One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 119 - Whitebeards ominous premonition is getting stronger

Chapter 119 – Whitebeard’s ominous premonition is getting stronger

This content was first published on New World.

The underground trading port of Dressrosa.

It’s still that special video room.

Doflamingo, the biggest dark broker in the underground, has his legs folded and his expression is calm.

One screen after another stood in the room. The shadows of the kings of the dark underground are projected.

At the same time, there are three other independent screens in the center. The above shows the scene far away on the other side of the red earth continent.

It was a spectacular scene of a fleet of one hundred pirates smashing to Alabastan.

“Hahahaha, clown, don’t say brother I didn’t take care of you, I will invite you to a big show today!”

Lufield, the king of loan sharks, laughed.

“It’s about to start! The good show I’ve been looking forward to for a long time is about to be staged, cut it!”

The organ dealer Jigula treacherously laughed.

“I want to save this video and show it to the sand crocodile-it will be interesting.”

Sea King Umit grinned.

The predators of other dark worlds also have relaxed smiles.

Quietly waiting for the scene of 039 Hwaseong City’s being turned into ruins under the gunfire.

039 Bang Bang Bang 039

The shelling finally sounded. “Five 80”

“It’s started.” Lufield, Gigula, Umit and others exclaimed excitedly.

But the next moment.

All the cannonballs in the huge simulated projection screen ‘disappeared 039. In other words, it was completely covered by a burst of green light.

“How is this going?”

“Is there something in the eyes that affected the phone bug?

“Damn it, those ineffective subordinates can’t even do this little thing well, it’s a rare good show.

“Recover soon.”

The predators of the dark world opened their mouths in dissatisfaction.


At this moment, Doflamingo, who had kept absolute calm before, suddenly got up.

He stared at the 039 green light, or knife light, without blinking.

Astonishment gradually appeared on his face.

“This eagle-eyed bastard!”

“what did you say!!!”

“Joker, what are you talking about? That Qiwu Haiying Mihawk? Just kidding.”

“The world’s largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, how could he be there? Impossible!”

“What a joke!”

“If it’s Hawkeye, I will be there! Eat up this screen!”-

The dark predators shook their heads, expressing their disbelief.

In the next second, the full green light on the screen converges.

One of the three video projections is black.

The other two showed figures floating on the sea and the wreckage of a ship that had been chopped in half.

Countless shouts mixed with shock and fear came.

“We ship

“Who is it? Cut off our ship!”

“Is that horrible green blade light, can it be that eagle eye?”

“Look over there, it’s really Hawkeye Mihawk!!!”

The horrified screams of the pirates came from the phone worm.

One of the screencasts showed an eagle-eye’s heroic posture standing in the wind holding a black knife.

So the dark bosses were silent.

039 Click

One of the phone worms had a broken screen, and it seemed to be missing a piece.


What followed was the sound of people gritting their teeth.

“Hawkeye Mihawk!!!” “It turned out to be that bastard!”

“Damn it, something that hinders us!”

The expressions on the faces of the predators of the dark forces gradually became hideous. However, the next moment, something even more shocking happened to them.(Read more @

Without warning,-an iron ball that seemed to be so big that it occupies the entire screen.

There was only a loud bang.

Another remote projection screen went dark, representing the sacrifice of another videophone worm.

“What’s going on this time?” the organ dealer Jigula yelled.

His question was quickly answered.


“”It’s Karp of Naval Heroes! “The Lieutenant General Karp is there!” ”

“Asshole Jigula, dare to lie to Laozi to die!”

“Umit, if I can go back this time! I will definitely kill you!”

The eyes of the last special video phone worm were locked on the old man who threw the huge iron ball on the coast–

Reflecting the stalwart figure of the naval hero, Lieutenant General Capuna.

The pirates screamed in horror again from the telephone bug. There were even more angry roars from the pirate captains of the New World.

This time they accepted the commission of the dark forces to come to the paradise, only for the purpose of making a fortune.

But now?

First, the eagle eye suddenly appeared.

Now even Kapu, the naval hero Kapu has appeared!

If they weren’t panic about the Lone Ranger Hawkeye


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Then, facing the navy hero Karp, they are completely scared.

Originally thought it was a cheap thing to catch, but now it has become a terrible one.

How can this be accepted by the powerful pirates of the new world? At this moment, it is not just the pirates who participated in the Hwaseong attack.

When the naval hero Karp appeared, the dark predators who participated in this video conference also showed extreme horror on their faces one after another.

The whole audience was silent.

All that was left was the yelling of fear and anger from the phone worm.

It’s not just Hawkeye Mihawk, the world’s number one swordsman. Even the navy hero Karp appeared there? What kind of trouble is this! ! !

Why is there so many world’s top powerhouses gathered in that ghost place? ? ? –

The hearts of the underground dark kings are already roaring crazily.

The last screencast still listened.

The dark predators of Ling were able to witness the final result with their own eyes.

Hawkeye Mihawk made another cut and cut open the sea!

Karp stepped on Yuebu Zhenzhen to attack, his iron fist turned in the air, and the sea burst! The alternate general Taotu Gion swung his sword, and the golden sword gleamed brightly, illuminating the night!

Two giants servicing the wind, carrying huge stone bars, jumped into the sea and swept through thousands of troops.

The last special video call worm sacrificed.

In the video conference room, there is no doubt that there is no sound. They lost. A complete defeat.

The screen went dark one by one.

Luffield, Umit, Jigula and others went offline one after another.

On the surface, they looked calm, but Doflamingo could already imagine them being hysterical and roaring wildly.

In the end, only Morgans remained.

“Hahahaha, this is really the best drama, full of drama, full of reversals, and at the same time full of majestic explosions, clown, goodbye, no later than tomorrow, no later than tomorrow, I will let this news spread all over the sea!! !”

Morgans yelled in excitement and left the assembly line.

In the dark conference room, Doflamingo sat in a chair, his face gloomy and inexplicable. “Eagle Eye is there, even the Navy Kapu and Peach Rabbit are there, Navy Sand Crocodile, who is the person behind you? It seems that I need to go to the South China Sea to have a good talk with you!”


Middle middle

The 039 Hwaseong attack incident in Alabastan, 039, was spread to the world at the fastest speed under the operation of the president of the World Economic News Morgans.

As a result, the entire sea was shocked! ! !

South China Sea.

“Hey~ha~ha~Yu, I’ve said long ago that arbitrarily attacking Hwaseong Fortress is the worst decision you have made.”

Krokdal relentlessly ridiculed the agents of the dark forces in front of him.

“Bastard sand crocodile, why is Hawkeye there? Why is that Karp also there!!!”


‘Sandstorm’s Great Burial’

The weathered land and desert swallowed everything on the island.

“Why are Hawkeye and Karp here? Of course it’s because of the legend!” Klockdal said quietly.

New world.

“Boss, Boss”

Little Fatty Lazilu waved the newly released newspaper and ran to the Four Emperors redhead excitedly. “Look, look, Hawkeye is on the news again, this time 00 is in Alabastan.”

“But why did the eagle-eye guy come to the sand crocodile’s site? It was the same in the previous time in the East China Sea. Is it possible that he was chasing the sand crocodile?” Jesus doubted.

“No, that Hawkeye is only interested in people and things related to 039 Jian 039, or” Ben Beckman thought.

“Maybe there is a kendo master standing behind that sand crocodile, but that’s not necessarily hahahaha.

“The Four Emperors red-haired Shanks laughed.

New World Sky Island.

The White Beard Pirates, the Moby Dick.

“The kendo 039 master that Hawkeye is looking for, the bastard Karp went to Alabastan on purpose, and the Hwaseong Fortress with a layout extremely similar to the navy headquarters.

“Why is my ominous premonition getting stronger and stronger? Could it be that the bastard is back? He really is not dead? Can’t it!”

Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the world, the white beard, was lost in thought.

“Father, what are you talking about? Who is back?” the first team captain Marco asked puzzledly.

“No, it’s nothing, Kurala la la la.” White Beard laughed, covering up his guilty conscience.

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