Akainu was stunned for several seconds, and then he stopped struggling and asked in confusion:"Why! We are obviously enemies!"..."

Before Akainu finished speaking, Uchiha Madara corrected him,"Because of the faction, it is understandable that you attacked me, but you have to remember one thing, you are not qualified to be my enemy!"

"Because people with that kind of strength don't exist in this world!"

Uchiha Madara's arrogant words made Akainu clench his fists, unwilling to

"I killed the five old men and the man behind the scenes of the World Government. Someone has to clean up the mess in this world...."

"And you are quite suitable!"

Uchiha Madara said lightly

"Do you want us to join you and become the new world rulers?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru asked directly.

"Humph, what's the use of that? I have no interest in power!"

Uchiha Madara said disdainfully.

As he spoke, he looked into the distance, and everyone looked over.

After a whirlwind, a dragon appeared beside Uchiha Madara.

"Since you are not interested in power, why don't you give it to me? I have the confidence to make this world a peaceful place!"Long grinned and volunteered.

"Monkey·D·Dragon! Why are you here?"

Seeing the newcomer, Akainu asked in a deep voice

"I heard from my subordinates that the Five Elders and Yimu were killed, so I wanted to come out and take advantage of it!"Long openly admitted his plan

‘How about it, Uchiha Madara? Since you have no interest in power, leave it to me. I have revolutionary experience and I know what the civilians on the sea need! I will definitely make people in the world live a good life! 'Long said again

"I am not interested in these, you can discuss it among yourselves!"

Uchiha Madara had no interest in power, he wanted to plant the sacred tree, absorb it, and become a true immortal.

Uchiha Madara had just taken a few steps, looked to the side at his third brother and another pirate who were looking at him anxiously, and said:"These two will be my people from now on, I leave them to you!"

"Don't worry!"

Long patted his chest and assured


Uchiha Madara soared into the sky.

Long watched Uchiha Madara leave, his face almost broken with laughter, he didn't expect Uchiha Madara to be so easy to talk to.

Just now he heard from his subordinates that Uchiha Madara broke Im in two with just a few moves, which was very scary.

Originally, he planned to come here to listen to how the strongest person in the world arranged the world so that he could respond, but he didn't expect to pick up a ready-made one.

3rd brother and another pirate couldn't believe it. They just helped with the filming and they became the strongest subordinates in the world. They were so excited that they were about to tremble.

As for the agreement between 3rd brother and Buggy, he had long forgotten it.

On the side of the square, the smile on Doflamingo's face had never disappeared, because the Five Elders died, Im also died, and the world had changed dynasties.

Excited, he wanted to go back immediately to tell his family the news, and he had planned to celebrate for a month.

Hancock and Gekko Moriah had already left when Whitebeard left, for fear of being liquidated later, so they didn't know what the result would be.

On the ice of Marinford, ordinary navy officers were cleaning up the battlefield. Aokiji made a table. Two admirals and some vice admirals were here. Opposite them were Ryu, 3rd brother, and another pirate. They were discussing how to stabilize the world.


A heart-wrenching cry interrupted the meeting of several people. Everyone turned their heads and saw that Qiao Aili Bonnie was crying while holding the body of Kuma. The navy stood beside her and watched.

They had all heard what Kuma entrusted Uchiha Madara to do to the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so they did not dare to do anything to this supernova.

"that..."Captain! Don't be sad!"

Bonnie's men saw Bonnie crying so sadly and tried to persuade her.


Bonnie was still crying there.

""Captain, I'm sorry!" another pirate shouted, because he saw many high-ranking navy officers looking at this side, and was afraid of being arrested by the other side, so he wanted Bonnie to be quiet.

"You haven't lost your father, why are you asking me to mourn for you?"

Bonnie said this and with tears in her eyes she shouted to the others:"Go and kill his father for me, so that he can also feel the pain of losing his father!" As soon as these words came out, the pirate who was trying to persuade her turned green in the face and hurriedly shouted:"No, Captain Bonnie!"

"Since you know you are afraid, then don't say such things. I am already very sad, why do you say such things!"

Bonnie shouted the last few words with tears in her eyes.

The pirate didn't dare to say another word.

The navy was still discussing how to reform, and the Whitebeard Pirates had sailed a long way.

Luffy was standing by the fence and chatting with Law on the boat next to him.

Law originally wanted to come and take a look, but he ran into Whitebeard's ship, so he surfaced out of curiosity to inquire about the situation. When he knew the war was over, he followed them back.

Luffy and Law were talking and laughing, and Luffy didn't know that Shanks was dead.

Whitebeard and his gang looked at Luffy's back and sighed. They were really afraid that Ace's brother would know that Red Hair was dead. , will not be able to withstand the blow.

At the same time.

Uchiha Madara was flying in the sky, and the direction he was heading was the Red Earth Continent. The reason for choosing there was because the area there was a little higher and suitable for planting.

Ten minutes later, Uchiha Madara arrived here. He used his perception ability to explore. Ten kilometers away from here, there was a large group of wounded soldiers on the side. People wearing suits who were suspected to be from the World Government were handcuffed. There were a lot of disabled people around those prisoners looking at them.

Uchiha Madara sensed a familiar person from them, that was - Sabo. The other party's whole body was burned to death, and he was gathering palm magic in his hands to heal himself.

"This is a good place!"

Uchiha Madara said, and put his hands together. Ten-tail suddenly appeared from his back. When it left Uchiha Madara's back, the Ten-tail quickly grew larger.


The huge body fell to the ground, and then Uchiha Madara left a mark.

A big bulge appeared on the top of the Ten-Tails' head, and then the bulge opened like a petal, and a fleshy ball appeared on it.


The red earth continent shook violently, and the Ten-Tails turned into a huge tree trunk that grew rapidly towards the sky.


A large number of tree roots dug into the soil.

The revolutionary army members ten kilometers away felt the ground shaking and looked around.

""Look, what is that?"

The revolutionary army's Mori pointed to the distance and shouted in shock.

Everyone looked towards the shore, where an extremely huge tree was constantly rushing up to the sky.

The revolutionary army's crow used its crow clone to fly up to the sky to observe. After watching for more than ten seconds, the huge tree trunk showed no sign of stopping and continued to rush up to the sky, reaching the clouds in a short while.

"Did you see what it was?"

Sabo raised his head from the ground and shouted to the crows in the sky.


"I wonder if it is the secret weapon of the Celestial Dragons. I will go and have a look!"

The crow said and flew forward.


Sabo wanted to stop it, but he was still a step too slow. The crow had already flown away.

At the same time.

At the foot of the Red Earth Continent, Feigarand held the Den Den Mushi with an unpleasant look on his face. The spy who had just been undercover in the navy told him that Lord Im had been killed!

Originally, he wanted to go back after seeing that Marijoa was gone, but he heard such bad news.

"Not only that, the spy also told him that Red Hair was killed by Uchiha Madara in Marinford"

""Damn Uchiha Madara!!"

Fegaland shouted angrily, his son was actually dead.

The other three members of the Knights of God looked at the angry leader, not knowing how to comfort him.

After being sad for a while, Fegaland asked the Den Den Mushi in a hoarse voice:"Fragrance...What did Shanks say before he died?"

"He told Straw Hat Luffy to live well, and asked Whitebeard to take Straw Hat Luffy away!"

Hearing this, Fegaland asked,"Is there anything else?"

"No more, sir!" the navy replied respectfully

"I understand!"

Feigaland said and hung up the phone.

"Boss, what should we do? Now that Lord Im is dead, the power will probably end up in the hands of Ryu and Akainu...."

Before the dragon turtle finished speaking, Fegaland Galin interrupted and said,"My son cares so much about that boy. I want to meet him and make plans!"

Fegaland said, looking in the direction of Marinford, firmly,"Uchiha Madara! I will definitely kill you and avenge my son!"

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