One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 125 - Ainilu heart palpitations Ganfore excited (17

Chapter 125 – Ainilu heart palpitations Ganfore excited [1/7

This content was first published on “Are you, you, are you the descendants of Nolando?”

Under Luo Lin’s reminder, the old chief of Sandia finally turned his attention to the Vembranculik who was aside for the first time.

When he noticed the special chestnut on Vembrankulik’s head, the old chief suddenly widened his eyes in shock and screamed.

“Yes! Kulick, who had been depressed for a long time, flushed his eyes and nodded heavily. “I finally saw you. My ancestor is Nolando, who was Nolando four hundred years ago. ”

The conversation between the old chief and Kulik is naturally impossible for the surrounding Shandia people to hear.

The first young man to rush forward with a ghostly expression is naturally Weber, who is known as a war ghost. The war ghost Webber, who did not kneel before God, was excited at this moment.

He is a descendant of the warrior Calgala.

Four hundred years ago, the last wish of his ancestor Calgala before his death was to recapture his hometown and the golden bell.

One of the important reasons why Calgala is so obsessed with regaining the golden bell is to let the best friends of Qinghai come to hear the golden bell again and know where they are.

It’s a pity that he couldn’t fulfill this wish until his death.

Until his death, the great soldier never saw his best friend again.

But now.

Their offspring-the war ghost Webber and Vembrancoulik, will see you in the end.

The promises that have been separated by four hundred years finally have a result.

As the identity of Uncle Lizitou Kulik was revealed, the whole banquet became more and more lively, and the noise went up to the sky.

At this moment.

Apayato, the island of gods, is attached to the upper island cloud of the huge bean vines, the residence of the gods.

The big-eared boy wearing a white headscarf, Ainilu, who has the strongest natural ability to tie thunder fruits, lay leisurely on the fur chair, gnawing the red apple in his hand.

“It’s really noisy today!”

At a certain moment, the leisurely expression on Ainilu’s face stagnated. : With the electric waves of the fruit of his own thunder, combined with the domineering look and hearing known as the heart network, he can easily monitor the noises within the entire sky island range.

The cheers of Yunyin Village, where the Shandia people were located, naturally couldn’t escape his perception.

“The laughter of those Sandia people is really unpleasant

An expression of disgust appeared on Ainilu’s face.

“Master Anilu, should I lead the team to destroy them?”

The wide-bodied god soldier grew up and spoke up.

“No, there is not much time left anyway, just let them have a good smile at the end, yehahahaha.”

Ainilu laughed cruelly, and the soldiers in Ling’s costumes were unconsciously blasted.

After a while, the laugh on Ainilu’s face solidified, and then turned into stunned and puzzled. Because he discovered that Yunyin Village that should have been in his perception-disappeared?

It is of course a good thing that those Sandia’s disliked laughter disappeared.

But why can’t even their usual voice be heard?

How is this going?

Is it possible that someone or something there is blocking his heart network electric wave?

Thinking of this, Anilu gave birth to an inexplicable agitation and heart palpitations for no reason, which was an emotion that had never appeared before.

“Give my order, let Shura go to Shandia to check the situation.” Anilu said irritably.

After saying this, before the reaction of his soldiers, Anilu’s figure became elemental and disappeared in an instant.

Only a moment later.

Ainilu came to a secret cave on the island.

A huge golden ark is floating.(Read more @

Hundreds of young workers in the sky are stepping up time to carry out the final improvement work on the Golden Ark.

Looking at the golden ark still shining in the dark, the inexplicable agitation in Ainilu’s heart could not help but ease a lot.

The lightning flashed again.

This time, Ainilu came to the belly of the mountain.

This is the God’s space that only belongs to the 039 God, and only he who is the 039 God 039 can reach.

In the middle of the space, there is a huge golden clock shining in the dark.

039 When 039

Ainilu one-punch on the golden clock.

So the melodious golden bell reverberated in this confined space of God, surrounding him for a long time.



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bsp; An intoxicated look suddenly appeared on Aini Road’s face, and the last bit of throbbing and restlessness in his heart disappeared with the sound of the golden bell.

“Quickly, the final God’s judgment time is about to come!”

Ainilu spoke with a look of intoxication.

“Only the real strong are qualified to go to the infinite land as my subordinates. As for the others, just join this sky island and perish under the judgment of God!!!”

Yunyin Village.

Kulik, the descendant of Nolando, helped to divide the attention of the Sandia, and Luo Lin finally received less attention.

Especially after shielding the guy who was spying on him without authorization, it is naturally more enjoyable to drink.

“Master Luo Lin, what’s the matter with you?”

The old chief followed Luo Lin’s line of sight and looked towards the sky, naturally he couldn’t see anything. Because whether it is the heart network electric wave of Ainilu, or Luolin’s many extreme seeing and hearing above Ainilu, it is not something that the naked eye can see.

The only one in the village who can feel the change is probably only the little Aisha who is born to awaken and see the domineering look.

“Master Luo Lin, are you waiting for Gan Fuer?”

The old chief who didn’t get Luo Lin’s answer guessed.

“Gan Fuer, is that guy okay?” Luo Lin asked casually.

Forty-six years ago, together with the old chief, the representative of the sky island whom Luo Lin valued was Gan Fuer, who is known as the sky riding the earth.


The old chief nodded.

“That guy Ganfor is still alive. I have already notified him through the’whistle.’ I believe he will arrive soon. I don’t know what the old guy would look like when he saw Lord Luo Lin. ?” The old chief said expectantly.

“Come on, Lord Luo Lin, I will toast you again!”


Rollin toasted. at the same time.

The ancient altar of Apayato, the island of gods, and the island cloud on the other side, each had a figure soaring into the sky, galloping towards the same destination.

The distances are similar, and the destinations are the same. Naturally, encounters are inevitable.

“Knight of the sky, Shura, what are you trying to do in Yunyin Village?”

In the sky outside Yunyin Village, a group of sky knights Gan Fuer riding a group of pink horses raised the knight’s spear in his hand and shouted angrily.

“Isn’t this the sky knight Ganfuer, don’t you finally want to continue hiding, Ganfuer, since you met today, then please go to (Zhao of Qian) to die. On this empty island, the one who is in charge of the sky There can only be one knight, and that is my heavenly knight Shura!

One of the powerful officers of Anilu, Shura, one of the four great priests, stood on the flying mount, the cross-legged three-zhang bird, and opened his mouth majesticly.

However, just the next second after his voice fell, the sudden change occurred.

The three-zhang bird flying up to the sky carrying him cross-legged, his eyes widened without warning, his body stiffened, and finally fell straight toward the sea of ​​clouds.

Ever since, the knight in the sky is left alone Ganfor.

In the sky, Gan Fuer and the mount Pegasus Pierre looked at Shura who suddenly fell with dumbfounded faces, and then their eyes fell to Yunyin Village not far away.

After seeing a certain figure in the village, the sky knight Ganfor’s old eyes suddenly widened.

The shock, excitement, and endless joy were all overwhelmed by words.

“Master Luo Lin, you are back!!!”

Chapter s123 is released, you may not believe it. Chapter 123 is closed because a few words are shared with the center and read backwards.

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