The atmosphere in the arena was cold for a while, which made the host look a little embarrassed. After all, as a professional host, he couldn't arouse the enthusiasm of the audience, which was undoubtedly a denial of his hosting skills.

But the host had experienced big scenes after all, and he quickly adjusted himself and continued to say loudly: "Okay! Sorry for the long wait!"

"The characters have been introduced, so the next is the death arena that everyone likes to watch the most!!"

The host changed his words and no longer emphasized the background and strength of the players, but focused on the game itself, hoping to rekindle the passion of the audience.

Sure enough, when the host said this, the people in the audience immediately forgot the unpleasant episode just now, and the atmosphere began to become fanatical. They cheered and looked forward to this bloody and exciting battle.

"Great! Let's get started!"

"Let me see what the strong men in this new world are like."

"They can't be even inferior to our Dressrosa sword fighters!"

The audience was talking and waiting for the game to start excitedly. The host also took the opportunity to stir up the audience's emotions, making the whole scene more lively. With the sound of a gong, the game in the first division officially began.

"Huh? Where is Luffy? Where did he go again?"

"Forget it, forget about him. Let me see who will advance in the first division."

Naruto in the audience suddenly couldn't find Luffy, but he didn't care too much.

After all, the Straw Hat Boy has always been like this.

At this moment, more than 200 contestants in the arena also began to move.

As expected, as predicted before, seven or eight pirates surrounded Ediot in the middle. The others automatically gave up their positions, without intervening, just waiting.

"Ediot, be wise and jump off the stage and give up, otherwise we will make you suffer." A pirate with a scar on his face said fiercely.

However, they did this not out of kindness, but to save their energy. After all, there were more than 200 opponents on the stage to face.

However, Ediot did not respond after hearing this. Instead, he rushed towards the scarred pirate at an astonishing speed.


" fast!" Scarface was stunned and unbelievable.

"Destroy...the cannon!!" "As Ediot swung his long arms, a gust of wind whistled past, followed by a huge explosion that resounded throughout the venue.

"Did he hide a bomb in his arm? ! ! "

The shocking explosion almost affected the audience behind the arena.

When the smoke cleared.

The scar-faced pirate had already fallen in a pool of blood.

At the same time, the explosion eliminated more than 20 contestants around.

If Ediou didn't make a move, it would be fine. Once he did, his means were so fierce that he shocked all the remaining people on the field.

"I'll take one of the seven places. Do you have any objections?"

His voice was calm, but it carried a kind of majesty that no one could refute.

The others on the field fell silent. They looked at Ediou with complex lights in their eyes.

"If you don't have any objections, please do as you please. "Ediot said calmly.

His tone was relaxed, but the threat contained in it was self-evident.

The other pirates on the stage looked very ugly, gnashing their teeth, their hearts full of anger and unwillingness.

However, facing Ediot's powerful strength, they did not dare to attack him easily.

After all, even if one of the seven places was occupied, the remaining people still had a chance to compete for the other six.

And if you actively attack Ediot, there is only one result, that is, you will be eliminated.

In this situation Under such circumstances, no one is willing to take risks.

So despite the frustration in their hearts, these pirates can only choose to swallow their anger and stand aside silently. They no longer continue to attack Edieu, but look at the people around them with unfriendly faces.

Seeing this, Edieu raised his mouth slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

He knew that he had successfully shocked and intimidated these pirates, making them dare not easily attack him.

Now, as long as they hold on for a while, they can successfully enter the finals.

"Hehe, so the blood of the Riku royal family?"

A pirate smiled maliciously and looked Rebecca up and down.

"Doesn't she look bad? If it was in the past, I'm afraid

She is also a princess, but now she has become a prisoner sword fighter. "

Another pirate echoed, his eyes full of greed and lust.

"Let me see what is so special about you."

As they said, the two walked towards Rebecca.

Rebecca frowned slightly, but did not show much expression on her face.

Over the years, she has lived alone in this malicious place, and has long learned how to face all kinds of unbearable words.

Whether it is insults or ridicule, she can be calm.

Because she knows that she cannot be swayed by the words of the outside world, and only by keeping her heart firm can she survive.

So, when the two pirates approached, Rebecca still stood there quietly, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

Her eyes revealed a kind of indifference and perseverance, as if telling those who want to hurt her: "Come on, I'm not afraid! "

Faced with the siege of two pirates.

Rebecca was not panicked at all.

First, she dodged the attack of one person, and then used her sword to block the sneak attack of you from behind.

Then she chopped down both pirates with a sharp sword.

"Hmph, you are vulnerable."

Rebecca, who easily dealt with two opponents, was a little arrogant.

"Little girl, you are too arrogant! !"

At this time, several pirates rushed towards Rebecca.

When the audience saw this scene, the atmosphere became more and more excited.

"Drive this sinner off the stage. "

The audience shouted viciously.

They hated King Riku.

On the duel field, after a long battle, there were less than 30 contestants left out of more than 200 contestants.

At this time, Ediot was the most relaxed among the people present. He crossed his arms and looked relaxed and contented, in sharp contrast to the others.

And Rebecca was the most difficult one. Because almost all the remaining people were staring at Rebecca, as if they wanted to eat her alive.

"Asshole, I must not lose, I must hold on." Rebecca swore secretly in her heart. She gritted her teeth, supported her sword, and defeated two enemies again, but she herself had reached her limit and was seriously overdrawn.

"Little girl, your death is coming, get down! "A burly man holding a mace shouted, waving the mace to launch a fatal attack on Rebecca.

However, at this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Rebecca and blocked the attack of the burly man.

"It is really unbearable to see so many people bullying a little girl." It was Edieo who spoke.

"This battle is really too slow." Edieo's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a disdainful smile. Then, a violent explosion resounded throughout the arena.

"Edieo, you bastard, didn't you say you wouldn't attack?" The faces of the remaining pirates changed drastically. They didn't expect Edieo to suddenly attack, and it was such a powerful attack.

Edieo's attack directly knocked everyone in the arena away and cleared the venue. Only Rebecca and a few others were still standing there, looking at everything happening in front of them with astonishment.

"Oh! ! ”

“I didn’t expect the fight in the first division to end like this.”

“The seven people still standing in the field are the winners of the first division.”

The host shouted excitedly.

“I didn’t expect Rebecca to make it to the finals.”

“This Ediou is so annoying. Why does he care about other people’s business?”

“Yeah, why did he help Rebecca?”

“I think he wants to please that little girl.” ”

The audience was not very satisfied with the results of the first division. They thought they would see a fierce battle, but it ended in an unexpected way.

Rebecca's strength was not favored by everyone, and her entry into the finals surprised and dissatisfied many people. At the same time, Ediou's intervention also caused some controversy. Many people believed that he should not interfere with other players' battles and undermined the fairness of the game.

However, all this has become a fact and cannot be changed. After all, this is a game without any fairness and principles. Next, people can only expect the games in other divisions to bring more excitement and excitement.

After a short rest, about half an hour passed.

At this time, the staff in the arena began to get busy. They had to clean up the arena and reinforce the venue.

Soon, everything was ready, and the competition in the second division was about to start in full swing.

"Now, please welcome the 333 contestants from the second division to the stage!"

As the host's excited voice sounded, groups of contestants poured into the arena like a tide.

At the same time, the host began to introduce the contestants in the arena to everyone.

This time, since Rebecca did not appear in this competition area, the audience's enthusiasm was extremely high, and the atmosphere on the scene was extremely warm.

However, the ordinary Naruto used the transformation technique and hid in the crowd, not conspicuous at all.

Under the introduction of the host, Naruto was surprised to find that the "Fanku brothers" appeared in the second competition area.

These two are the ones who have the ability of the coat fruit.

Therefore, they are regarded as the hottest seeded players in the second competition area.

However, Naruto did not feel the slightest worry, after all, only seven people in this game can successfully advance.

In other words, as long as he can get one of the promotion spots, it will be enough.

"The second competition area competition officially begins!..."

With the announcement of the host, the arena suddenly boiled.

"Who will be the final winner? Let's wait and see!"

Naruto was a little surprised at the beginning of the second zone's competition.

Because of the experience of the first zone, the players in the second zone knew that they could not let the Fanku brothers continue to control the results of the game.

So, they decided to unite and eliminate the Fanku brothers first, and then compete for the remaining seven places. This proposal was quickly recognized by more than 300 players in the audience.

"That's right, kill the Fanku brothers first, so that they don't have to play tricks again." A pirate sneered.

"Good idea, let them taste our power." Another pirate echoed.

So, more than 300 players immediately reached a tacit understanding and attacked the Fanku brothers one after another.

Before the Fanku brothers could react, they were drowned in the sea of ​​people. Although they had the ability of the coat fruit, they seemed a little powerless in the face of so many enemies.

Seeing that the Fanku brothers were about to be eliminated, the audience on the sidelines cheered. The host on the stage was explaining excitedly: "Wow, it's so exciting! Is this the strength of the second division? It's so exciting!"

From the beginning to the end, Naruto has been wandering on the edge. He doesn't believe that the Fanku brothers will be solved so easily.

After all, these are people who dare to kill important people.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Brother Fanku shouted loudly: "Hey, hey, hey, what you are doing is against the rules! Host, I want to complain!!" However, his voice was drowned out by the noise on the scene. The host seemed to hear his voice, but ignored it.

After a while, the tall but timid brother Fanku fell to the ground, dying.

Brother Fanku was anxious. He tried to break free, but the players around him surrounded him tightly and didn't give him a chance to escape.

"What's the matter, are the Fanku brothers so weak?!" Naruto looked at the Fanku brothers who were about to be eliminated and was a little puzzled. Especially the younger brother, who was a capable person, lost consciousness first. This surprised him very much.

Just when Naruto was surprised, the situation on the field changed. The pirates who besieged the Fanku brothers were suddenly attacked fiercely.

"Asshole, I will pay back double for the people who hit me just now." Brother Fanku roared angrily.

"My brother, become my clothes!!" With a roar, the Fanku brothers showed their unique abilities.

In front of everyone, the elder brother stepped on the younger brother and unzipped him like a piece of clothing. This scene stunned everyone.

However, more shocking things are still to come. Brother Fanku, who is short and ruthless, wore his tall and timid younger brother as clothes. The two merged into one, and their strength suddenly increased greatly.

This peculiar way of fighting can only be done by the power of the devil fruit.

In the arena, the Fanku brothers, who were originally at a disadvantage, suddenly became extremely brave, and they began to attack other contestants indiscriminately. In less than half an hour, nearly three hundred contestants were knocked off the arena.

The remaining thirty or forty people were terrified. They watched their companions fall one by one, and their hearts were filled with fear and despair.

"Brother Fanku, stop it! We won't attack you again, please let us go." One of the contestants said in a trembling voice. However, before he finished speaking, he was punched out by one of the brothers Fanku.

"You guys are dreaming. There are only two of us brothers who are the winners of the second division. The rest of you, get out of here." Another of the brothers Fanku responded coldly. They were blood-thirsty and determined not to let anyone go.


Hearing this, the remaining contestants knew that they could not escape this cruel battle. So, they decided to compete with the Fanku brothers.

"Asshole, if that's the case, then fight it out!!" A contestant gnashed his teeth and shouted. As he shouted, other contestants also joined the battle.

A fierce battle broke out, and the remaining contestants gathered together and fought a desperate battle with the Fanku brothers. The entire arena was filled with tension and blood, and every collision caused a huge shock.

After a while, the winners standing in the field were still the Fanku brothers.

"Oh oh oh!! God, I didn't expect the result of the second competition area to be like this. The Fanku brothers eliminated all the other contestants with thunder!!"

The host shouted in surprise.

"I announce that the qualified contestants in the second competition area are..."

"Wait a minute!!"

Just when the host was about to announce the final result, he was suddenly interrupted by the Fanku brothers.

"What...what happened?"

The host looked at them in confusion, not knowing what had happened.

"There's still one person, the game isn't over yet."

The Fanku brothers smiled sinisterly and said, "It's really interesting."

Their eyes were fixed on a corner of the arena, and they shouted loudly, "Come out."

Hearing this, Naruto's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that he was discovered even though he hid so well.

Helplessly, he had to push the two pirates around him away, then patted the dust off his body and walked out of the corner.

"Sorry, I was discovered by you by accident."

Naruto scratched his head and said to the Fanku brothers, "Isn't this good? It would be great if the three of us could advance together."

"And I didn't participate in the siege just now. I was just a bystander."

Naruto didn't want to take action. After all, once he took action, it would be easy to expose his true identity.

The appearance of Naruto made the host and the audience whisper.

"Did this guy just pretend to be dead?!"

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