One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 101 - teacher Krokdal was stunned (57 Ordering)

Chapter 101 – teacher? Krokdal was stunned! [5/7 Ordering]

This content was first published on The desert without man’s land in southwestern Alabastan.

The terrifying sandstorm rolled up the yellow sand in the sky, forming a sand wall.

The desert land with a radius of one thousand meters is dancing as if it has life. More than a dozen huge desert tornadoes spin and collide like a spinning top.

This horrible scene continued for three whole days and three nights.

Three days ago.

At Rollin’s request, Krokdal left a group of senior agents to deal with the aftermath and takeover of various parts of the East China Sea.

He took the spoils of the East China Sea trip and returned to Alabastan first.

At that moment.

General Huang Yuan, who had stayed in Alabastan for half a month, appeared.


A shocking battle between Qiwuhai and the generals of the navy started.

So far, it has been more than three days.

If the strong men in the world were to be informed of the battle that took place here, they would inevitably be shocked to no avail.

It’s not just because of the big fight between Qiwuhai and the admiral.

It was even more because Krokdal was able to compete with the highest combat power of the navy headquarters for three days. Above this sea, although there is always a saying that the navy, the seven martial seas, and the four emperors check and balance each other.

But in fact, a single Qiwuhai, except for the world’s largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, the other six people.

The hard power is far inferior to the four emperors and general level masters standing at the top of the world.

The most obvious comparison is that as Qiwu Haiduo Flamenco, when he heard Kaido from the beast get angry, he would even startle in a cold sweat unconsciously.

In this way, it is only a matter of Krokdal, who is only a mere Qiwuhai, who can meet the general five to five, which is naturally worthy of shock.

Of course, Krokdal, who has always been confident, would not agree with people’s views.

What is Qiwuhai inferior to a general?

Why can an eagle eye be able to stand alone and be higher than him!

He opened Krokdal at fifty-five, which was also the master of brilliant record before.

More than twenty years ago, he fought against the monster Barrett, who was 50-50 against Pluto Raleigh.

Now the third of the four emperors, Auntie, Kaido, and White Beard, he has all faced each other head-to-head, but there is nothing to lose.

Even Roger, the Pirate King, had one move against him, regardless of the outcome, it can be said to be 50-50.

Except for the accident not long ago, he hasn’t really been defeated.

How can he be a false name for his crocodile?

In particular, he is still in his own desert home field, occupying the best location. Even if the opponent is an admiral, Krokdal is true.

Not for nothing, not for nothing-

After going on like this, I still feel a little bored.

“Goo~ha~ha~ha, the yellow monkey, do you just know to hide around”~? “Klockdale enthusiastically said.

For Huang Yuan’s three days of relying on his own extreme speed and constant evasion behavior, Klockdal said he was very upset.

When he started fighting with Huang Yuan three days ago, he was very motivated.

However, over time.

The more Krokodall fought, the more it became unpleasant.

Because in his feelings.

The yellow monkey in the Navy seems to be just taking him to pass the time!

“Oh oh oh, because it’s so scary, these tornadoes

In mid-air, countless golden photons condensed into the appearance of the general Huang Yuan.

One bite is terrible.

One finger and one laser blasted the desert tornado in front of him.(Read more @

“The clothes will get dirty!”

Huang Yuan, the general who lightly exploded the tornado, pouted and said the second half.

039 Crunchy

Klockdal gritted his teeth. There are blue veins bouncing on his forehead.

Huang Yuan’s casual tone.

There is also that far-fetched reason, which all stimulated his proud nerves.

“Deception too much”

“Asshole yolk monkey, are you underestimating me?”

Krokdal broke out.

More than a dozen desert tornadoes aggregated into one under his control, one after another,


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Crushed towards the yellow ape.

039 Boom 039

This time.

General Huang Yuan could not dodge, or in other words, did not dodge.

Because he saw a person on the horizon.

‘Wow 039

The general Huang Yuan who stood still in the air was cut into countless light particles under the raging tornado storm.

“Goohahaha, deserve it, yellow monkey.” Klockdal laughed triumphantly.

“It’s really annoying, Sand Crocodile.

In the next second, the smile on Krokdal’s face stopped abruptly, and a look of anger appeared instead. Huang Yuan, the general who broke into light particles in the tornado storm, suddenly flashed in front of him, raising his right leg high.

It’s not the speed of light kicking with dazzling golden light.

It’s just a kick of ordinary armed sex.

In the previous three days, Huang Yuan had never shown his armed color. As soon as he appeared at this time, Krokdal was caught off guard.

039 Boom

There was a loud noise.

Krokdal was hit by the foot of the general Huang Yuan and flew tens of hundreds of meters away.

Finish this kick.

Huang Yuan didn’t look at Krokdal anymore, his eyes filled with thousands of mixed emotions always looked at the south side.

The expression on a wretched old face gradually became agitated.

He left his skinny hands from his pockets, and hurriedly sorted out the corners of his clothes that had been tossed by the wind and sand. The little nervous look on his face didn’t have the power of being an admiral at all, and it was more like an innocent boy who is about to go on a blind date.

Or maybe it’s a small fan who is about to reunite with the idol that he longs for in his heart. “‘Bastard

Krokdal, who was kicked by the yellow ape, just wanted to fight back violently.

However, if the words were not spoken, the beans stopped.

Because I don’t know when someone walked behind him, raised his hand and pressed his head.

Krokdahl was startled first, then furious.

However, when he saw the person coming, Crocker Dalton shrank his head.

“came back”

After a moment of heartache, a ray of excitement flashed across Klockdal’s face involuntarily.

The corners of his mouth opened an arc, with a gleeful smile looking at the general Huang Yuan who was a hundred meters away (well, Zhao).

“Okay, you yellow monkey, haven’t you been very good these three days? Try another good in front of this one.

“Do you think I can’t do anything with you, and others can’t do it?”

“Don’t you want to see the person behind me? Now he is here, and he is going to heal you severely. Klockdal looked at the yellow ape, who was gradually restrained under the pressure of Luo Lin, and his gloating expression on his face gradually changed. Big.

Inwardly, he was ready for a series of ridicule.

After all, in the past three days, he was really frustrated by Huang Yuan’s rogue warfare.

Finally, under the gaze of Krokdal’s expectation, the distance between Luo Lin and Huang Yuan was narrowed to within ten meters.

The world seems to be quiet at this moment

After a while, the general Huang Yuan finally spoke.

“Teacher, welcome back!”

Klockdal: “Huh???”

o ((0_0)) o! ! !


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