The enemy was in a hurry.

"I said, Naruto, are you okay? What are you doing?!" The third brother has reinforced the candle wall for the third time. His forehead is full of sweat and his heart is full of anxiety.

Although Ace and Luffy outside are very strong and have successfully resisted most of the navy's attacks, the number of enemies is too large and they keep coming. Those cunning guys can always find loopholes, frequently break through the candle's defense line and launch attacks.

"I'm really going to die here this time!" The third brother secretly complained in his heart. Facing such a desperate situation, he also felt unprecedented pressure.

"Let's fight!"

After taking a look at Naruto who was motionless, the third brother made up his mind, gritted his teeth, used his ability, and used candles to create a solid armor to wrap himself tightly.

Then, he resolutely stepped out of the candle protection wall and faced the surging navy enemy.

At this moment, the third brother had only one belief in his heart: to hold on no matter what and wait for Naruto to finish what he was doing.

Just when the battle was the most intense.

No one noticed that the ground began to freeze quickly.

When the cold air was about to sweep over the candle shield where Naruto was.

Ace, who had the burning fruit, was the first to discover the abnormality.

I saw Ace's hands quickly burning, and he slammed down to the ground to stop the cold air from invading.

"There is only one person in the navy who can have this ability."

Looking at the person coming from a distance, Ace said with a smile. But the tense body showed that he was not careless at all.

"Admiral Aokiji!"

As soon as Ace was rescued, Aokiji gave up attacking Whitebeard and set his sights on Ace and the other four.

"Big Frozen Pheasant!"

Aokiji did not hesitate at all and used a killing move against the four.

He did not even use this move to attack Whitebeard.

The water vapor in the air quickly condensed into ice, forming a Pheasant that was larger than a warship and attacked Lin Ran who was sitting cross-legged.

"It's the Admiral!"

The admiral's reinforcement made the navy very excited.

"This is the first time I've fought an admiral."

Facing the huge ice bird, Ace did not retreat a step, and flames burned all over his body.

Countless flames gathered in the air, forming a huge "sun."

"Emperor Yan!"

As the two's moves collided,

the flames disappeared and the glaciers melted.

The huge water vapor began to spread and spread in the area to form a thick fog.

"Take this opportunity to take down Uzumaki Naruto's head!"

In the fog, the navy acted quickly.

A navy rear admiral carrying a huge hammer found Lin and then flew into the air, using the hammer weighing a thousand pounds to smash the candle and the pirate Naruto into meat patties.


"Get out of my way!"

The Straw Hat Boy saw this and hurried forward, but how could the surrounding navy let him do so?

He tried his best to resist him.


Just when the hammer was about to fall, the navy rear admiral had already seen the pirate being smashed in his mind.

The candle shield broke layer by layer, and the thousand-pound hammer hit the ground, and the gust of wind blew away the fog.

Seeing this scene, Admiral Aokiji looked solemn and stopped attacking.

Because the fruit abilities are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining, fire and ice, it is difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

Ace naturally understood this, just like when he fought with the smoke man.

"Little Naruto-chan!!! Wow!!"

Luffy burst into tears as he watched the candle being crushed by the hammer, "Ace! Naruto-kun is crushed to death!"

"Calm down, Luffy!"

"Take a closer look!"

Ace reminded immediately.

At the moment when the navy attacked, there was no one under the candle.

"That's right, Luffy, why are you crying? I'm still here!"

"Time is limited, and there are not many opportunities."

"I'll cover the rear, everyone retreat to the port immediately."

"Remember, no matter what happens, never look back."

"Let's go back to the New World later!!"

Lin Ran, who was falling rapidly from the sky in "Sage Mode", shouted loudly.

Retreat is the only thing the Whitebeard Pirates have to do now.

"Please, please!"

"Multiple... Shadow Clone Technique!"

Lin Ran took a deep breath and made seals with both hands, mobilizing a large amount of chakra in Sage Mode in one breath.

Hundreds and thousands of Naruto appeared out of nowhere on the battlefield.

Shadow clones.

"Stop the navy!!"

Lin Ran shouted.

"Oh ah! Let's go together!" A large number of shadow clones said in unison, and the sound resounded throughout the battlefield.


"What kind of monster is this? Is he still a human?!"

Faced with this incredible scene, not to mention the navy, even the pirates couldn't believe it.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is too scary!"

Admiral Aokiji looked at the "Naruto" who attacked him and raised his hand to fight back.

But he found that these people were actually very fast, and each of them had some independent consciousness.

"This guy, could he be from the North Sea Germa!!"

Some naval generals speculated.

It is rumored that the North Sea Germa has mastered the soldier cloning technology.

As many soldiers as you want, you can clone as many soldiers as you want.

"Impossible, even if it is Germa, it is impossible to clone so many people out of thin air!"

A vice admiral said with an ugly face.

However, his words were also full of uncertainty. What if it was Germa's unknown technology?

After a large number of Sage Mode clones joined the battlefield, Lin Ran and the other four began to flee to the port, and the other crew members also gathered in an orderly manner to prepare for retreat.

As long as they escaped to the sea, the navy could not do anything to them.

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard, who was surrounded, was very relieved.

"Whitebeard!! Your subordinates have abandoned you!!"

"The Navy Headquarters is your burial place!!"

Admiral Akainu deliberately shouted loudly in words that everyone could hear.

Because Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clones all gathered in another battlefield to help other pirates escape.

Not one of them came to Whitebeard to help.

"It's really pitiful, Whitebeard!!"

At this time, Kizaru also spoke.


"Little devils, don't think about my family anymore."

"Listen to me!"

Whitebeard, who was surrounded, said calmly.

"As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, I give the last order!"

"Everyone, follow Ace to retreat to the port and return to the sea."

"Go back to the New World!!"

Whitebeard's words spread throughout the battlefield and reached the ears of all the pirates.

"No, Dad! Wait for us, we will go to help you, let's go back together!!"

The captains burst into tears.

At this moment, they realized that Whitebeard was determined to die.

"My children, let me, as your father, do the last thing for you."

Whitebeard muttered to himself, recalling the happy days in the past, and finally howled to the sky.

"In the New World, there is no ship that can carry me!"

"As a remnant of the old era..."

"I will practice for you here at the headquarters of the Navy!!"

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