The new bounty has been sent to the whole world."

"What Whitebeard said before has spread to the whole world through the influence of Den Den Mushi."

"Nowadays, a large number of new pirates have emerged in the four seas and the New World, hoping to find the great treasure by going out to sea."

"The decline of the Whitebeard Pirates and the emergence of Blackbeard will cause chaos in the whole world."

"And our navy is the only hope and support for the people."

"For justice!!"

The green-haired vice admiral stood up and said very seriously in front of everyone.


All the generals responded loudly.

Although there are many problems within the navy, there are many people who join the army for the safety of the people and for the justice in their hearts.

East China Sea, Windmill Village.

When the bandit Dadan first learned that Ace was captured and was about to be executed by the Navy, his heart was in his throat.

After seeing the crybaby Luffy actually participate in such a big war through the live broadcast of the Den Den Mushi, Dadan fainted out of worry.


"For the increase in bounties for Luffy and Ace!!"

In the tavern, the bandits celebrated happily with wine.

"Hmph, those two annoying guys actually managed to escape from the Navy's top combat power. They are really lucky."

Daddon said hypocritically while drinking.

However, her thoughts were seen through by Makino at the side.

If Ace and Luffy really got into trouble, I'm afraid Dadan would be the first to fight with Mr. Garp.

Although the villagers in the village were afraid of the bandits, they were also celebrating for Ace and Luffy.


"Village chief, let's drink together. Little Luffy is getting more and more powerful now. I didn't expect that Ace is actually Roger's son."

A villager said happily.

Although they were surprised about Ace's identity, they didn't care too much.

Who let their small village come out of so many world-famous figures.

"You guys! What's there to celebrate!"

"People in the village have become big pirates with bounties on them. I'm so angry!"

The village chief blew his beard and shouted, but the villagers were used to it.

"When will this guy Garp come back? I must have a good talk with him. Why do they love to have problem children so much!!"

"The world is getting more and more chaotic now."

As a well-informed person, the village chief knew what would happen to the world after Whitebeard's death.

"Village chief, Mr. Garp is repelling pirate ships on the sea outside the village."

More and more people from all over the place choose to become pirates and set sail.

On the sea somewhere in the North Sea.

A huge warship is docked here.

All the pirate ships on the sea within a radius of dozens of miles around him are all circumventing them, and even the navy is unwilling to contact them.

Because everyone in the North Sea knows a legend.


Inside the huge warship, a man sat on the throne and looked at the bounty in his hand with no expression on his face.

Below him were four children.

"Uzumaki Naruto... can only be captured alive?"

"Hehe, I know exactly what the World Government is up to."

"We must catch this man before the Navy and the Government!!"

As a technological power, Germa knows how terrible Naruto's ability is in war.

That is hundreds and thousands of times more powerful than their cloning technology.

Although Germa's soldiers can be mass-produced quickly, it still takes some time.

As long as Naruto can be caught, Germa believes that with their technological power, the whole world will surrender to Germa.

Similarly, all countries and seas in the world have seen the new bounty issued by the Navy.

In addition to the newly promoted Four Emperors Blackbeard, the focus of discussion is on the yellow-haired mysterious man Uzumaki Naruto.

Even the Navy's mistake, the failure to execute the son of the Pirate King Ace and escaping back to the New World, is not discussed much.

This is also intentional by the World Government. After all, the Navy represents the face of the government.

Such a big mistake also made Sengoku resign.

Although the Navy's top brass tried their best to retain him, they believed that it was not Sengoku's fault.

But in the end, they failed to persuade Sengoku.

Navy hero Garp and former Marshal Sengoku retired gloriously, retreated behind the scenes, and trained new people for the Navy.

The resignation of the Marshal and the power change of the Navy's top brass are also inevitable.


As the successor to the Marshal, the World Government recommended Admiral Akainu, who was both very powerful and loyal.

The former Marshal Sengoku recommended Admiral Aokiji, who was more loved by his subordinates.

Both sides had their own reasons. Even the World Government could not ignore Sengoku's suggestion. After all, Sengoku was represented by the older generation of the Navy, such as the hero Garp, the staff officer Tsuru, etc.

In the end, the World Government could only evaluate and assess the two successor candidates for the Navy Marshal from many aspects.

New World, the hometown of Whitebeard.

On a piece of open land near the sea, Naruto and Luffy were fighting, and Marco and Ace on the side could not help shaking their heads at the two of them.

It turned out that after Luffy woke up, he pestered Naruto to have a competition with him.

When he was at the Navy Headquarters, Luffy only had Ace in his eyes and did not pay much attention to Naruto.

When the messenger bird delivered the new wanted order.

Not only Luffy, but Ace and all of them were shocked.

After repeated confirmation, I dared to believe that Naruto's first wanted warrant was worth more than 400 million berries.

On the side, although Luffy's wanted warrant had risen to 500 million, he was not happy when he saw Naruto's wanted warrant.

Especially after hearing about Naruto's various abilities, he insisted on having a competition between the two of them.

Helplessly, Lin Ran had to agree.

"Rubber, rubber!!"


Luffy jumped into the air, stretched his legs into the air, and used the rubber's contraction to quickly attack.

Looking at this move, Lin Ran remembered that Luffy had used it to defeat the fish-man dragon.

Facing the powerful tomahawk, Lin Ran did not choose to resist it, but evaded it flexibly.

After failing to hit it, Luffy attacked again.

"Rubber, rubber, rocket launcher!..."

"Machine gun randomly!!!"

The two fought for more than a dozen moves. In addition to knocking out several shadow clones of Naruto, Luffy could not tell which one was the real body.

"Too much of a rip-off!"

"This is exactly the same!!"

Although the two were sparring and would not kill each other, Luffy's competitive spirit was still aroused.

"Gear 2!!"

The blood was boiling and the steam was rising.


Luffy in Gear 2 disappeared in an instant, and Lin Ran immediately became alert.

Luffy's shaving in Gear 2 was no slower than those navy officers.

Without the perception ability in Sage Mode, it was difficult for Lin Ran to catch Luffy's trajectory with his naked eyes.

"Multiple Shadow Clones!"

Four shadow clones of Naruto guarded the real body in the middle.

Four people were responsible for four directions, and they could react no matter where Luffy attacked from.



The clone behind just spoke, and disappeared because it could not bear Luffy's attack.

"Sure enough..."

With the disappearance of two clones again, only one clone of Naruto and the real body were left in the field.

"Be careful, Naruto-chan!"


Just when Luffy was halfway through rotating his arm, he suddenly froze in place.

Then he vomited blood and lost consciousness under the gaze of several people, and fell straight from the air.


"What happened!"

He actually caught the Straw Hat Boy who fell down immediately, and Ace and Marco also rushed over.

At this time, Luffy, who was lying on the ground, was unconscious, but he still vomited blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Marco, check on Luffy!"

Ace was shocked.

As the ship's doctor, Marco immediately checked Luffy's body.

After more than half an hour.

Marco's face became even uglier.

"What's wrong?" Ace asked anxiously.

"It's hard to imagine that this is the physical condition of a living person."

"What did the Straw Hat Boy experience in Impel Down?"

"Although the toxins in the body are neutralized by the antidote, they are still deposited in large quantities, and all the internal organs are severely damaged."

"The body is completely overdrawn, and the move just now is the last straw that broke the camel's back."

"Although I use my ability to heal his injuries, his internal injuries must be operated on by a famous doctor to save his life."

Marco's words are extremely heavy, and Luffy's situation is not optimistic.

Ace blamed himself even more after hearing this. Luffy was seriously injured in Impel Down, and he even made a scene at the Navy Headquarters just to save him.

And he has been back to the New World for so long but didn't notice that Luffy's physical condition was wrong.


Hearing the famous doctor, Lin Ran slapped his forehead and remembered what he had forgotten before.

During the war at the top. Those supernovas were watching the battle from a distance.

No surgeon is more professional than Law.

But where can I find Law now?

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