you", but as soon as she said a word, her face changed drastically, because the thunder kept exploding in her stomach, and she couldn't even maintain that energy.

"Boom boom boom~"

A series of explosions sounded in Im's body.


Yim screamed, opened his mouth and spit out the thunder.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Thunder continued to bombard the ice.

A large amount of blood flowed out of the giant salamander's mouth. Red Hair and the others looked at its body, which was covered with fist-sized wounds, and blood was flowing all over the ground.


Yim showed a sickly smile on his face.

"This is the first time I have been injured so badly since the battle 800 years ago!"

While speaking, the injuries on Yim's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

""Very good, very good! I approve of your moves!"

Im Salamander showed excitement on her face.

In an instant, Im's body changed from a complete salamander to a half-salamander state.

The head was still a salamander head, the body became a human body, and there was a long tail at the end.

Im clenched her fists, and the blood-colored domineering aura wrapped around her arms, and black flames wrapped around her arms. Not only that, her shoulders were crackling with red lightning.

"I learned this move from my enemy eight hundred years ago. You'd better not die!"


Yimu laughed loudly, squatted slightly, and took a horse stance.

Then she sucked hard with her mouth, and Uchiha Madara felt a huge suction force coming.

"" Hmph!"

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, activated the repulsive force, and stood still.

Im on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and she didn't even breathe. Then she gave up breathing, clenched her fists, and shouted:"Salamander machine gun!"

""Swish, swish, swish~"

In just a moment, Im swung his fist continuously, throwing hundreds of punches, the speed was so fast that even Uchiha Madara was surprised.

"So fast!"

Uchiha Madara immediately held up the Tao-seeking Jade to form a shield.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Dense fists were fired from Im's hands like a Gatling machine gun, hitting Uchiha Madara's defense.


After throwing thousands of punches, Im found that his fists hit the opponent's black shield. Except for Uchiha Madara's footsteps slowly moving back, it had no effect at all.

Im kicked his legs on the ground, jumped hundreds of meters high, and came to Uchiha Madara's head, shouting:"Big Salamander Fist!"

Fists over a hundred meters long gathered together, and the strong men present were shocked. The fists were all super-large fists composed of Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki.

Uchiha Madara below squeezed the tin staff hard and rushed into the sky.

In just a moment, the tin staff quickly grew larger, and the Amanuma Spear took shape.

Uchiha Madara met the incoming fist.

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