The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

"He only lost an arm and a calf, so he's lucky."

Except for Lin Ran, the Whitebeard remnants thought that Blackbeard would fall to the navy at first.

After all, there are three admirals, all the vice admirals, plus Marshal Sengoku and Garp. It is with this terrifying combat power that the navy can suppress pirates on the sea.

"With an arm broken, Blackbeard can't use two fruits at the same time even if he has them."

"This has a great impact on his strength."

Only Lin Ran knew that this result was already good.

"Look, the newspaper also said that the Super Battleship Wolf, Lafitte, and Catlin were arrested by the Navy again."

"Rain Shiru was seriously injured."

"The Blackbeard Pirates suffered heavy losses in the first battle. Not only was the captain injured, but three main players were captured."

Lin Ran took the newspaper and continued reading.

Even Lafitte, an original shareholder, was captured, which is enough to show how embarrassed Blackbeard was when he escaped.

The war is over.

The Red Hair Pirates left quickly. If they were in contact with the Whitebeard remnants for a long time, it would cause tension in the World Government and the Navy.

The Navy would worry that the Whitebeard remnants would be taken under the command of Red Hair. In that case, the strength of the Red Hair Pirates would expand unprecedentedly. After all, the middle-level strength of the Whitebeard Pirates would not be greatly damaged.

As for the new demon Ivankov, they chose to leave halfway, and there was no danger for the Straw Hat Boy to follow Ace.

The Revolutionary Army has always kept its distance from the pirates. The reason for the cooperation this time was only because of Dragon's son.

"Has Buggy left?" Lin Ran asked as he watched Buggy leave on a navy ship. "He has left. I didn't expect that the prisoners in Impel Down would support him so much." Marco answered with some confusion. Among those prisoners, there are some extremely vicious pirates from all over the country. It was difficult for them to be subordinate to others in the past. I didn't expect that they would be conquered by Buggy, a clown who has no strength. Listening to Marco's words, Lin Ran did not refute. But in his heart, Lin Ran himself is more optimistic about Buggy as to who can become the Pirate King. Luffy, for example, sailed to the sea for freedom. The members of the Whitebeard Pirates did so to have more families. As for Blackbeard and Kidd, they are real pirates, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil. These people have their own goals, but Buggy is the only one. From beginning to end, they are only for one thing. That is the treasure. It is the real treasure, gold, silver, jewelry, money and coins. Apart from that, Buggy has no interest in anything else.

Coupled with his luck comparable to that of the protagonist, Lin Ran guessed that the next Pirate King might be Buggy.

And Luffy is very suitable for the title of King of the Seas.


"Where is this? Have we left the Navy Headquarters?!"

Just as Lin Ran and the others were talking, Luffy, who had been sleeping for several days, finally woke up.

"Hey? Naruto, what did you do to Luffy?"

"Slept in the cabin for so long."

Ace came to Lin Ran and whispered in his ear.

"Ahem, it's none of my business. Ivankov did it."

Lin Ran coughed dryly. He would not admit it.



"Shanks was here? Where is he?"

"Why didn't you wake me up!!"

Sure enough, Luffy heard that Red Hair had been here, but he missed the meeting because of his sleepiness, and he regretted it.

"Um... Hey, Luffy, didn't you make an agreement with Shanks that you would become the Pirate King the next time you meet?"

"You are still far from that now." Ace knew the agreement between the two and went to persuade Luffy.

"But... then... I really want to see Shanks."

After hearing what Ace said, Luffy stopped crying and was just very sorry.

Navy Headquarters,

Half a month after the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Navy soldiers are busy repairing the houses and ports damaged by the war in the headquarters every day.

"The damage is too serious, it's more troublesome than rebuilding a headquarters."

A soldier couldn't help saying as he looked at the scarred headquarters.

It took nearly half a month to clean up the wreckage alone.

"That's Whitebeard after all, it's good to win the final victory. What's more, a black beard appeared in the middle.

"The other companion reminded.

The temporary meeting place of the Navy.

After this war, the Navy needs to re-evaluate the pirates that have been eliminated and escaped.

A green-haired vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters stood on the stage and pointed at the wall and kept saying something.

And below were the commanders of the vice admirals and major generals from various branches of the Navy in the New World.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in this war, the Four Emperors Whitebeard died."

"His bounty was also cancelled by the World Government."

"Also cancelled was the New World pirate, the Great Whirlpool Spider Squad."

"And the prisoners Catlin, Lafitte, and the evil wolf known as the super battleship have been recaptured, and there is no need to reissue the wanted order. "

The two green-haired men hung the wanted posters on the wall and made a big cross.

These people represent the results of the Navy's war this time.

Speaking of this, the Navy's tone was relatively relaxed.

But the subject changed, and the green-headed vice admiral slammed several new wanted posters in his hand heavily on the wall.

"Of course, this war also saw many people who are extremely dangerous to the world."

"Blackbeard, Marshall Teach."

"The biggest beneficiary of this war."

"He plundered the so-called world's strongest Tremor-Tremor Fruit, breaking the common sense of the world, and one person has the ability of two devil fruits."

"They are the natural dark-dark fruit, which has the method of weakening and eliminating the fruit ability."

"According to the news sent back by our intelligence organization, the dark-dark fruit can hunt the ability of the ability user."

"The other one is the Tremor-Tremor Fruit that Blackbeard obtained on the top."

"Although facing the siege of the Navy, Blackbeard fled back to the New World without armor.

"But his threat to the world is still the highest level."


"The World Government has issued a new bounty on him."

"Marshall Teach, replace Whitebeard as the new Four Emperors."

"The bounty is set at 2.1358 billion berries!!"

As the bounty was announced, the generals at the lower levels and in the branches all breathed a sigh of relief.

Identifying Blackbeard as the new Four Emperors means that the Navy cannot attack him without authorization. This is also to protect the Navy soldiers, because the current Blackbeard is no longer something that the various branches can deal with.

"Next, the second important person."

"The son of Roger, the former Pirate King, whom Whitebeard was determined to launch a war at all costs and regarded as his successor."

"Fire Fist Ace!"

"His threat level is no less than that of the Four Emperors."

"He himself has the Flame-Flame Fruit, and he is not inferior to Admiral Aokiji."

"Whitebeard's captain and the remaining group will continue to wreak havoc on the New World under his leadership."

"The World Government has specially designated the Whitebeard Remnant Group as the Four Emperors' candidate group."

"Fire Fist Ace's new bounty is 1.27 billion berries!!"

As soon as the bounty was announced, the generals below could not sit still.

"What is 1.2 billion?"

"I remember that the previous bounty of Fire Fist Ace was 500 million berries, and it has doubled."

A vice admiral asked in confusion. It is rare for such a bounty to double.

"Everyone, don't forget that he is Roger's son!!"

The green-haired vice admiral reminded in a deep voice.

Considering his status as the son of the Pirate King, this bounty is not too much.

Then, the Vice Admiral introduced the adjustment of bounties for other pirates who participated in the war.

The Navy also readjusted the bounties of the captains and captains of the Whitebeard Remnant Team based on their performance in the war.

However, the overall bounty amount did not increase much.

Among them, the bounties of Phoenix Marco, Flower Sword Vista, and Diamond Joe increased by 230 million, 120 million, and 95 million berries respectively.

The Navy was not too surprised by these.

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