However, when the "bear" began to search around, Lin Ran was soon discovered again.

"Only one arm is left to hold me tightly. The robot is really powerful." Lin Ran muttered while dodging.

If ordinary humans were injured so badly, they would probably not care about fighting with the enemy, but try to treat the injuries first, and would not have the energy to fight with themselves like this.

Fortunately, the "bear" with a neck injury also tilted its head to one side, which seemed to have a certain impact on its locking system.

Therefore, most of the lasers it fired just passed by Lin Ran and did not bring much substantial threat to Lin Ran. There were relatively few truly dangerous attacks.

It was just that being stared at by a pacifist made it easy to become the focus on the battlefield.

And there is more than one Pacifist on the battlefield. Over time, there may be several more Pacifists coming to reinforce.

So while dodging the attack, Lin Ran has been thinking about how to get rid of the fake "bear" in front of him.

These Pacifists actually have very simple means of attack, relying on powerful lasers fired from their hands and mouths.

They do not have the devil fruit ability of real bears.

The reason why they are so difficult to deal with is that their structure is solid and it is difficult for ordinary people to cause damage to them.

Even Lin Ran's detonating tag, which exploded in such a fragile position as the joint, caused very poor damage.

"Only a powerful attack can defeat the Pacifist in one fell swoop."

Lin Ran soon made up his mind to defeat the human weapon of the World Government here.

Although this idea is crazy, it is not impossible.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!!"

In an instant, more than a dozen shadow clones appeared around, and Lin Ran's body began to attack the "bear" from all directions.

"Lock on the target!"

"Target...Lock on!!"

"The number of enemies is increasing...Lock on!!"

Suddenly, so many identical Narutos appeared, causing the Pacifist's system to fall into chaos.

He had just raised his hand to concentrate the laser cannon to attack the Naruto in front of him, but at this moment, his right side was attacked by Naruto's clone. "Bear" turned his head hurriedly, locked on the new target again, and the laser in his hand changed direction.

"Haha, it seems that no matter how smart this Vegapunk is, he probably never expected such a situation!"

Looking at the Pacifist's flustered and distracted appearance, Lin Ran couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, the intelligence of this so-called Pacifist is quite limited.

And the multiple shadow clone technique performed by Naruto happened to be like a sharp sword, directly piercing the loopholes in the opponent's system.

"Then there is only one thing left."

"Tear this machine into pieces!!"

In fact, Lin Ran already had an idea in his mind about how to do it.

What made Lin Ran a little worried was whether he could do it.

"Let's go for it. How can we know if we don't try it!"

Then two shadow clones came to the side of Lin Ran and began to rub chakra frantically on the right hand that was stretched out by the original body.


It was the first ninjutsu that Naruto truly mastered besides the multiple shadow clones.

It was also the ninjutsu created by the genius Fourth Hokage, Naruto's father, in the Naruto world.

A huge amount of chakra began to condense on Naruto's right hand.


"I can do it!"

Lin Ran encouraged himself in his heart. Naruto's body even had muscle memory for the use of this ninjutsu.

And to be on the safe side, Lin Ran also used two shadow clones to rub chakra.

Soon a huge amount of chakra began to gather in Naruto's palm like a whirlwind. The chakra gathered more and more, spinning at high speed, and gradually formed a chakra sphere.

At this time, the real Naruto began to urge the surging chakra in his body to continuously inject it into the Rasengan in the cash register, making its power even more amazing.


After the two shadow clones disappeared, Lin Ran looked at the dazzling chakra in his hand and was very happy.

I didn't expect that one day, a person from the real world could control Naruto's body to use the Rasengan.

"What is that kid doing!!"

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him throw the thing in his hand away!!" The surrounding navy soldiers were shocked when they saw what Lin Ran was holding.


Although I don't know what it is, the high-speed rotating Rasengan vaguely moved the surrounding space.

The navy is not stupid, and I know that this thing is definitely extremely lethal.

"He is going to attack the pacifist!"

At this time, Lin Ran held the Rasengan and quickly approached the pacifist who was confused by the shadow clone.

"Leave it to me!!"

A navy rear admiral with a cloak on his back stood up and looked at Naruto and said in a deep voice.


As the voice fell, the figure disappeared on the spot.

"It was the rear admiral who mastered the six styles who took action!!"

"The pirate is dead!"

The navy who saw who took action breathed a sigh of relief and put their minds at ease.

The appearance of the six styles gave ordinary people in the navy the capital to fight against people with special abilities. Only a small number of navy elites and government personnel knew how to do it.

"Moon Step!"

The rear admiral approached Naruto at a very fast speed in the air.

It's a pity that among the six styles, he is only proficient in three defensive methods: "Shave", "Moon Step" and "Iron Block".

Among them, he is most proficient and confident in "Iron Block".

As for the means of attack, especially "Storm Kick", he has not mastered it so far because of insufficient qualifications.

Otherwise, releasing "Storm Kick" in the air can kill Naruto.

"Hmph! It's too late."


Lin Ran, who soared into the air, fiercely attacked the pacifist's chest with the Rasengan in his hand.


"Iron Block!!!"

It was too late to stop the enemy's attack. The major general used Shave at the last moment to instantly come between Lin Ran and the pacifist.

Then he confidently used the special skill "Iron Block" to block this move for the pacifist.


Lin Ran looked at the navy who suddenly appeared in front of him and said coldly, without any retreat or mercy.

Push the Rasengan in his hand forward.

The huge chakra began to rotate in front of the rear admiral's chest.

"That's it!"

The moment they touched, the rear admiral sneered.

"..... No!",

"Wait... wait... a minute", but before the smile on his face disappeared, his face suddenly changed.

In an instant, he vomited blood and fainted. The iron block he was proud of did not block the Rasengan at all.

And Lin Ran's attack did not stop there.

After Naruto lost control of the high-speed rotating Rasengan, it also brought the rear admiral to the pacifist behind.

The huge body of "Bear" was pushed back by the scattered Rasengan, leaving a long gully on the ground.

"Danger... Danger!!"

The system kept reminding, but it was useless.

As a huge explosion sounded, it attracted the eyes of many people.

The first time the Pacifist, known as the "human weapon", appeared in front of the world, it was actually destroyed by an unknown pirate.

On the huge pit, lying on the side was a navy rear admiral who had lost consciousness and was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

In the center was the Pacifist, who was smoking and leaking electricity.

A big hole was directly torn in his chest by the attack of the Rasengan.

This Pacifist was completely scrapped.

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