The two of them were so busy that they were unable to stop.

In less than a moment, a huge pirate ship turned to ashes in front of people's eyes. This horrific scene stunned the surrounding pirates, who stared with wide eyes, their faces full of fear and shock.

"Look, that's the straw hat boy's ship!!"

"I didn't expect that he was also attracted to Tokushima."

At this time, a pirate finally noticed the straw hat pirate flag in the distance.

The straw hat pirate ship is famous throughout the Grand Route for its unique style and logo, especially the bounty of Captain Luffy is as high as more than 600 million berries, and all the crew members are wanted by the navy.

It can be said that they have become famous in this sea.

Nowadays, on the stage of the New World, the Straw Hat Pirates are well-known.

Whether it is their powerful strength or their confrontation with the World Government, they have become legends in the minds of many pirates.

However, these pirates only know about the Straw Hat Pirates in rumors, and they don’t know much about their true strength. After witnessing the scene of the pirate ship turning into ashes, they deeply realized the horror of the Straw Hat Pirates.

According to rumors, the ninja who participated in the top war, Uzumaki Naruto, nicknamed the yellow-haired mysterious man, is also the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, which makes them even stronger.

The reason why the Ninja Duel Competition held by Doflamingo this time is so attractive is not only because of the "Wind-Wind Fruit", but also because of the seven ninjas that appeared in the legend.

The pirates all want to see what is so special about the ninja.

In the following voyage, all the other pirate ships encountered on the road consciously stayed far away from the Straw Hat Pirates.

"It seems that Luffy's reputation is not to be underestimated. All the pirates in this new world are staying away from us."

On the ship, Usopp observed the surrounding pirate ships and said proudly.

"That's because the pirates on the pirate ship we defeated before were offered a bounty of 200 million berries by the World Government."

Robin, who was reading a newspaper, said easily.

This statement shocked the Straw Hat Pirates.


"That kind of stuff is worth 200 million berries?!"

Especially Zoro and Sanji, who said in unison.

"I can't believe it. I thought that guy was worth only a few million at most..." Nami said in surprise.

"Yeah, he can't even beat me, how could he have such a high bounty?" Chopper also had an unbelievable expression.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect us to be so powerful. We easily defeated a pirate worth 200 million berries." Luffy laughed excitedly.

"It's probably because those pirates have been doing all kinds of evil since they set out to sea." Robin frowned and said.

"Although they are not very strong for us, they are really vicious to ordinary people."

"They sailed all the way here and passed through more than a dozen small islands." Robin looked at the information and said: "Massacre, looting, and plundering. Killing and robbing are commonplace. At least hundreds of people died in their hands, and their methods were cruel."

"What? They are just beasts!" Hearing this, Franky couldn't help but curse.

Naruto on the side was also extremely shocked. He couldn't imagine that these people would do such cruel things. I'm afraid that life is worthless in the eyes of those pirates.

"They have avoided the navy's encirclement and suppression several times. It is precisely because of this that their overall bounty is so high." Robin explained the origin of the 200 million bounty.

"Fortunately, we just got rid of them."

"If I had known earlier, I would have cut them twice more and let them be completely buried in the sea."

Zoro regretted that he only used one sword just now.

Although the pirate ship was cut off, the remaining planks were enough for people in the water to find support points.

"It's okay, other pirates passing by will never let them go."

"After all, it's normal to kick someone when he's down."

Naruto spoke to dispel Zoro's worries.

"It's time to dock!"

At this time, Brook on the observation deck suddenly reminded everyone.

"Have we reached Tokushima?!"

Luffy was very happy to hear this, and he jumped out with his rubber body and came to the bow to observe.

"No, it's still a little distance."

"This is an unnamed island near Tokushima."

"All the pirates who come to participate in the Ninja Duel Tournament will hide their pirate ships in this island.

Around the nameless island. "

"After all, Doflamingo is still one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. It is still unclear whether the navy will set an ambush this time." Robin explained.

Luffy was a little disappointed when he heard Robin's words, but he recovered quickly. He put his hands on his waist, smiled confidently and said, "Haha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we are not here to fight with the navy. As long as we can successfully enter Tokushima, find the whereabouts of Terra, and participate in the ninja duel, that's enough!"

Others nodded in agreement. They knew that this adventure was full of dangers, but as long as the partners were together, there was nothing to be afraid of.

As the ship slowly approached the nameless island, the crew began to get busy. They carefully docked the ship in a hidden harbor, then secured the ship with ropes to ensure that it would not be blown away by the wind and waves, and covered it with green grass to cover the traces.

When everything was ready, the Straw Hat Pirates all changed into clothes that could hide their identities.

"Naruto, why don't you change your clothes? "

Nami looked at Naruto who didn't move and reminded him quickly.

They had to act secretly when they went to Tokushima, and they couldn't reveal their identities unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Ah! Me?"

"I don't need it, hehe!"

"Transformation Technique!"

Naruto said as he made a seal with one hand, and shouted, white mist floated up, and after it dissipated, an ordinary person appeared, without any characteristics.



Nami, Chopper and others asked in disbelief.

"Right, it's me?"

"No one will recognize me this way."

Naruto said with a smile.

"Wow! So awesome!"

Usopp looked at Naruto in amazement.

"I didn't expect you to know this trick, Naruto." Sanji lit a cigarette and looked at Naruto with interest.

"Of course, but my specialties are more than that. "Naruto smiled proudly and stopped demonstrating to Sanji for the time being, otherwise Sanji might not be able to go to Dressrosa due to excessive blood loss.

And he would have to ask Chopper to take care of him here, otherwise they would lose two combat forces in vain.

"However, we still have to be careful." Robin reminded everyone, "Although Naruto can hide himself with the transformation technique, he still needs to be vigilant when taking action."

"Yeah, that's right." Luffy nodded in agreement, "We are not going to Dressrosa this time for fun."

Everyone echoed and expressed their understanding of the importance of it.

Then the Straw Hat Pirates boarded the ship of the Ice and Fire Island Centaur waiting for them on the shore.

Just like that, they went to Dressrosa inconspicuously.

A few hours later, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing.

The Straw Hat Pirates finally arrived at the port of Dressas Island, and the scene in front of them surprised them.

"There are so many ships! "Naruto exclaimed, his eyes swept across the port, and saw ships neatly arranged in a long line.

These ships are of different styles, some are pirate ships, some are merchant ships, and there are ships from other island countries. Obviously, they all came to participate in the Dressrosa competition and were drooling over the Wind-Wind Fruit.

Naruto even found several navy warships on the other side. This made him very confused: "So many pirate ships and warships gathered together, but they didn't fight?"

Luffy also scratched his head curiously and muttered to himself: "Yeah, it's strange..."

Usopp shouted excitedly: "Haha, it's so lively here! Maybe we can meet some interesting people here!"

Nami glared at him and warned: "Don't make trouble, don't forget the purpose of our coming here. "

Just then, a noise came from a passing ship. A handsome man in a white robe and riding a snow-white horse appeared at the bow, and he was quietly looking at the port.

After hearing Luffy's words, the mysterious man responded lightly: "Because this is Dressrosa, the king of this city, Doflamingo, has ordered that no one is allowed to fight in the port. If anyone violates this rule, Doflamingo will never let them go easily. "

Luffy and Usopp looked at the mysterious man with confusion.

"Do you know? Doflamingo is a man called Tian Yasha, and even the navy and the world government dare not provoke him easily. So, if you want to survive here, it's better not to cause trouble. "

Luffy and Usopp looked at each other, and they were more curious about the man in white.

"Thank you. "

However, after Luffy was in disguise, he thanked the mysterious man, but the man seemed a little dismissive.

"If you are also here to fight for the Fengfeng Fruit

If you are not here for the truth, then I advise you to give up as soon as possible. "


Luffy asked puzzled.

"Because this Wind-Wind Fruit is destined to belong to me! Hahahaha!"

The man in white said as he posed in a self-proclaimed handsome pose.

"Lord Cavendish!! You are so handsome!"

"I want to marry you!! "

Suddenly, there was a cheer from the port. A group of women were shouting slogans excitedly, with an obsessive light in their eyes.

It turned out that the mysterious man in white was the famous pirate - Cavendish.

At this time, Cavendish didn't know that the person in front of him was the supernova Luffy he hated two years ago. If he knew, he would probably rush up and fight.

He came to Dressrosa this time, on the one hand to snatch the Wind-Wind Fruit, and on the other hand to regain his limelight. After all, he has no attention now, and even the World News Agency is unwilling to report his news, which makes him very unhappy. So he chose to participate in this competition, hoping to take this opportunity to become the focus again.

After Cavendish left, Robin, the know-it-all of the Straw Hat Pirates, began to teach everyone again.

"Do you know who that person was just now?" Robin asked.

"Who is it?" Usopp asked curiously.

"He is the legendary White Horse Cavendish!" Robin replied.

"It turned out to be him! "Nami suddenly realized.

"Is he famous?" Chopper asked in confusion.

"Yes, he is a supernova pirate one year earlier than Luffy!" Robin explained.

"Originally he was a prince of a country, and the bounty, I remember it was close to 300 million Baileys." Robin tapped her head and said, she couldn't remember the exact amount.

"Ah, so high!" Sanji said in surprise.

"But why did he come here?" Usopp asked puzzled.

"Maybe to seize the devil fruit." Robin guessed.

"He looks very strong, I wonder if we will meet him in the duel arena. "Luffy looked at Cavendish who was moving away, and had a strong premonition in his heart that this person would be a powerful opponent.

And Naruto on the side knew that if nothing unexpected happened, this person would become Luffy's younger brother.

Some people are so-called "unknown to each other after fighting".

This Cavendish is such a person.

When the Straw Hat Pirates set foot on the land of Tokushima, it was already dark.

Even so, the port was still brightly lit. There were countless ships waiting to enter the port.

Royal Palace Heights.

Through the dim sky.

With sunglasses, Doflamingo looked at the location of the port and wondered what he was thinking.

"Dover, there is news."

Slug came hurriedly with Den Den Mushi.

"Is it Vergo?"

Mingge asked in a low voice.

"It's me."

"There is nothing on the island, including all the experimental subjects."

"Caesar and the Snow Girl are not here either. They were probably intercepted by Blackbeard's men. "

At this time on Ice and Fire Island.

Virgo, the vice admiral of the navy, was holding a Den Den Mushi and reporting to Mingo.

He immediately led the navy of the branch here after receiving the news, but unfortunately found nothing.

"I know, you should be careful. If the navy has an order, you can come to me."

Mingo had a gloomy face under his sunglasses.

Virgo's words basically confirmed that the research institute on Ice and Fire Island was attacked by Blackbeard.

And their next target may be the artificial fruit factory on Tokushima.


"Come on, come on, the more chaotic the better."

"Things are getting interesting! "

Although Mingge's words were calm, the slug beside him could hear endless anger.

With the accident at the research institute, he was already facing Kaido's questioning. If something happened at the factory again, Kaido would definitely not let him go.

And Blackbeard himself would definitely not come here.

If he sent a few men, Doflamingo was not afraid.

The only thing that could scare him was the Four Emperors themselves.

Somewhere on Dressrosa, the No. 1 captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Barges, watched the royal palace platform disappear into the darkness.

This time he acted alone in order to hide his identity.

"If you can get the Wind-Wind Fruit, you won't need the Power Fruit."

"After all, it's a natural system. It's much stronger than the superhuman system."

"But where exactly is Doflamingo's factory hidden?"

Barges was very confused in the dark.

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