The two of them were walking fast in the passage, but Naruto and Luffy didn't know that Pica was waiting for them on the first floor.

At the same time, after confirming that there was a riot in Dressrosa and the Straw Hat Boys and the group of contestants were making a big fuss, Traman, who had a blood feud with Doflamingo, came to the back of the palace platform alone.

There is a small path leading to the palace. Traman can use his fruit ability to avoid the layers of guards in front and reach the inside of the palace directly.

"Clown, your doomsday has come."

"This time the matter is so big that the World Government can't protect you."

Traman has been waiting for this day for too long. He has been looking for an opportunity and finally waited for this moment.

In fact, the things on the Ice and Fire Island were planned by him, all for the purpose of realizing his plan.

First, he revealed the news of artificial fruit research on the Ice and Fire Island to the ambitious Blackbeard through the underground black market.

This news was undoubtedly a huge temptation for Blackbeard, because he had always longed to have a stronger force to realize his ambitions.

Sure enough, Blackbeard was very excited after receiving the news, and immediately sent a capable cadre to the Ice and Fire Island to spy on the news. The cadre soon brought back conclusive information: artificial fruits were indeed being studied and had achieved real success. This surprised Blackbeard, and he realized the secret of those animal-type ability users under Kaido.

So, Blackbeard sent several captains to attack the Ice and Fire Island without hesitation, and captured all the scientist Caesar and other relevant personnel and brought them back to their base camp.

This action not only made Kaido lose important scientific research resources, but also made him extremely dissatisfied with Mingge.

However, this was only part of Traman's plan. He originally planned to sneak into Dressrosa alone, destroy the factory that made artificial fruits, make Kaido completely furious, and then take action to get rid of the clown. But now, the situation seems to have become more complicated.

After Teran came to the island, especially when he saw the intervention of the ninja, his thoughts changed.

Originally, he planned to use the hands of others to solve the problem, but now he decided to take action himself and kill Doflamingo personally to avenge his blood feud.



As Teran activated the fruit ability, his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, and a stone fell from where he was standing just now.

Above the palace, Mingge, who activated the birdcage, had a very gloomy face. At this moment, all the cadres of the Don Quixote family, except Torre, have taken action.

However, what Mingge didn't know was that in addition to Diamante and Gladius, the half-merman Derringer had also been defeated. The cadres of the family suffered huge losses, and now only Pica and Torre are the highest-level cadres.

"Huh?" Mingge frowned slightly, with a hint of surprise and confusion on his face.

"A little bug that has escaped for many years has secretly returned." Mingge said with a slightly mocking tone.

"Trazi, you dare to come to the palace!" The Great Saint Torre on the side shouted with his eyes wide open.

Traman was originally one of the four major cadres of the Doflamingo family, and the one Mingge valued the most. After all, the operation fruit has an extremely powerful ability-it can help a person gain eternal life.

In Mingge's heart, this opportunity for eternal life was prepared for him. However, a series of things happened later, which made Traman ruthlessly choose to betray the family and embark on the road to the sea alone.


For the questioning of the two, Traman did not respond, but directly took action.


Torre on the side immediately blocked Mingge when he saw this.

"You little brat, you dare to attack Dover!"

"I won't let you go!"

Facing the ability of Traman, Torre did not dare to be careless. After all, the most effective way to restrain the operation fruit is Haki.

However, Torre is not proficient in Armament Haki.

When the sharp cutting slash passed through his body like lightning, Ming Ge unexpectedly stood up and came to the front, like an indestructible mountain, standing firmly in place, motionless.

However, what is more shocking is that despite such a powerful attack, Ming Ge was unscathed!

"Traman, Dover!

Even if Fu stands still, you can't defeat him, so you'd better admit defeat as soon as possible. "

Torre behind Mingge relied on Mingge's strength and laughed at Traman triumphantly. Just now, Dover just showed his domineering power a little bit, and Traman was still the same as before, unable to hurt him at all.

"This time, I will never let you escape again." Mingge said in a cold tone. "You will be trapped in Drerosa forever and become the sacrifice of my immortality operation." At this moment, Mingge has lost all patience with Traman and is determined to keep him here forever.

"You are dreaming!"

Traman said expressionlessly. He escaped from Drerosa and practiced for so many years just for today.

"Then try it, let me see how you have grown over the years. "

Ming Ge raised his hand and pointed at Traman, and in an instant some invisible lines fell from the sky.

Traman also immediately fought back, using his ability to cut the surrounding lines.

A fierce battle was going on on the high ground of the palace. At this time, the location of the first floor was also caught in a fierce battle.

Naruto and Luffy, who were speeding in the passage, were suddenly attacked by the enemy. Countless sharp earth spikes suddenly emerged from the walls on both sides, like fangs, trying to pierce their bodies.

"Be careful! "Naruto, who possessed the Haki of Observation, was keenly aware of the danger and warned loudly. At the same time, his body reacted quickly and dodged the attack of the earth spikes.

Luffy also did not hesitate at all. After dodging the attack of the earth spikes, he punched the earth spikes in front of him. With a crisp sound, the earth spikes were easily shattered into countless pieces.

Naruto followed closely behind, his eyes full of vigilance. Because the enemy coming this time will definitely not be a weakling.

The two watched the light of the exit getting closer and closer, and their hearts were full of expectations and joy. They were about to leave this long passage. However, just as they were about to leave the passage, an accident happened.

Suddenly, the ground began to It shook violently, as if the whole world was shaking. Naruto was surprised to find that the surrounding walls also began to move, as if controlled by an invisible force. The walls began to twist and deform, and the originally flat surface became uneven, and even cracks appeared.

What's more terrifying is that the walls seem to have lost control. They are no longer vertical and parallel, but are tightened quickly like a rag. This means that the entire space is shrinking rapidly, and they are trapped in it.

As the walls shrink, the space becomes smaller and smaller, and the air becomes thinner. Naruto knows that if they can't find a way out as soon as possible, they will be ruthlessly squeezed and even suffocated to death.

"Rasengan!! "

Naruto made a prompt decision, stretched out his right hand and began to condense chakra, forming a high-speed rotating blue sphere, and then pushed it forward violently, attacking the wall blocking the exit.

With a deafening roar, the entire palace seemed to tremble, and the wall of the exit was instantly broken by the powerful Rasengan, shattered stones flew everywhere, and raised a cloud of dust.

Naruto and Luffy passed through the broken wall without hesitation and successfully came to the first floor of the palace.

"Why do those walls and the ground suddenly seem to come alive? Is it a person with special abilities?" Luffy looked around solemnly and said vigilantly.

The abnormal changes in these walls and the ground are by no means ordinary phenomena, and are likely related to some special abilities.

"Well, this ability is a superhuman devil fruit. If I guess correctly, it should be the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family-Pica. "Naruto frowned and said.

I was very impressed by Pica's ability. After all, although this fruit belongs to the superhuman system, it actually has extremely powerful abilities.

As long as there are stones, Pica can integrate with them and manipulate them at will. This makes him an extremely difficult opponent and elusive.

"Mysterious yellow-haired man Uzumaki Naruto, I didn't expect you to know my name."

The sharp voice echoed in the empty space, as if it came from another world.

"Puhahahaha! !"

Suddenly, a bold and unrestrained laughter broke the silence and resounded throughout the first floor. This laughter was full of vitality and unrestrained breath.

This made the family soldiers hidden on the first floor sweat, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their faces showed terrified expressions.

They all knew that Pica cared most about his voice. If someone dared to laugh in front of him, no matter what the reason, Pica would kill that person without hesitation, because Pica would think that was laughing at him.

"The Straw Hat Boy is dead now!"

"He will be tortured miserably!"

A soldier said confidently, his eyes full of fear and worry.

The other soldiers nodded in agreement, praying in their hearts that this terrible Pika would not take his anger out on them.

"Kill them!"

"I want them both to die without a complete body!"

Pika, who was somewhere, shouted angrily.

It had been a long time since anyone dared to laugh at him so recklessly.


As Pika's voice fell, countless soldiers from the Don Quixote family appeared around the first floor.

They surrounded the Straw Hat Boy and Uzumaki Naruto.


I don't know who gave the order, the soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the two. With an order, dense gunfire rang out, and countless bullets whizzed towards them.

"Be careful, the Straw Hat Boy is a capable person!" a voice suddenly shouted.

But it was too late.

Bullets rained down on Luffy and embedded in his body. However, a smile appeared on Luffy's face.

"Too late!!"

He shouted, and his body instantly became huge, and then shrank suddenly.

"All back to you!!"

The bullets embedded in his body seemed to be rebounded by a powerful force, shooting at the soldiers with faster speed and greater power.

For a moment, screams continued, and a group of soldiers fell to the ground, bleeding all over the ground.

"You can't use guns against the Straw Hat Boy, he is a rubber man, use swords to kill him!!"

A small cadre commanded.

However, when the soldiers came up with swords, Naruto's ghostly figure appeared.

The kunai in his hand became the nightmare of these soldiers at this moment, and they kept harvesting.

Naruto and Luffy cooperated with each other. Even if these ordinary soldiers were elite, how could they compare with the elite of the navy.

Even the two navy soldiers were not afraid at all.

"Ah! Ahh ... This stone giant is Pika, who exudes a powerful aura that makes people feel cold.

"Die!!" Pika roared, commanding the stone giant to attack the two. One of the stone giants stretched out his thick arms and slammed heavily to the ground.

This attack was so powerful that if it hit the two, they would instantly turn into meat patties. Even if Luffy was a rubber man, Pika was not worried, because he knew that as long as he hit him with the stone wall, he could remove the opponent's fruit ability and let Luffy be trapped under the mountain forever.

Facing the attack, Naruto and Luffy did not speak, but just looked at each other.

The two quickly distanced themselves and moved in the opposite direction, and Pika chose to chase the Straw Hat Boy without hesitation, who dared to laugh at him.

Seeing Pika being fooled, Luffy couldn't help but smile.

Naruto on the other side jumped up and jumped onto Pika's body, running vertically towards Pika's head.


Pika noticed Naruto's actions and felt incredible.

"Is this a ninja?"

The stone giant suddenly stopped moving, and a small stone man appeared in Naruto's way.

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